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About Me

I'm a writer, philosopher, scientist, poet, filmmaker, athlete, Buddhist, anarchist, subject/object, generalist, a radical non-participant, a realist, and idealist trying to stay authentic and sane in a world that's gone slightly mad. I guess if I had to sum up what I'm alive for it's trying to achieve enlightenment (in the relative sense, of course, because ultimately we are all aready enlightened, we just have to wake up to that reality). So, what I've done the last 5 years or so is basically dropped off the face of the earth, reading everything of any value whatsoever (A LOT of Ken Wilber!), studying, researching, meditating; basically I'm doing just about everything imaginable that would make one uncomfortable at a party (as if I needed help). And doing things which if anyone asks what it is that you DO would be no short answer. I can't say "I'm a lawyer." I can't say "I'm a doctor." Can't say "I'm a teacher". Nope. None of that. But it's just as well I suppose. It's like Zimmer said, "The best things can't be told; the second best are misunderstood;" the third best is what we talk about. But mostly I meditate when I can, read, write, lift weights, jog, bike, and enjoy eating good meals, good company and, of course, my favorite thing, sleeping. I'm not a bad poet either and try to write about a poem a week just to stay in practice. In a similar vein I've just recently finished the first screenplay that I would like to direct titled, Frederick, the Darkness, and the Eternal Battle (I've written two screenplays before that). I've been studying Integral Theory since 2003 and am passionate about all things integral (as any good integralist would!).
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You are Superman Superman 90% Batman 80% Robin 80% Green Lantern 65% Spider-Man 60% Supergirl 55% Hulk 55% The Flash 50% Iron Man 45% Wonder Woman 35% Catwoman 0% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
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My Interests

Filmmaking, philosophy, poetry, art, film (especially Wes Anderson, David Lynch, Scorsese, Tim Burton, Fellini, Kurasowa) comics (or sequential art if you want to get high falutin'), classical music (but generally anything but rap, and rap only if it's Wu Tang Clan, Saul Williams or Public Enemy), Integral Theory, Spirituality, Vipassana meditation, weight lifting, Tai Chi Chuan, Kundalini Yoga, jogging, biking, writing, eating Twizzlers (come on, it's the greatest snack ever and fun to pick out of your teeth! ok maybe not THAT fun, but pretty fun), exercise physiology, partial non-differential equations and their real world applications to free verse poetry, strange loops, behavioral science...blah blah blah

I'd like to meet:

I guess if I could meet anyone (living or dead) it would have to be Ken Wilber, Buddha, Nietzsche, Joseph Campbell, Beethoven, Larry and Andy Wachowski, William Blake, Wes Anderson, T. S. Eliot, Alex Grey, Bob Dylan, Orson Welles, Johnny Cash, David Lynch, Forrest J Ackerman, Marlon Brando, Cornel West, Robert Bly, J.D. Salinger, Ray Bradbury, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, Charlie Parker, Sly Stallone, Stuart Davis, Louis Armstrong, Wynton Marsalis, Richard Linklater, Stephen King, Andy Kaufman, Francis Bacon (the painter of course), and Charlie Brown.


Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and of course The Highwaymen, Queen, David Bowie, The Eagles, The Who, nearly all adagios and requiems!, George Michael, Pink Floyd, Pat Benatar, Loudon Wainright III, Stuart Davis, Sinead O'Connor, Crash Test Dummies, Talking Heads, Enya, Mark Mothersbough, Coldplay, Nick Drake, Daniel Johnston, John Lennon, ELO, Iris Dement, Cat Stevens, The New Radicals, Polyphonic Spree, The Cramps, Bert Jansch, Billy Bragg, The Shins, Clint Eastwood, Louis Armstrong, The Ramones, Peter Gabriel, Elliot Smith, Judy Collins, The Doors, Gordon Lightfoot, DeVotchka, Gorillaz, The Band, Jeff Buckley, Leonard Cohen, Simon and Garfunkel, Moby, Rolling Stones, Bird (Charlie Parker), Ennio Morricone, The Cure, Frank Sinatra, Sam Cooke, Bob Dylan, Queen, Duke Ellington, Bruce Springsteen, Nina Simone, Wynton Marsalis, Arvo Part, Neil Diamond, Beethoven, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, REM, Chopin, Andrew Lloyd Weber, Sarah Brightman, The Editors, Charles Ives, Henryk Gorecki, Norah Jones, Billie Holiday, David Gray, John Denver, Sufjan Stevens, Bach, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Nirvana, Andrea Boccelli, Led Zeppelin, Beatles (of course), Miles Davis, Feist, Cat Power, Neil Young, and on and on and on...


Alright here goes...The Fountain, Pi, The Matrix Films, anything by Kevin Smith, anything by Alejandro Jodorowsky, Fearless (Jeff Bridges), anything by David Lynch, Bill Condon, Fearless (Jet Li), vampire films, Sophie Coppola, 300, anything by Ridley Scott, Batman Begins, anything by Quentin Tarantino, Kundun, anything with Daniel Day-Lewis in it, La Dolce Vita, anything by John Waters, El Topo, anything by Terry Gilliam, Platoon, anything with Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone, Peter Cushing, and of course Vincent Price, The Count of Monte Cristo, Spirited Away, Harold and Maude, The Elegant Universe, The Deer Hunter, anything by Ingmar Bergman, Ikiru, Unbreakable, Lady in the Water, Children of Men, Superman, Superman II, and the scene from Superman IV: The Quest For Peace when Superman addresses the United Nations, Superman Returns, Hulk, The Cruise, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, A Brief History of Time, Z Channel, Cosmos, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou...ok anything by Wes Anderson, Stephen Hawking's Universe, Cape Fear (Scorsese remake), Philadelphia, Manhunter, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, The Graduate, The Prince of Tides, Waking Life, It's Impossible To Learn To Plow By Reading Books, Slacker, A Scanner Darkly, Awakenings, Lorenzo's Oil, Amelie, the Highlander films (yes, even the second one, I've made my peace with all of them), What Dreams May Come, The Seventh Seal, The Seven Samurai, Seven, The Bone Collector, Copycat, Taxi Driver, The Third Man, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Starman, F For Fake, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Wild Strawberries, Gladiator, Comic Book: The Movie, Crumb, American Splendor, Hellboy, The Star Wars films, Lord of the Rings films, What About Bob?, Searching for Bobby Fischer, Jaws, The Natural, Jeremiah Johnson, The Wild Bunch, anything by Clint Eastwood, Fiddler on the Roof, Stuart Saves His Family, The Godfather films, A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, Legend of Bagger Vance, anything by Sergio Leone, Midnight Cowboy, Altered States, Citizen Kane, Little Miss Sunshine, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, Dracula (original), Bram Stoker's Dracula (Coppola remake), Ugetsu, 8 1/2, Frankenstein, The Bride of Frankenstein, Eraserhead, the Rocky films, Ed Wood (basically anything by Tim Burton), Gods and Monsters, Man on Fire, Dr. Strangelove..., 2001: A Space Odyssey, Vanilla Sky, Donnie Darko, Brazil, Tombstone, Wyatt Earp, Quigley Down Under, Hud, The Thin Red Line (remake), Razors Edge, Red Beard, The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, 400 Blows, Last Tango in Paris, Instinct, Beowulf and Grendel, Big Fish, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, Before Night Falls, Forrest Gump, He Got Game, Groundhog Day, Raging Bull, anything by Woody Allen, Harold and Maude, The Fugitive Kind, Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, For Love of the Game, The Last Temptation of Christ, Stay Hungry, Tin Cup, anything by the Coen Brothers, Angels in America, A. I., Blade Runner, Minority Report, THX 1138, The Crying Game, Finding Forrester, Bang the Drum Slowly, Phantom of the Opera (Claude rains and Gerard Butler versions), Beauty and the Beast (Disney and Cocteau versions), anything with Bill Murray, Adaptation, Northfork, Zoolander, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Peaceful Warrior, Kiss the Girls, Il Postino, Cinema Paradiso, I Heart Huckabees, Conan the Barbarian, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Romeo is Bleeding, Irreversible, Shortbus, Plan 9 From Outer Space, To Kill A Mockingbird, V For Vendetta, The 36th Chamber of Shoulin, anything with John Wayne, Fried Green Tomatoes, Meet Joe Black, Cop Land, Peter Pan, The Power of Myth, Jazz, Baseball, Game Over, The Sword of Doom, Rashomon, The Tin Drum, Sophie's Choice, The Producers, Troy, The Trial, Anchorman, Bubba Ho-Tep, Freaks, Collateral, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Thumbsucker, Junebug, Hammer films, Napoleon Dynamite, The Last of the Mohicans, Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead, The Others, The Lost Boys, The Lion King, Reality Bites...


Northern Exposure, The Twilight Zone (original of course), Monk, New Morning w/Timberly Whitfield, CSI(original), House M.D., The FBI Files, The Body Fantastic, The New Detectives, The X Files, anything on The Science Channel or the History Channel, Dave Chappelle, The Stuart Davis Show (on www.youtube.com), Foamy The Squirrel (www.illwillpress.com), Southpark, Samurai Jack, Twin Peaks, Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Columbo, Magnum P.I., Highlander, Family Guy, Forever Knight, Batman: the Animated Series, Superman: the Animated Series, Justice League (and Justice League Unlimited), Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Incredible Hulk (original), Most Evil, Life, Good vs. Evil (the fantastic short-lived show on the sci-fi channel), IFC, The Henry Rollins Show (and Janeane Garofalo of course), Heroes...


Ken Wilber, Robert Thurman, Joseph Campbell, Heidegger, Ken Kesey, Nietzsche, Truman Capote, Walt Whitman, Alexander Dumas, Sharon Olds, Douglas Adams, Anne Rice, Steven King, Philip K. Dick, Dracula, Frankenstein, Robert Bly, Steven Pressfield, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Ernest Becker, Abraham Maslow, Clare Graves, Thomas Harris, Epictetus, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Albert Camus, Carl Jung, Charles Bukowski, Michael Murphy, Elaine Pagels, Dylan Thomas, W. Somerset Maugham, Karen Armstrong, J. D. Salinger, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jack Kornfield, James Joyce, Meister Eckhart, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Douglas Hofstadter, Chogyam Trungpa, Norman Mailer, Cornel West, Harper Lee, Harvey Pekar, Ovid, Ray Bradbury, Ken Kesey, Daniel Keyes...


My parents, Ken Wilber and all my fellow members at Integral Institute, Batman, Zorro, Superman, the Lone Ranger, the Spirit, the Shadow, V, the Phantom of the Opera, the Count of Monte Cristo, Conan the Barbarian, Joseph Campbell, Rocky Balboa, John Rambo, Kermit the Frog, Friedrich Nietzsche, Cool Hand Luke, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach, The Question, Lestat, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ingmar Bergman, Stephen King, Duke Ellington, T.S. Eliot, The Flash (Barry Allen), Walt Whitman, Louis Armstrong, Timothy "Speed" Levitch, Chogyam Trungpa, Soren Kierkegaard, my Uncle Herman, Dracula, John Coltrane, Roy Batty, Mike Mentzer, Carl Jung, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Frank Miller, Dave Chapelle, Dick Sprang, David Lynch, Franco Columbu, Hannibal Lecter, Sherlock Holmes, Spock, Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Joyce, Siddhartha, Evey Hammond, Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, B166ER, Bruce Lee, Robert Thurman, Sly Stallone, the Wachowski Brothers, Albert Einstein, Edward Hubble, Steven Hawking, Max Planck, Rudolf Otto, Carl Sagan, Forrest J Ackerman, Roy Hobbs (from the movie), Charlie Parker, and of course, Christopher Reeve (Superman)...

My Blog


After 11 months I benched 275 lbs again. Then I got 235 lbs on incline. VERY good workout today. Hip hip...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 05 May 2008 03:51:00 PST

Getting Stronger!

I've lost 13 pounds since dialing up my workouts. And for the first time haven't lost any strength. I don't know if my workouts are harder now than when i was younger but they're definately more willf...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:14:00 PST

Short Poem

  Spirit, neither wrathful nor loving, suspended me from the stars,   and with something like grace fixed a light from Eternity to keep pace with time and light my path with death....
Posted by Ryan on Fri, 02 May 2008 06:50:00 PST


Yesterday I curled 135 lbs 4 times as a part of my heavy training day. Everything else was fairly routine in the workout (as far as weigths used).  My arms are filling out nicely though, chest ge...
Posted by Ryan on Thu, 01 May 2008 06:48:00 PST

The Zone

Well, this week I've turned back time. I decided to try my old first workout schedule: lift weights 6 days a week (2 days heavy 2 days light, the other two days I work my legs as usual) and then run 5...
Posted by Ryan on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 05:38:00 PST


Saturday night at 1 am I had just went to bed. I put on a dvd (Return of the Jedi) to fall asleep to when the phone rang. My aunt Wanda (54 years old) was dying and I was told if we wanted to see her ...
Posted by Ryan on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:48:00 PST

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death by Yeats

The following poem is one of my all time favorites. I once recited it for a class. It still never fails to touch me, and in some ways it is more about me than I can even begin to say.   ..TR> ...
Posted by Ryan on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 07:57:00 PST

The 88 Yard Dash and the 10 year old(s)

This week I’ve decided to start cardio again. I had slacked off for a while in order to concentrate my effort (and calories) for strength but I’ve decided it’s not worth it. Part of ...
Posted by Ryan on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:46:00 PST

Oh Me! Oh Life!

Yours truly has once again entered the work force, become gainfully employed, entered again the big bad belly of the beast, stared the abyss in the eye... and I was quickly spat out, or rather I&...
Posted by Ryan on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:46:00 PST

Ug Not Another Blog Title

Thursday I worked my shoulders and arms. My arms still feel like they were snatched off and put back on with a pair of pliars and a blowtorch. I hurt. Life is good.
Posted by Ryan on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:10:00 PST