Mark profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Widowed marketing executive with open-minded outlook and eclectic interests. Travel extensively on business and for pleasure. Enjoy baseball, comedy, theater, well-written movies, art, debate, fine wines and good dinners, and treasured out of the way places.Though I live in the Chicago area, I also have a getaway condo in New Mexico near the mountains. Also have a time-share in New Orleans and hope the city keeps on coming back!There is a breathtakingly simple philosophy about relationships to which I adhere: Have an insatiable appetite for making friends and let the activites together nourish your spirit and life. But don't promise more than you can deliver and don't create false expectations.! Can converse intelligently on a variety of subjects.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hoping to get acquainted with you if you are smart, spontaneous, unique in style and self-confident.


Blues, jazz and Reggae are favorites. Pop, Latin, lite rock and classic rock are close seconds. Into just about every genre at one time or another except angry and obscene rap.


Have you seen the Year of Living Dangerously, Le Retour de Martin Guerre, and My Favorite Year? Three of the best of their types made 25 years ago. More recent favorites include I'm Not There, Million Dollar Baby, Motorcycle Diaries, Momento, No Country for Old Men (gory but spellbinding) and a History of Violence (which is not at all appalling as its name sounds and in fact explores a groundbreaking and fascinating theme). Inbetween chronologically there is the incomparable Shawshank Redemption (which should have beaten out Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction for best picture, in my opinion.)


Not big on it but like Conan O'Brien and Craig Ferguson (what a pity they are on opposite one another.). A repeat of Cheers is a welcome sight now and then. Drew Carey hosting the Price is Right? He moves a little to slow.


Quite a number. I've always like Southern writers like Robert Penn Warren, Eudora Welty, and Faulkner.


Anyone who overcomes enormous odds, either physical restraints or discrimination and prejudice.