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Welcome to SHIZUKO's Official Myspace

About Me

English description:
"Shizuko" was formed in 2006 by former "Shizuko Overdrive" members Eve (vocs), Horatio (bass) and Kevoc (guitars). The band is well-known for energetic live appereances and is currently working on new material. Shizuko's style is difficult to describe, cause the three musicians only follow their musical instincts, not trends or outside expectations. The music is pushing rock with a touch of synth sounds and strong attitude.
Deutsche Bandinfo:
Die Band "Shizuko", bestehend aus Sängerin Eve, Gitarrist Kevoc und Bassist & Elektronikspezialist Horatio formierte sich im Herbst 2006 nach Auflösung der Vorgängerband "Shizuko Overdrive". "Shizuko Overdrive" hatte seinerzeit ein Debütalbum und ein sehr erfolgreiches Musikvideo veröffentlicht, scheiterte letztendlich jedoch an der Unvereinbarkeit der musikalischen Zukunftsvorstellungen seiner Mitglieder, und so trennten sich die Wege von Drummer Gordon Zagon und den restlichen drei Bandmitgliedern.
Kevoc, Horatio und Eve beschlossen, gemeinsam neue Wege zu erkunden, und so setzt "Shizuko" nun vermehrt auf neue Impulse und Ideen. Verstärkt halten elektronische Elemente Einzug in die gitarrenlastigen Songs, und programmierte Drums treten an die Stelle eines echten Schlagzeugers.
In Horatio's "StarShipStudio" arbeitet die Band voller Tatendrang an neuen Songs, welche noch im Spätherbst 2006 auch live einem breiteren Publikum vorgestellt werden.
Shizuko: For You - Live at K17 Berlin 2006 Bootleg
Add this video to My Profile

My Interests


Member Since: 9/26/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Evangeline Cooper
(Vocs, Songwriting)

Horatio C. Luvcraft
(Bass, Electronics, Songwriting)

(Guitars, Songwriting)

Influences: Kevocs influences:
Depeche Mode, The Ramones, Carter USM, The Clash, The Cure

Eveys influences:
Red Bull, Pancakes & Spicy Apple incense

Horatios influences:
Ikon, Skeletal Family, Queensryche

Sounds Like: Music, it sure does sound like music.
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The latest Shizuko news

Hey everybody!!!Long time no see!!!So here's the latest news from Shizuko. It's been a while since the last blog but we're not gone.We know that there hasn't been much news lately. That's NOT because ...
Posted by Shizuko on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 03:34:00 PST

new song on the way

Hey everybody!!!,we've launched the preview of a new song with the working title "Idol" on our profile. We thougt you should see what we're up to at the moment.Please feel free to leave a comment. We'...
Posted by Shizuko on Sat, 12 May 2007 12:10:00 PST

Profile relaunch & recording session @ Danse Macabre Studios

Dear friends,today we relaunched the profile (minor changes still to be made during the next few days).Last weekend we spent some time at the Danse Macabre Studios, where our dear friend Bruno Kramm (...
Posted by Shizuko on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:09:00 PST