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Dr Nice

I do not need the federal government to tell me what happiness is or how to pursue it.

About Me

Minors, please refrain from requesting a friend add from me. If you're under 18 I don't want you as one of my MySpace friends. Please demonstrate your maturity and personal integrity by respecting this request.
The following is the most significant video about the meaning of Liberty I have ever seen.
Philosophy of Liberty
President Bush has carried out many treasonous acts and is continuing to lead our country in violation of The Constitution which he swore to uphold. If we as a country do not hold Bush and his cronies accountable for the war crimes, treason and crimes against humanity that they have committed, the rest of the world will certainly, justifiably hold us accountable for those crimes as a nation and a people.
Please, as a citizen of this country you have a sacred duty to listen to the entire Representative Kucinich presentation of the 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush before the United States Congress which can be found by clicking
All 35 Articles of Impeachment HERE
Then contact your Senate representative and tell them you want the Senate to cease stalling due process and the prosecution of President George W. Bush relating to these grave charges and insist the Senate carry out it's duty to complete the impeachment process in all haste.
I support a write-in campaign for Dennis Kucinich for President. Ron Paul appears to be a great guy, however Kucinich alone has consistently demonstrated, over his years of public service, the high level of integrity we should all demand of our public officials. Only Kucinich has demonstrated the willingness to put his life in jeopardy for all of us by standing up in his office as a Congressional Representative and presenting official, formal charges before Congress of documented criminal and treasonous acts carried out by President Bush and his agents and seeking Bush's impeachment, removal from office and criminal prosecution.
Click here to visit the official Dennis Kucinich myspace page.
Check out the great items on these pages:
I strongly recommend that everyone click on the link below and order the "Busted" DVD. Knowing what to do during a police encounter to keep yourself from getting arrested and going to jail, learned from viewing the "Busted" video has already saved the fannies of many people I know personally. This is the best tool available for protecting yourself from the tricks and traps used by drug warriors and is easily worth 200 times the purchase price in potential saved legal fees.
DVD: Busted! The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters.
DVD: Waiting to Inhale: The Politics of Medical Marijuana
Book: The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana
Book: Handbook of Cannabis Therapeutics: From Bench to Bedside
Book: Lies, Damned Lies, and Drug War Statistics: A Critical Analysis of Claims Made by the Office of National Drug Control Policy
- I also have interest in: colonizing space, ancient societies and religions, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, language/ communication, writing, math, (particularly fractals), gardening/botany, water (swimming, skin & scuba diving, fountains & other water features, waterfalls, etc. . .), bicycling, pottery/ceramics, parenting, human optimization, expanding awareness of all 7 senses, learning/personal growth, spiritual experiences, photography, massage, tantra, zen, feng shui, quantum physics, engineering, and human behavior
I plant by the moon and really like the following to keep track of where we are in the phases of the moon:
CURRENT MOON moon info
click here
to change your
online now icon

My Interests

Writing, particularly writing things that will empower others to have a greater life. Check out my writings at Helium
• Indoor gardening: Growing your own vegetables and herbs indoors during the winter
• What to do if you discover your child is using marijuana
• Medical Marijuana: What are the risks and options?
• Secrets of billionaires
• The real value of Paypal
• Gardening as therapy
- Cannabis Legalization -

Someone is arrested every 45 seconds for cannabis.
Make sure the next person is not you or someone you care about.

Click here to join The Oregon Marijuana Party
Learn how to avoid becoming another victim of the War on Drugs

I am the current chair person of the
Oregon Marijuana Party

which I invite everyone to join and to support.
And I'm an Oregon state licensed medical marijuana patient and care provider.

I believe that cannabis will eventually be used to change all of mankind for the better because it appears to me to be the single plant most ideally suited to the use and benefit of man.

It is my opinion and belief that the current Federal laws that make cannabis growth, possession, trafficking and use illegal are a clear and complete violation of our inalienable Right to the pursuit of Happiness, which governments are supposedly instituted to secure, and that those laws need to be immediately and completely repealed and a constitutional amendment passed prohibiting the Federal government from ever again instituting laws that violate our inalienable Rights.

I am actively involved in
the evolution of human society:
The Society of Enoch

And building a city in space:
Citizens of The City of Enoch

If you want to know about becoming a medical marijuana patient in Oregon (or CO, HI, and WA) contact the
THC Foundation:
or click on the banner below

I'd like to meet:

Living:Thomas S Monson, Marc Emery, Steve Kubby, Loretta Nall, Ed Rosenthal, Steve Tuck, David Borden, Dennis Kucinich
If you do not know who most of these people are, you need to google them and educate yourself.
Historical figures: The Savior, Moroni (Mormon's son), Mary (the mother of The Savior) and Joseph (The Savior's step father), Enoch (the father of Methuselah), Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Ghandi, Bhudda
People living in the Portland area who are open to new ideas. Those who like to burn a little bud and wax philosophical. I like people who can discuss at length things ranging from drug prohibition to quantum particles, from the existance of God to the best sushi place in Portland and so on.

If you are really into gangster rap or country music, love drinking and line dancing, or are looking for a hook up I'm not your guy. I will talk to pretty much anyone, but if you create drama or do something spiteful or evil, I'll cut ties pretty quickly. Pretty much everyone who is an adult and has a brain is welcome to contact me.

If you have an interest in any aspect of optimizing the human experience, in learning (or teaching) about anything that will make peoples lives better, I am very interested in talking to you. I am particularly interested in those who have expertise in NLP and it's derivatives, natural approaches to optimizing health and those with ideas about optimizing relationships and social interaction. If you have expertise or interest in mining or ore processing and an interest in applying that expertise to a space mining venture please contact me asap. (I check my Dr Nice MySpace mail pretty nearly every day.)

Those who enjoy plants, gardening, swimming, water fountains, water falls, bicycling and the Portland Art Museum are welcome.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
My friend Anna , (see picture below in my top friends list) is an intelligent and amazingly gifted artist. She has choosen to use tattooing as her primary medium of artistic expression and is currently engaging her talents in Oregon. If I was going to have art permanently applied to my body I would want the finest artist I had access to do it, and Anna is the most incredible artist I know.

Here's an example of her doodling, done a long time before she became a tattoo artist.:
I have her art on display all over my home. If you could see some of her tattoo art you would instantly understand why I insist her art is so incredible and why you must get at least one of your tattoos done by her.

Her fame is spreading rapidly and people are traveling great distances to have her tattoo them. If you live in the Portland, Oregon metro area you should take advantage of this opportunity to experience a great tattoo from a great artist before her fame takes her to other areas of the country, and of the world. Her work is currently competitive priced, however there is only one Anna and the law of supply and demand will inevitably drive those prices up. (Imagine what it would be like to have a young Picasso or a young Rembrandt tattoo their art on you.) Follow Dr Nice's advice and take advantage of this opportunity now or miss it and live with the regret for the rest of your life.

Anna is still applying her art in the Portland metro area. Recognizing her talent, a highly respected tattoo parlor in the east Portland area, Ravin Ink, has provided her space in their newest tattoo parlor; Studio 2 Tattoo.
You can still probably get an appointment to have her work on you by visiting:
Raven Ink: Studio 2 Tattoo
6701 SE Foster Rd. (on the corner of 67th and Foster rd.)
Portland, OR 97206
or by calling 503 722-1765
and asking for an appointment with Anna .
You can also contact Anna through her Myspace page, which I have provided all these links to.
Ravin Ink

stoned firefighter
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The sound of an unihibitedly joyful, giggling child. The soft sounds of a briskly flowing stream that peep through the openings in the concealing winter's ice. The symphonic sounds of the wind as it gales through the deepest part of the forest during a stormy night. The wonderous stillness of a high desert summer sunrise. The pounding of your heart as I rest my head on your chest in afterglow. These are the grandest of musicks. These are the symphonies of God.


The Secret, Busted, Waiting to Inhale. What the bleep do we know?, The Privileged Planet, Never Get Busted Again


I watch too much TV - Grey's Anatomy (Can you believe they killed Meredeth???? Talk about your plot twists), Veronica Mars (The Rockford Files for the 21st century), Numbers (numbers talk to me, but not at the level they do for him), Medium (no matter how many episodes you have seen, you can never predict the outcome of a new one).


I am a voracious reader and have read thousands of books. The following are the books that have had the greatest impact on my life - You can click on the title to obtain a copy of any of them: The Book of Mormon , The Bible , The Magic of Thinking Big , Think and Grow Rich , Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got , The Attractor Factor , Mein Kampf , THE GO GETTER , Ashley Book of Knots


The Prince of Pot: Marc Emery

My Blog

Impeach Bush NOW!!!!

It is my sincere and considered belief that President George W. Bush has carried out many impeachable and treasonous acts, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people world wide an...
Posted by Dr Nice on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 04:18:00 PST

MySpace blocking links to Yuwie

I just attempted to post a link about a really great networking site very similar to Myspace in many ways, except they share the revenue they make from advertising with subscribers, unlike Myspace who...
Posted by Dr Nice on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 06:59:00 PST

Resolving interpersonal conflicts

I have learned over time that at any point in a conversation that I or the other person feel a sense of conflict over a point or issue, and begin to feel attacked and the need to be defensive, that at...
Posted by Dr Nice on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:36:00 PST

Financial Mastery

I have been writing in other places about achieving financial mastery, which means understanding and using money to build wealth. Several short tips can be found at Helium and the manual I am writin...
Posted by Dr Nice on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 07:25:00 PST

Success Principle: Personal stewardship

I believe that success comes down to the application of key principles in life. This blog is about one such principle.I have two lady friends I would like to talk about for a moment.Both I have known...
Posted by Dr Nice on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:09:00 PST

My personal responsibility for reality

A recent conversation has triggered some thoughts about our individual personal, total responsibility for all of our experiences in life. The saying that we create our own realities is far more compl...
Posted by Dr Nice on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 02:07:00 PST

There's always a spot right up front for me

Everyone I have spoken with that has tried repeating the phrase "There's always a spot right up front for me." while consciously choosing to believe that this is true, when arriving at a parking lot o...
Posted by Dr Nice on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:25:00 PST

Life 101 - Personal Integrity

There are a handfull of key concepts we must each master if we are to succeed in life. Foremost in my mind is personal integrity. This word encompasses many things; being honest, being respectful of...
Posted by Dr Nice on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 12:18:00 PST

Establish personal rules of evidence

When I make entries on a Sunday I will be writing on a spiritual topic. Sometimes it will be fairly religion specific, (I'm LDS/Mormon), and sometimes it will be more general in terms. My faith teac...
Posted by Dr Nice on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:11:00 PST

CANI - Constant, Never Ending Improvement

A key concept in optimizing the human experience is to set ones self upon a committed course to improve a little bit every day. We can do this regardless of the circumstances of life because all expe...
Posted by Dr Nice on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 03:18:00 PST