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FreeCommentTags.com..Ascend up into the heavens, far beyond this galaxy, through the firmament past the deep blue sea. Petition each cause; amend old ways, change indifference, make a way. Fragile balance is not so fragile you see... there is love, there is love and love is willing to see. Love is willing to see beyond the clumsy newness of change. We can have an emancipation period between this present state and peace. There can be grace, compassion, empathy in place of condemnation and shame!Love to you near and far................. 28 Billion light years of love raining down upon you....................................^^^And So Much More...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^..
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My Interests

My Precious.......................
Largest Database of Images
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FreeCommentTags.comMy Precious and beautiful, ever so amazingly wondrous, stunningly hot, queen of all my dreamsand respective other, Hollis......... I Love You my love....... FOREVER AND ALWAYS, AND ALWAYS AND ALWAYS AND FOREVER AND ALWAYS !!!!!!!!!! Realizing all of our dreams together, falling deeper and deeper in loves arms of peace, joy and beauty. She gives me such joy and pleasure, words are beyond compare!!!!!!! Raising Our Beautiful 9 Year Old Twins, They are a true blessing and joy of true innocence................................................... ..........................................My True friends who have stood by my side and loved me through the brightest and darkest moments, hours, days, years, lives of my life...... I so love you, so honor you, am so thankful for you complete goodness towards me...... I cry so often missing you the days you are not near, the days when I have to GO off and "be a man" and make a living and surviving, taking care of myself so I don't melt into nothing............... You have loved me and given yourselves to me without guile or falsehood, you have taught me love, strength and a balance that I am begining to finally understand..... I have cried so many tears and ripped myself in pieces only to rebuild what I hope to be a beautiful man honouring all the love and kindness you have extended towards my soul..... I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS.........................ETERNALLY !!!!....................Also........... Music (Everbodies & Mine), Photography, The Arts, World Changes, Civil Rights, Freedom From Poverty Among Pillaged Nations, Educational Advances For Children, My Personal Continued Education, Beauty, Light, Darkness, Meditation, Justice, Fun, The Entire Wild Kingdom, The Oceans, The Lands, Traveling The 7 Continents, The Universe & The Other Millions Of Galaxies, Pollution Reformation, World Peace, Universal Peace, Galatical Peace......... A Butterflies Wings Open Absourbing The Warmth Of The Sun..... The Rain, the beautiful rain........The Sunrise & Sun Set And All Between Either Side......

I'd like to meet:

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FreeCommentTags.comMy true friends. The word “friend” in Hebrew is “rea”, In the east their were cultural sayings that are like figures of speech, like "you're hot" which can mean different things of course but we prefer to think that's a compliment. Well, when someone was considered a "friend" or "REA" it literally meant one who would break of ones self as bread and feed another, like a shepherd feeding his or her flock of him or herself. A true friend is deeply faithful, loving and constant...... ...... TRUE FRIENDS ARE ETERNAL, WHEN YOU SEE THEM YOU KNOW........YOU KNOW THEM THE SECOND THEY ARE IN YOUR PRESENCE..... CHERISH THEM, LOVE THEM, HONOUR THEM, CARE FOR THEM, FEED THEM FROM YOUR SOUL........ REGARDLESS OF YOUR PAYBACK............In addition to "my friends....", I would like to meet...............The angels, The children of the sun, The suns and stars, The elders of the galaxies, The gate keepers, The young, The old, The just civil leaders, The kings, queens and rulers who governed with fair judgment, The light of day and darkness of night, The colors of each rainbow, The winds that gently whisper love, The rains that kiss my soul, The dark clouds that cool my brow, The oceans of love, The waves that sooth, The colors of the sky, The colors of the sea, The birds who whisper love songs, The ocean of peace, The mirror that discloses the true content of the soul, The truth, The 12, The 1, The ones who cover my back, The Alpha and Omega, The everlasting, The precious, The beautiful, The preservers of truth, The fearless... The generations of loving men & woman. The entire 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, now generation!!!!!!!!!Every amazinging beautiful artist who reached out !!!! may you have precious, precious peace! ......John Lennon (my spiritual brother & father) ................................................Read my blog about "LOVE"................ Mr. John Lennon....... I LOVE YOU WITH EVERY PART OF MY BEING AND SOUL.......The Beatles, Mick Jagger (balls of steel, a soul of love and compassion), The Other Rolling Stones, Robert Plant (a man with a soul from beyond, in a land of beauty and strength, oh my god Jimmy, how did you rip my heart to the heavens and beyond?............ my other teachers, ............Earth Wind & Fire serious teachers! beautiful men, James Brown.......to the bridge James, to the bridge.......Mr. Big and Mr. Little Walter..... two of the greatest harmonica players and blues writers in history, Mr Robert Johnson,........... just a few days with you, talk about pouring out your soul and commiting it to paper!!!!!! A band called "Yes".......Where did you get that voice sir? Your music is the tenderness of a child and the power of a dragon.....The Who.....what the fuck! your music is soooooooo powerful and inspiring! Gett'in in tune brothers.... Gett'in in tun, right in tune, and I love to tune right in on you!!!!!!!! The Zepplin crew, Mr. Jimmy Hendrix, Sir I will always cry till the day i see you loving your guitar lit with the fire of your loving soul, Yoko Ono, truly I give you my love, respect and awe!, Rare Earth, Three Dog Night........Eli Is Comming Baby !!!!!!!! Paul Butterfeild, a great Harmonica player who broke throught the stigma of racial status within the "Blues" (before "WAR").......Stevie Ray Vaughn, (the power, comand and compassion for people and life....... I honour your love....The Guess Who..... Burton - brother you are amazing ! Julian Lennon you saved me Julian, I was dead, asleep and your songs on photograph smile awoke my soul -- Daddies work is never done! I love you my brother, Sean Lennon, beautiful boy turned to beautiful man!, hello, gonna catch your show one day!, Marvin Gaye, oh my god!, Mr. Paul Mcartny, your voice your words...... heavens angel announcing light, love and beauty........... George Harrison, you George are my sweet lord!, Nat King Cole, velvet soul, Abraham Lincoln, your love, honour, commitment and beautiful mind won and continues to win many wars.....love you Abe, Booker T. Washington, what an amazing and beautiful soul & mind! Martin Luther King, visions of dreams that still are drempt in the minds of the beautiful and echoing inn the hearts of the children, every president that lived, every King, every Queen, Martin Luther, E.W. Bullinger, King David what a beautiful heart!, King Solomon wisdom to aspire to, Queen of Egypt, Joan Of Arc, Mary, The children... Every God, Every soul filled with love.......

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All music powerful, intence, passionate, beautiful, harmonious, depth of content.


I'll watch them all, just don't bore me with hate and empty content.


Educational, Arts, Comedy,


Can't read enough


Still waiting...

My Blog

A Moment....

Breath In.................... Deeply.................................... No, deeper......................................Breath in the sun, the stars, the moons, the universe, the universes, the alpha...
Posted by michael on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:47:00 PST

What shall I be today........

Learning to be a bubble, a tiny bubble from a waterfalls rage........ just floating down stream, side stream, in soft circles.......... opps...................................... I popped.Well now, se...
Posted by michael on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 11:12:00 PST

Friends And Lifes Changes

My friends, I want you to know my appreciation for your lifeYour words are inspiring, powerful, spirit filled, causing a life changing effect for the hungry hearts still willing to change, advance and...
Posted by michael on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:45:00 PST

Dot of dark light, exposed....

May my heart be open to the universes as the sunflower is to the sun...................With all my faults and whatsoever may be of my not so faulted ways, let me live to continue to grow and aspire to...
Posted by michael on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:07:00 PST

Light, Sun, Suns, Stars........

Light, Sun, Suns, StarsShine on me, let me embrace you, let me be you, let me become you, let us be as one, sweet & precious sun&&.Let me partake in your beauty, power, tenderness and compassion&&Let ...
Posted by michael on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:22:00 PST

"In The Sky Today"

Looked into the sky today.............Saw myself staring down upon my own soul, my own heart, my mind, my life.........Looking up I said, "I love you"........ what else was there to say????????How hum...
Posted by michael on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:55:00 PST

Believing / Faith / Healing

This is a portion of what I wrote to a sweet friend of mine's parents, completmenting them on their "believing" efforts that they have embarked upon in their son's health&&&.. "Kobe" He is on my top ...
Posted by michael on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:29:00 PST

Comming Home

Today, this day..............A new one, a new one to remember!!!!!!!!!!!!Way cool to just enjoy me, free, free.......................Been so healed by love's arms, love, sweet love, how I love you.......
Posted by michael on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:37:00 PST

How Wonderous Life Really Is........

How wondrous life truly is........All of our lives, all of the lives we have lived and live and will live.......We awake from dreams that inspire......Inspire us to be beyond the mundane, the trite, t...
Posted by michael on Mon, 14 May 2007 01:52:00 PST

Imagine Peace Again?

Imagine Peace Again?Peace................................I do, I do, I do, I do.............I do see it, hear it, breath it, love it , eat it, absorb it, emulate it, sing it, teach it, live it, belong...
Posted by michael on Sun, 13 May 2007 10:08:00 PST