With the Name of God
O believers! If you help the cause of God, He will help you and
establish your feet firmly.
Quran 47:7
New Genre: MuslimMusic - definition: A range of Music and lyrics that promotes the growth of healthy human life and the expression of the beauty of the 1 Creator.
DJ3D specialize in playing and promoting music that is not 1 dimensional (appealing only to the physical/material life) but 3D (appealing to the Mind, Body and Soul-intellectual/physical/spiritual life) pushin that MuslimMusic...
Using my appreciation of all music and a passion for technology, I'm producing MyspaceMusicJams, featuring music and live performances from unsigned and signed artist on myspace.com. Digital projection of myspace.com artist pages and live music accompanies my DJ perfomances.
For a booking or to perform at the next MyspaceMusicJam....email me [email protected] or send me a message
Peace and Blessings / Remember: 1Creator - the rest is Creation!
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