Information about Beckenham:
Welcome to Beckenham
loads of info about whats going on in Beckenham, and the area
Knowwhere Guide: Beckenham
a guide written by locals with local knowlege. for example, looking for somewhere to hang out in Beckenham? try these: "The war memorial, pretty big place, loads of buses go past it, good for meeting and then leaving it immediately as nowadays its filled with pikes coming out of the cinema - they just stand there, what can they possibly be doing?"
Suburbia in Focus: Beckenham
article about Beckenham's history.
Beckenham News Group
a Yahoo group for discussing Beckenham related topics of interest.
Beckenham Town Talk
an area guide and whats on
Other Projects and Galleries in Houses:
home is a leading creative production company in the UK: specializing in innovative live events with contemporary artists and performers. We explore diverse contexts and spaces, create new forms of cultural experience and emphasize interactivity, entertainment and participation.
Elastic residence
Elastic residence is a gallery space for projects and durational performance. It was established in autumn 2004 and is situated in a house built in 1779 in Whitechapel, London.
PM Gallery & House
PM Gallery & House, Ealing's flagship cultural venue, comprises of the Grade I listed Pitzhanger Manor-House, designed by the architect John Soane in 1800 and PM Gallery, West London's premier professional contemporary arts venue.
Free entry
The Geffrye Museum
The Geffrye Museum is one of London’s best-loved museums. It shows the changing style of the English domestic interior in a series of period rooms from 1600 to the present day.
Sir John Soane's Museum
Soane designed this house to live in, but also as a setting for his antiquities and his works of art. After the death of his wife (1815), he lived here alone, constantly adding to and rearranging his collections. He determined to establish the house as a museum to which 'amateurs and students' should have access.
Man&Eve Gallery
Man&Eve opened in May 2006. It is set within a Grade II listed Georgian town house in Kennington. It is an independent gallery, hosting a changing programme of contemporary work by emerging International artists across a range of traditional and digital media.
Variables @ 224A Burton Road
"Variables altered ubiquitous objects"
An exhibition in conjunction with MMU Fine Art 2006 Degree Show in West Didsbury, Manchester.
The Flat Pack
A group of international artists showing their work in a domestic space in Deptford, London. "The realities of unwanted furniture, 24 hours news and melting butter all come together to form a familiar portrait of life in a contemporary home."
78 Lyndhurst Way
An artist run gallery in a squatted formerly derelict house in Peckam.
Anyone interested in art in Beckenham, London, Bromley and the wide world.
Stay in touch for invites to the exhibition and private view!
If you want to be involved in the show, want to help us promote the event, or want more information on the project get in touch here or at [email protected]
If you are a group or an individual who would like to link to HOUSEWORK please contact us. We want to develop HOUSEWORK as a community and a forum for ideas!
The most famous musicians to come from Beckenham are HAIRCUT 100!
The place to see films in Beckenham is the Beckenham Odeon
If you want to find out about road safety in Beckenham, you can get hold of this exciting amateur film from 1937!
Beckenahm has a theatre! they also host "Safari Dinners" and Casino nights!
Beckenham Theatre
TV star Bob Monkhouse was born in Beckenham!