My musical tastes are eclectic. I appreciate all genres if people are playing/performing with passion, unless of coarse the performance calls for kaotic mindless thrashing n plinking, thats all luvly too. But yeah, obviously I have my preferences. To dance to I love my dirty, underground sludgy-ass Drum n Bass, Filthy Psychadelic Trance, Salsa, BreakBeat, Ska, booty-bounce hip-hop. To chill to maybe some Sublime, or some Tool, oldskool Wu-Tang, Killah Preist, TENACIOUS D TIME YA MUTHA-FUKA GO!! Eminem, Krs1, Atmosphere, Bjork, Portishead, Masive Attack, Marilyn Manson, Shpongle and various psy-chill artists, Dub n Ska..LeeScratchPerry, d Skatalites etc... Norah Jones..Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Patsy Kline n Doris Day,..The Beach Boys, Jefferson Airplaine, Simon n Garfunkel, The Doors.. Pink FlOyD, The Space Monkeys..- wait, they don't exist do they? or do they? surely with a name like that they must. Anyone got any info on that?... I like Monkeys.. all kinds of monkeys.
Matrix Triology, Marvel Comic Movies, Legend, Laberinth, Pi, Requiem 4 a Dream, Fight Club, Jim Carrey Movies, Jonny Depp movies, Jack Black movies, The Dark Crystal, Y tu Mama Tambien, Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet, Will Farrel + Ben Stiller Movies, Bad-Boy Bubby+ other obscure Auzie+NZ flicks, Manga +Anime, Gangster movies (thats real 'Gansters', not 'Gangtaz'),... Yeah, I know blah blah blah.. I like movies that stimulate my mind, that make me laugh, cry.........................................Banannas
In no particular order- Mynard James Keenan, Bradly Nowel, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Bjork, My Dad- infact- my Family (they all fukin rock), Arnold (up until his Govenor days), Alexander Mcqueen, SleepWalker, Mi PaPiTo, Angelina Jolie, Jonny Depp, Brad Pitt, Marylin Manson, every friend or foe I've ever encountered- you've all given me something I didn't have before we met, Boo (always and forever), Ed Norton, Madonna, Alanis Morisette, Baz Lurman, BILL fuking HICKS!!, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Anton Zandor LaVey, Jesus Christ, The legends that are God and the Devil, Old Dirty Bastard and the Clan, all my favorite musical artists that KNOW...-You know who you are, all ma bitches throughout history that have helped make this world a better place for bitches- I salute you- porn stars, activists, cover girls, strippers, battered wives that fought back...yeah baybee.. um..Andy Worhol, Piccasso, Salvador Dali,. Jim Morrisson....ride the snake,.. Velvet Underground, Ozric Tentacles, Simon Posford, all the filthy fukers keeping the underground alive, Mr X, Curt Cobain, The Beatles, Albert Hoffman, Kevin Smith, Ozzy,...Fuk, need a smoke break, get back to ya... . ... Ok, Martin Luther King, The Cunt Whore of Babylon- for all the mischief she causes..Raul Dahl, My third grade teacher Mrs Waxman,. Death....Me.. . . .