Im interested in loosing everything that I have, just so that I can gain one tiny taste of that thing I have always longed for.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us, it is in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -- Nelson Mandela
Poison the well, The mars volta, Blindmelon, Alexis on fire, Metallica(old stuff), Deftones, Pearl Jam, Bjork, Blindside, Cold PLay, Thrice, Kenna, Down, Taproot, Outcast, Dr. DRE, Nirvana, The Agony Scene, Temple of the dog, Coheed and Cambria, brand new, Pantera, Candiria, Alice in chains, Zao, BLACK SABATH, Tool, TENACIOUS D, Head autimatica, Black eyed peas, Jay-Z, Martin Sexton, The Bled, Dave Mathews, Red hot chili peppers, The Beatles, NIN, Steve Miller, Dillenger Escape Plan, Perfect Circle, Linkin Park, System of a down, Widespread Panic, CKY, Snoop Dog, Living Sacrifice, Ozzy, Abloom, Shenoah, THE D, Hostile groove, Pennywise, Foo fighters, QOTSA, The used, Beck, Damien Rice, Dying Fetus, Soulfly.etc.ect.ect.
Boondaock Saints, Everything Jack Black is in and will be in(even the never ending story 3), Stand by me, Return of the living dead, Brave heart, Forrest gump, HAGGARD, Anything Kevin Smith or Tarentino, SLC Punk, House of 1000 corpses, IT, Fight club, Monty Python, Predator, Enemy at the gates, Magnolia, Dangerous Lives of altar boys, Kill Bill 1&2, Virgin suicides, almost famous,Spinal Tap, Everything Cristopher Walken is in, Fear and Loathing, Waiting for Guffman and the rest, dazed and confused, iggby goes down, paradise lost 1&2, The never ending story, catch me if you can, A river runs through it, Lord of the rings Trillogy, OLD SCHOOL etc.etc.etc
I cant stand it!
Yes and no
Larry Flint, Timmothy Leary, Shannon Hoon, Nancy Kearigan, The six fingered man from The Princess Bride, Soap, Vodka, Rob Montague's Goatee, the tase of mouth wash, and of cours.................Steve Erwin.