Art, Painting, Drawing, Photography,Printmaking, Installation, Music, Galleries, Theatre,books, creative writing,Alternative Culture, People, alt/vintage fashion, Burlesque, Portraiture, Film, Documentation, Found Objects, Curating, Opening up artistic and creative dialogues,Art Education, Artist Collaborations,new media, alt comedy,tattoo artEVERYONE I MEET in one way or another!
Anyone who cares to join us... artists, photographers, designers,film makers, crafts people, musicians,writers,poets,peformance artists,illustrators,galleries,acting people,alternative comedians,alternative Dj's,curators,tattoo artists,alternative models, burlesque people, artists agents, art magazines, art consultants, events organisers... people creative and in the arts and creative industries/ world generally! Anyone with any queries about anything we are doing.------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --CHECK OUT OUR DISCUSSION GROUP:
I love Bettie Page, she makes putting clothes on an artform :0) /embed
All creative people who have the drive and courage to put themselves out there!