You scored as One Intelectual Individual. You're a thinker. You see things from a very different prospective than the rest of the world, and probably find release and self-expression in music, painting, scalpting, or any other form of art. People see you as a deep person, full of knowledge that they don't understand. People are attracted to that, but there's a good chance you don't care.
One Intelectual Individual
Original Hippie
New Age Hippie
Not a Hippie
What type of hippie are you?
created with None of us started as hippies, we were gutter punks, we were bikers, we were not the same as we are now...maybe that is true for you or maybe you are not a hippy at could be anyone and still agree with our ideas, like our music, and attend our events.This space and the activities associated with it are inspired by the certain knowledge that those we consider our role models were our age when they began making things happen. We are inspired to person at a share our ideals and ideas with anyone who is interested.
(this photo borrowed from
We are dedicated the legalization of marijuana, the use of hemp as a fuel, fiber, and medicine.
(this pic from hemptoday)
We are dedicated to educating people about the use of bio particular the power available through hemp diesel.
(image from
We are dedicated to helping create a more peaceful, open and free society.
We are dedicated to the end of hostilities around the world.
(from wikipedia)
We are dedicated to becoming "human doings" instead of "human beings"
(sept 11 potluck vigil-credit happy hempy hippies)
Some things we have done together recently is to volunteer and work together at the Seattle Hempfest and since Friday we have traveled from Seattle to Montana to attend Missoula Hempfest,
(E on BioDiesel in Missoula)
and then from Missoula to Portland to attend the Hempstalk event,
(our hempspiration act on stage at Hempstalk)
and today we hosted a peace vigil/life celebration in honor of 911, in opposition to the war in Iraq, and as a forum for sharing ideas and meeting people. It was a cold-cut type pot luck and many people stopped by throughout the day.
(look for this sign on Oct 7 at Gas Works)
We have many things planned in the coming months, including a peace vigil once each month to coincide with a major event in the current struggles...for instance we will be hosting a potluck peace vigil on the anniversaries of the day we invaded Afghanistan, the day we invaded Iraq, the day the GW declared war. We are talking about garbage pick up days in the city and in the parks.
We are interested in meeting like minded people and having a forum for the sharing of ideas between people.There are several of us involved with this space and many of you already know us as Elvis, CannaKittie, and experience america project (Gloria). For reading this, Gloria will be known as AfterGlo, Elvis as E and CannaKittie as CannaKittie.If you have a good pic or any art please send it to us and we may post it on the space...the same applies to music and video clips--we would especially be interested in "reverse surveilance" images and other interesting things.