Contact Box Generated from SurfCodes.ComTo those who say to get on with my life, I have. It is a different life, the life of a grieving mother. One with a tremendous amount to be thankful for, but also one with a lot to mourn the loss of! Do not judge the bereaved mother. She comes in many forms. She is breathing, but she is dying. She may look young, but inside she has become ancient. She smiles, but her heart sobs. She walks, she talks, she cooks, she cleans, she works, she IS, but she IS NOT, all at once. She is here, but part of her is elsewhere for eternityA child that loses a parent is an orphan, A man who loses his wife is a widower, A woman who loses her husband is a widow, however, there is no name for a parent that loses a child, for there is no word to describe such pain.Myspace Backgrounds