anything PURPLE is my favorite profile picture

anything PURPLE is my favorite

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Make your Comments HEARD using -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- {"I am a Poetess"} {I "love" Patrizio Buanne's "wonderful" music} {I make Homemade Cookies&Candies and give them as Gifts} {I enjoy movies that bring tears to my eyes} {Playing MahJong Solitaire on Yahoo} {playing Solitare on my computer}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Acrostic Poem of Purple: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ................................................... P..assionate................................................ ........................................ U..ltimate.................................................. .......................................... R..egal..................................................... ............................................. P..urposeful................................................ ........................................ L..uxurious................................................. ......................................... E..xuberant................................................. ......................................... ............................................................ ................................................ {gla~February 2007} -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .. ===============================================The Life and Times of Purple ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There once was a little girl, as she dreamed of her life years ahead, she often imagined a princess in purple, from the tips of her toes to the crown on her head. She grew to be a teenager, moving here and there, she was friendly and talkative, and she made many friends fast. Her family moved to Niles, there she didn't quite fit in, always someone mistreated her, gave her grief without end. Funny thing though it's true what they say, her ally was her enemy's enemy, yet her ally sometimes was her worst enemy. She looked for tender love in many wrong places, for it was all lies in many of their faces and yet she survived, drying the tears from her eyes. This little girl became a woman one day and left behind the sorrows of yesterday, she soon found out what real pain was for the agony of death visited her twice in a year. This woman had lost the most precious gift, a little boy she'd given life to and if that wasn't enough to test her strength, this woman then lost her father most dear, for he was her father in much more than blood, he chose to be the one and stayed out of love. This woman's life has continued on, she now is the mother of another son to love, and though life’s been hard and at times agonizing, yet this is her life filled with trials and blessings all of which forms who she is today. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Woman You Know As Purple{gla-February 28, 2007} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Purple (Gail)
Date of Birth: Sometime in March back in the early 60's
Birthplace: Sweet Home Chicago
Current Location: ......X.....Marks the Spot
Eye Color: BlueGreenYellowGray
Hair Color: Medium-Light-Brown-Reddish and a several gray ones, but that's life
Height: 5' 5"
Heritage: Italian+German+Irish+English+French+Native American
Piercings: Double each ear lobe
Tattoos: It's PURPLE & PATRIZIO~Check out my photo album titled:My Tattoo/George Was Here!
Band/Singer: PATRIZIO (aah!!!) BUANNE - Read my Profile!!!
Song: Anything Patrizio sings
Movie: It's A Wonderful Life - Jimmy Stewart & Somewhere In Time - Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour
Disney Movie: Pinocchio - the original
TV show: "Bones", "House", "Check Please"
Color: PURPLE - Read my Profile!!!
Food: "Chocolate","Lobster","LouMalnati'sPizza","Greek","Italian", "EasternIndian"...
Pizza topping: Spinach+Bacon+Mushrooms and sometimes with onion
Ice-Cream Flavor: ChocolateMarshmallow - used to get it from Walgreens
Drink (alcoholic): I "don't" Imbibe alcohol
Soda: Canada Dry Ginger Ale also Dr. Pepper
Store: I have a personal shopper - (in my dreams)
Clothing Brand: I'm not a brand person - but anything PURPLE
Shoe Brand: See answer above
Season: "Fall" then "Spring"
Month: February - Purple birthstone
Holiday/Festival: 4th of July - Parade - Fireworks - BBQ
Flower: Any Purple - not to smelly though
Make-Up Item: I can't live without my MASCARA
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sun-Showers
Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE
Fruit or veggie: Both, but not Brussel Sprouts
Night or day: Night, the moon, the stars - ever heard of "moonburn" or "moonblock" with a high "MPF"?
Sour or sweet: SWEET
Love or money: HAPPINESS
Phone or in person: In Person - but I give good Phone
Looks or personality: Compassion
Coffee or tea: Sans Caffeine actually Hot Chocolate
Hot or cold: In-between and not humid
Goal for this year: Lose Weight
Most missed memory: My paternal grandmother & The Ice Capades
Best physical feature: Eyes & Hair
First thought waking up: Where's the bathroom...Gotta Go, Gotta Go, ...
Hypothetical personality disorder: Distrust of Those Who Don't Like Purple Disorder
Preferred type of plastic surgery: M3 N0t P3rf3ct ; d0n't Wanna 2 B
Sesame street alter ego: Cookie Monster or The Count-he was into Purple too
Fairytale alter ego: Fiona - from Shrek
Most stupid remark: Most Smart-azz remark: When others call me on the phone and ask me who I am, I say you called me don't you know who you called?
Worst crime: I'm under a Gag order not to tell, I want to see my lawyer
Greatest ambition: To Publish My Poetry Someday - while I'm yet alive
Greatest fear: I have already lived through it: the death of my first born son, other then that I'd have to say falling from heights
Darkest secret: Now It wouldn't be a Secret if I told you - would it?
Favorite subject: Patrizio (aah!!!) Buanne
Strangest received gift: When I was in my twenties I got a grabber in a grab-bag at work, and a few of the other ladies actually wanted it
Worst habit: Procrastination and biting my lips
Do You:
Smoke: Quit in January "1985"
Drink: Did you forget You asked that already - See Above ^
Curse: Do you mean do I swear? Better close your virgin ears#%^&@#%
Shower daily: Only when it rains-then I grab a bar of soap and go outside
Like thunderstorms: Yes and No they are exciting to watch but make me worry about tornadoes
Dance in the rain: Yes I have and also in a water sprinkler as an adult
Sing: When no one is around
Play an instrument: I used to play a full console organ-no jokes please
Get along with your parents: Sometimes
Wish on stars: Only if it's a Shooting Star-been a long time
Believe in fate: I believe in God's plan-if you let it guide you
Believe in love at first sight: Yes; but will it last???
Can You:
Drive: I'm a Limo driver - I hope so
Sew: Buttons
Cook: Yes and bake and make homemade candies
Speak another language: a few words of several
Dance: Yes
Sing: You already asked that see Do You above^
Touch your nose with your tongue: Why would I want to do that? But I can do tricks with a toothpick & my tongue
Whistle: Dixie, birdcalls, at construction workers, for Jimny Cricket, if I get lost in a store; we always did that when I was a kid
Curl your tongue: Yes; several different ways-does that mean anything???
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Twice Before "1990"-but not so drunk that I passed out or drove my car while I was drunk
Been Stoned/High: Now you're getting personal
Eaten Sushi: Yes-certain types
Been in Love: Yes-been awhile though
Skipped school: Kipped in my day or ditched school
Made prank calls: My aunt made me do it when I was just about 9 or 10 years old
Sent someone a love letter: Does my adoration for Patrizio (aah!!!) Buanne count
Stolen something: I'd be lying if I said no, did I mention that I am a complusive lair, so I guess you never know
Cried yourself to sleep: Too numerous to count and woke up with the Puffy Eyed LQQK
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? When they do not answer a YesNo question with a Yes or No
Are you right or left handed? Right - but I can Bowl and Bat both ways
What is your bedtime? When I go to bed-are you my mother?
Name three things you can't live without: PuRpLe + Patrizio Buanne + Chocolate
What is the color of your room? White because I rent, but I have lots of Purple decorations
Do you have any siblings? Yes; are you asking how many? Brother, Sister, Me, Sister, Brother
Do you have any pets? If I could I would have my Canine Nephew-Storm
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? I would only kill someone if they had intent to harm my son or a child who is in my care
What is you middle name? Louise
What are you nicknames? Weezlbaum, Weezie, Gaily
Are you for or against gay marriage? I believe people should live in harmony-marriage is just a piece of paper that gives you certain rights
What are your thoughts ..ion? It is Murder-plain and simple-would you kill a newborn babe because it can't take care of itself yet?
Do you have a crush on anyone? Read My Blog-hint initials=PB-(in my dreams)
Are you afraid of the dark? Not anymore-but when I was young I needed every light on, even through my teen years
How do you want to die? Peacefully or passionately in my lover's arms
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Ask me about Ice Cream
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? My child-definitely, my lover maybe
What is the last law you’ve broken? Are you a police officer? Did you read me my Miranda rights?
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Dark Brown - Black
Eye color: Blue, Green, Hazel, Brown
Height 5' 5" - 6'4"
Weight average-more to love, I like to be able to hold on to my man
Most important physical feature: Teeth, you can tell alot by how someones teeth are
Biggest turn-off Smoker, drinker, or illegal drugs
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My Interests

Myspace Countdown Clocks at WishAFriend.comThe following is from my sister Tecla in the DC area. Hi Everyone,I am writing to help out my friend Sally who is participating in the 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer. Please click on the link below to visit her home page and learn more about the event and/or how to sponsor her.Participating in this event is a huge commitment - it seems that every time I talk to Sally these days, she is off to the gym or getting ready to head out for a multi-mile walk. Additionally, it is a financial commitment because if Sally does not raise her quota in sponsorship donations, she must pay it out of pocket.One last note - If you should go to Sally's page, you will find a picture of Penny. Sally chose Penny as her breast cancer survivor story. Penny has had 2 mastectomy's and I was a very worried mom throughout both of them. Thanks to early detection and the appropriate care Penny is recovered and enjoying being back at work.Please click on the link below to support Sally's efforts. ?px=1667167&pg=personal&fr_id=1192&et=Dn5QiBhB0e CIAPwqiVLUTA..&s_tafId=53782THANKS!!! Tecla.. 3JhcGhpY3MuY29t title='Myspace Graphics'
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CommentCloset Find the stairway to Heaven and take one step at a time.
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Get Me A Paintbrush, I Want to Paint the Town...
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Writing Poetry ~~*~~~~*~~*~~* Reading~~*~~*~~*~~*~Listening to Music ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~Cooking~~*~~*~~*~~*~Baking and Candy making ~~*~~*~~Museums~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~Concerts~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ *~~*~~*~~Theatre~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~Spending time with my family and friends~~*~~Researching family history~~*~~*~~*~~Trying different ethnic resturants~~*~~*~~*~~...
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The Seventeenth Year:::: What has it been seventeen years, my mind has been such a clutter, each year it seems it is the same thing over and over again. I would think that I could move beyond this, the few months of mindlessness. Try as I may to fill the days it is always the same. As the days come round the moments of your birth, the few short weeks of your life and of course the day of your death. It occurs to me that I become immobilized for days on end. It seems to me that I disdain the everyday things that need to be taken care of; the paying of bills is delayed around this time of year. Housework is done when it becomes extreme. At times I lay around in pain, in mind, body and spirit, so much so it is overwhelming. Sometimes I want to scream out the pain, but I fear if others heard my agony, how they would cringe in fear. Not knowing why or where from the depths of sorrow the pain has been endured. As I sit here writing this today, in the early morning darkness, no artificial light to guide my pen, I think it is better this way. The sun is rising in front of me, as it has done each day for so many years. Too many to count but I am glad just the same. It raises and sets to pass away until the next, and beyond that another still, and so on and on until it has been seventeen years. I've loved you so until this day until my death I'll love you still. Andrew my son, my first-born you were so young and too small to have died, but all the same, life is such we know not when, we know not where, we know not how, but all the same, if we live we die. We can be sure as day meets night, month meets month, and year meets year. So I guess I should be thankful the way in which you died was not as horrible as many others might have been. And I am grateful that you were born and that you were my son, even for a few short weeks as painful as it has been. So many others may not have had even the few days that I shared with you, Andrew my son how I have loved you so, though you are not in my arms I still hold you as a mother would. You will always be a part of me; I'll love you evermore. Remember me as I remember you until we chance to meet again, look upon one another, and embrace as our hearts have been. Until then I will endure everyday life, as the sun raises and sets. Your Mother Always and Forever..........................{gla-August 11,2004} ****************************************** *******My AJ****** Somewhere Up There
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I'd like to meet:

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Patrizio Buanne - his music is:P..erfection*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*- A..ngelic*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*-*-*- T..ranscending*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- R..omantic*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- * I..nspirational*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*- Z..estful*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*-*- I..nnamorare*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-* O..mnia vin cit amor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Give a Listen - Need I Say More? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-{gla-February-2007}* ************************* ************************** ************************** ************************** ****************** ************************************ ****************** ****************** ************************************ ****************** ****************** ************************** ************************** patrizio buanne

Add to My Profile | More Videos ************************** ************************** ************************** So Hard That I Cry


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^^ Patrizio Buanne ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Taylor Hicks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Dean Martin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Johnny Mathis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Frank Sinatra ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Straight on Red - the group my sister is in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ houseblend-my sister's cd ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Harry Connick Jr. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Nat King Cole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Enrique Iglesias ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Temptations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Platters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^James Ingram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Tony Bennett ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Marvin Gaye ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Soundtrack from Grease-John Travolta & Oliva Newton-John ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "The List goes on...
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Currently into "Bones" and "House" and "Check Please"...I'd rather be surfing the Internet for friends from the past, or digging up family history, or discovering some new information, I have found many things that I hadn't known, even at my age.
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I Know This Isn't Purple,I JUST COULDN'T RESIST! ********ROFL********
Creative Spiritz
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"Hand Over the Purple and No One Gets Hurt"
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Anything from:::::::::::Richard Paul Evans
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Rick Warren
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Diane Mott Davidson
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James Patterson
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Creative Spiritz
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I think forgiveness is more to the fact of whether we are willing and able to accept the forgiveness. Whether we feel worthy. But forgiveness is not about whether we are worthy or deserving. It's about letting go of pain and hurt{gla-February-2007}
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*****Ever Thankful for my Lord & Savior*****
Creative Spiritz
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::My Myspace Friends::: My myspace friends are quite an eclectic bunch unique each in their own ways, they could be a friend of a friend, or from way back when, some are musically talented, others share the grief of the loss of a loved one, even a few of my friends are family to me, some of my friends like to make people laugh, there's even a magician/mentalist, many more of my friends are poets just like me. The one common factor is they each have a place in my heart. So here is to my myspace friends Patrizio, April, J.T., Penny, Marianne, Salynn, Mark, k, ric, Margie, Teddie, Straight On Red, Carol Rae, Kim, Kathee, Edward AKA: Flip, Lisa, Watching Over My Loved Ones, Janis, and of course Tom. To My Friends, Who Are Not Just Taking Up My Space {gla-February 20, 2007}Dedicated to My Friends
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********************* ****** I Am ****** ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ================== It Makes Me; Me
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My 'Step'Father-he was very giving and always cared about all my brothers and sisters, he truly deserved to be called father/dad, he also was a "great" grandfather to all our children. Though my youngest son never got to meet him; he is his namesake.
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My 'Step"Grandfather-he was honest, loving, caring and giving. [Who says "blood is thicker than water"].
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My older brother, he is a 7th dan in Tae Kwon Do. And he just keeps going.
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Others who are my Heroes include but are not limited to: my sister Tecla, my friends Pat.B.,Marge.M., Patsy.B, ...
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:::::You; the Man Who Married My Mother::::: You; the man who married my mother, when I was just eight to call you my father I just could not wait. You opened your arms, expanded your heart and took three in though not your own. You; the man who cared for my mother, and created two - to call your own, one girl and a boy. Still your heart was big enough to hold the three though not your own. You; the man who loved my mother, and chose to share the caring for of five - and as we five grew encouraging us or lending an ear, when others just would not hear. You were always there thinking of others as you would yourself. You; the man who wed my mother, forsaking the carefree life of bachelorhood, you opened your heart and loved three more though not your own. Include to these two born of your flesh and blood, yet you loved them all differently, but the same. For this you will be in my heart and remembered, forever and a day. You; the man who married my mother, and yet I have but one regret. But that you were yet alive, for to have read this with your eyes, the joy I might have known. But still you know it means so much, for you to have been a part of my life. You; the man who was my father! {gla-September 17, 1991}
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Never Under Estimate The Power of Prayer

My Blog

Twenty-Too Days til Patrizio

Twenty-Too Days til’ Patrizio Too twinkling his eyes, Too starry my eyes, Too touching his love songs, Too many years I’ve longed, Too generous a heart, Too talented in his art, Too g...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 08:16:00 PST

Twenty-Three Days til Patrizio

Twenty-Three Days til’ Patrizio I can hardly believe as the days go by waiting, waiting, I can only sigh, minutes turn into hours, hours give way to days, waiting, waiting, for the twenty-sixt...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 02:08:00 PST

My Temp is Now at 102.0...Another Little Ditty...of Patrizio

I’ll Be There, You Can Be Sure   I’ll be there, you can be sure, as sure as the sunshine greets the new coming day do you have your tickets, I have mine, the section, the row, my sea...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:12:00 PST

My Temp is Running 101.5 and This is Just A Little Ditty...

Hey Droopy Drawers I see you walking over there your droopy drawers hanging down to there, what I want to know is& are you really unaware of how totally stupid you look from your rear, have you tak...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:26:00 PST

Thoughts of Spring, Bring to Mind Patrizio

Thoughts of Spring, Bring to Mind Patrizio Songs sung by Patrizio of Romance, leave me feeling Inebriated, they are a Necessity, and are given Gratuitously, he Touches my heart, Induces arrhythmia, Me...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:38:00 PST

Again A Migraine

Again A Migraine   It is now four in the morning on Monday, March seventeenth, yes, it is St. Patrick’s Day, no, I am not hung over, for I do not imbibe of alcohol.   Yes, it was ...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:19:00 PST

When I listen to Patrizios Music&

When I listen to Patrizio’s Music...   When I listen to Patrizio’s Music I Am In:   Ever listening, Under the sun and moon to, Patrizio’s voice, it is my choice, Honest...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:28:00 PST

My One and Only

My One and Only   There is only one and only, one I love to hear, ever waiting for some news, of when he will be near, as I while, away my day, I wonder what, the news will say, this poem that,...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:21:00 PST

3 Day Walk

My sister Tecla who lives in the DC area sent this to me.  Please check it out. You can see other pictures of Penny in my album titled Tecla & Canines. Sincerely, Purple-Gail Louise Hi Everyo...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:41:00 PST

And Then the Morning Comes&Its Early In the A.M.

And Then the Morning Comes&It's Early In the A.M... And then the morning comes&following the night that has passed&however restless and brief, did I actually sleep or did I just lie there and think...
Posted by anything PURPLE is my favorite on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:54:00 PST