PAST SHOWS: Dan Shaw Town, 'Pulp' 27th April - 8th June 2008, 24 Tudor Grove, London, E9Laura Morrison, 'Troglodytes troglodytes, 16th March - 20th April 2008, 24 Tudor Grove, London, E9Lucy Coogle, 'Guernsey Punk I', 27th January - 7th March 2008, 24 Tudor Grove, London, E9Maya Hewitt, " Mending Fences ", 16th November - 16th December 2007, 24 Tudor Grove, London, E9Nicolas Deshayes, "Neo", 5th October - 4th Novemeber 2007, 21 Tudor Grove, London, E930th June - 29th July 2007, "3Things", Exhibition made by Donald Smith, 21 Tudor Grove, London E95th May-3rd June 2007, Norman Hyams, 21 & 24 Tudour Grove, London E924th March - 29th April 2007, "Wish You Were Here" Matt Johnstone and Dan Shaw-Town, 21 & 24 Tudor Grove, London E910th February- 18th March 2007, "Once is Not Enough" Laura Morisson and Bea Turner 24 Tudor Grove, London E916th December 2006, "Imagine Some Evening" 1-11 Kempton Court, London E1 5BB28th July 2006,'Majestic' Run Gallery at The Whitechapel Gallery, London, England.'Strictly Kunst' 20 July - 26 July 2006, Run Gallery at The Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15, Berlin, Germany.'Much, Much Better Thank You' 24rd June - 7 July 2006, Pappelallee 73, Berlin, Germany.