About Me
I have two master's degrees, an M.P.H. with a concentration in the epidemiology of infectious/microbial diseases from Yale University School of Medicine, and an M.S. in biomedical engineering and biophysics from Northwestern University. At Yale, I was a student editor of the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicince. I have also completed graduate studies in the geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago. In addition, I have completed graduate studies in medical physics/health physics (in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Science) and in science education at the University of Michigan, where I also lived in the German House, traveled to Germany, and studied German, French, creative writing and the carillon. I have published research articles in Biophysica et Biochimica Acta, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Clinical Research, and The Journal of Wound Care. I have an honors bachelor's degree in engineering (specifically in computer science and engineering) from Michigan State University, and a second bachelor's degree with a double major in physics and astronomy from the University of Iowa. As an undergraduate, I spent my summers doing research at Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, IBM and The Upjohn Company (which is now a part of Pfizer). I am a member of Tau Beta Pi (the Engineering Honor Society), Sigma Xi (the National Science Research Honor Society), Mortar Board (the National College Senior Honor Society), Golden Key (the International Scholastic Honor Society), Alpha Epsilon Delta (the National Pre-Med/Health Professions Honor Society), Pi Mu Epsilon (the National Mathematics Honor Society), Sigma Pi Sigma (the National Physics Honor Society), Gamma Theta Upsilon (the National Geography Honor Society), The Order of the Engineer, Alpha Chi Sigma (the National Chemistry Fraternity), Sigma Alpha Iota (the National Music Fraternity for Women), Alpha Phi Omega (the National Service and Leadership Fraternity), Circle K, and MENSA. Although most of my formal background has been in the sciences, I feel that my verbal skills are much better than my scientific skills, and I greatly enjoy reading, literature, creative writing, philosophy, music, and art. My favorite languages are French, German, Latin, Italian, Spanish, and Old English.