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Granny Peace

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


I am not here to buy products or get laid. I have a very low income, and trying to sell me something is a total waste of your time. I am disabled, and involved in as many worthwhile activities as I can handle already; trying to enlist me in your downline is a total waste of your time. I am happily married, and trying to interest me in a romantic relationship is a total waste of your time. If you don't have the time to talk with me before you ask me to be your friend, then sending me a friendship request is a total waste of your time -- I don't have the time to spend on you.

Writer/Teacher/Activist... I am enthusiastic about many things, I write about them all, and I put most of what I write up on webpages. I have 2100+ pages at Anitra's Web . My life is an open website. :D

Most news-story and website-review blogging I do on my StumbleUpon blog.

My name really is Anitra. The main thing I use the Internet for is to promote homeless services and homeless organizing, and people have to be able to find me for that, so there's no point in trying to stay anonymous.

My Meyers-Briggs profile is ENTP and my "thinking style" profile is high on verbal, analytical, and kinesthetic. I "think out loud" -- I have to be writing or talking (while moving my hands around a lot) in order to work out ideas -- and for the sake of my face-to-face relationships I do most of my "thinking out loud" on the Web. Know that you have the eternal gratitude of all of my friends and loved ones.

I am a freethinking Christian, universalist, unitarian, and a religious naturalist. I do enjoy a nice bout of theological debate, but I will not let doctrine justify bigotry and division. Doctrine divides, Spirit unites.

I am an old-fashioned liberal, which means that I am pretty well ready to disagree about politics with just about any of you young whipper-snappers that think you are "liberals" or "conservatives" and could not define either well enough to pick it out of the sock hamper. Go ahead, prove me wrong. I dearly wish you would!

My main focus in activism is on homelessness, poverty, and related issues -- and everything is related.

My parents were both wordaholics and bookaholics. I was born hooked. They were pushers; I was exposed to it constantly from infancy. I never stood a chance!

Oh, that is me in the photo, at Real Change street newspaper, with Sid the Cat who owns the place.

from a blogthing:
You Are Internal - Realist - Powerful
You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.
You are a realist when it comes to luck.
You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.
You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...
But you do your best to try to make your own luck.
When it comes to who's in charge, it's you.
Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler.
You don't care much about what others think.
But they better care what you think!

The Three Dimension Luck and Power Test


The sum total of the Gospel message is, "You are loved. So is everyone else. Live like it."

Never be afraid to see anything, feel anything, think anything, or say anything, and never make anyone else afraid.

It is as unjust to sacrifice your own needs and interests to another's as it is to sacrifice their needs and interests to you. The greatest justice for one is equal justice for all.

The entire universe is a gift of grace. You did not earn or deserve a lot of the bad things that happen to you. You did not earn or deserve a lot of the good, either. Make the best of it.

Your life is not what happens to you; your life is what you make out of what happens to you. Make your own life; don't buy one off the shelf.

It is all much more like a system than like a bunch of discrete parts. Everything affects and is affected at the same time. You are influenced by many things. Take responsibility for what you do, and you can learn what influences you and how to influence back at it.

Tell your own story. You are the one who has the final responsibility for it, you are the one who has the final say about it.

~ Anitra L. Freeman

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My Interests

Social justice, science fiction (no, those are not the same thing), sea chanteys, satire... lots of stuff.

I'd like to meet:

    COLOURlovers Chantey singers Terry Pratchett fans Callahan's Bar folks Anyone who thinks that philosophy and politics are interesting things to talk about -- and can talk about them in plain English. :D