TommyO Photography profile picture

TommyO Photography

Sadly; mediocrity always attacks excellence.

About Me

(see below)
P.O.T.M.-Picture Of The Moment
(of course it's not real.. just having some fun!)
I don't like to categorize what I do; I just like to shoot people at their best. I think for instance when a woman takes 2 hours to get ready to go out, that someone should be there to take a damn picture. Every.. single.. time!Also; I don't think of what I do as "event photography" and I don't think of it as a photo shoot either. Instead; I think of it as a "photo shoot at an event." And I have fun, and will continue to do it as long as people want me to. Simple as that.In my "real other life" I'm a composer/musician. I do know however, that I derive great meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in making my friends look really really good. ; )
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(click to enlarge photo in separate window)

My Interests

.. All that you touch, all that you see, all that you taste, all you feel. All that you love, all that you hate, all you distrust, all you save. All that you give, all that you deal, all that you buy, beg, borrow or steal. All you create, all you destroy, all that you do, all that you say. All that you eat, and everyone you meet, all that you slight, and everyone you fight. All that is now, all that is gone, all that's to come, and everything under the sun.

I'd like to meet:

Met her already... ; )
(...and she is the answer to all my dreams.)

I WELCOME "friend requests" but please do me the *FAVOR* of *WRITING TO ME* to let me know a little about you, how you found me and why you are sending one.. thank you. Seriously; I don't even READ the friend request page unless someone gives me a heads up in an email.

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Below is my latest commercial music work;
LA Fitness "Move Any Way You Want" national TV spot.


When I was five years old my father took me to an orchestral performance at Queens College in New York. Apparently I stood up during the performance and "conducted" in the air to the music. Afterward, a man gave my father a small piece of paper with something scribbled in pencil that said:

"Your boy has real talent! Let him use it!
-Prof. Rudolf Schramm, New York University
Then, on the other side:
"Rhythm is the secret of all musical success.

I have the note in front of me as I write this.

They let me "use" it afterall. I make my living writing music thanks to my parents and Prof. Schramm. And I KNOW I'm lucky for it. Thanks Prof. Schramm wherever you are.



"What The BLEEP Do We Know," "Risky Business," "Serendipity," "The Million Eyes of Sumaru," "The Audition (Japanese)," "The Secretary," any cheesy black and white sci-fi movies (ie; Earth vs. the Flying Saucers),... and my new favorite campy sci-fi spoof: "'The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra." Cheeeeeeze heaven!

And THIS movie...well... if you 've seen it; you know. ..


Mystery Science Theater 3000, Sifl&Olly, Invader Zim, Cartoons!, TLC, Discovery Channel ..


All JRR Tolkien;most Tom Clancy;Kahlil Gibran-The Prophet;A Brief History of Time-Stephen Hawking; The Elegant Universe:Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory-Brian Greene(geek alert!);Einstein's Relativity (seriously,.. it's amazing);Contact-Carl Sagan(if only it were true!);Clara Birch-Anonymous;Time And Again-Jack Finney...And of course: Sun Tzu, The Art of War ..


Catwoman (Julie Newmar),
Francesco Scavullo, Chuck Yeager, Hugh Hefner,
and of course..

Jimmy Page!

Click to visit my graphics company...

My Blog

A Day at the Beach...

Don't you just love the warm weather?Oh wait; it's not this *HOT* where you are?Oops, Sorry!  hehehe  ; )(click pics to open in new window)All that hard work was followed by a lovely dinner...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Fri, 16 May 2008 05:56:00 PST

Alpha Male Mutha Fu....

In case you think I just take "pretty" pictures... ...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:43:00 PST

San Francisco Ball

I like to give the scoop on the pictures to the event people first, since they are so gracious to invite Sara and I to attend these soirees.. and now that I’ve sent the pictures along to Paige a...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:57:00 PST

Syren Fashion Show & West Coast Fetish Ball, Dec 2007

Pictures from the West Coast Fetish Ball and Syren Fashion show.Enjoy Everyone! -TommyYup, that's Sara under there with Caroline Aquino.  Since Sara was walking for Syren I thought I'd hang arou...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 04:47:00 PST

New Gear!

Well, I've finally done it.  The new Canon 40D was too much camera to resist and so I decided to grab one along with an awesome Canon lens and a bunch of new lighting gear. Here's the 40D with th...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:03:00 PST

TommyO Photography in Marquis Magazine AGAIN!

Hi everyone.. I'm very proud to annouce my shots in the second consecutive issue of Marquis Magazine.  It's always gonna be a thrill for me to be represented in print, and to see us (in LA) get t...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:23:00 PST

Hollywood Halloween BBall 10/31/07

This years Halloween Hollywood Bondage Ball was awesome.  The people, the costumes, the shows were some of the best I've seen in a while.  In a town that "does it up" all the time, it's some...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 03:19:00 PST

Bebe Ad Project

I borrowed Steve Diet Goedde's quote for my profile:"A person takes good photos, not a camera."I so agree.  When I see a good shot I feel a kick in my chest and I hear the little click of the cam...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 05:36:00 PST

TommyO Photography in Marquis Magazine!

Hot on the heels of my Skin Two Magazine shots comes a full page in the latest issue of Marquis Magazine!  They've taken to covering more of the US scene (now that we've all heated things up a bi...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 07:17:00 PST

BondBall Pics - July '07

Fresh back from a trip to NY with "sarcasm" recharged, I present to you:The INDEPENDENCE EVE BONDAGE BALL, July 3rd, 2007.Looks like lotsa fireworks for the 4th of July this year!I heard "ooohs" and "...
Posted by TommyO Photography on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 02:43:00 PST