Yusuf profile picture


Ignorance is Contagious

About Me

Yusuf (originally from Haiti) is one of Montreal's most conscious Hip-Hop artists. In his early 20's, he started to contemplate about the rapidly changing society and questioning his purpose of life. After much reflection and studying, he embraced the way of life called Islam. Backed up by Xero Motion Music (PX & Rugged Reg), legitime and Yusuf's own production; this man's lyrics reflect his life experiences and his general view of the world, and the journey which lead him on the path of a religion called Islam. His main goal is to reach the non-muslims who are questioning themselves and their place in this world and insha allah the muslims who may be stuggleling with the temptations of the North American society. Regardless of race, religion, culture or social class, Yusuf's message will strike a cord with any free thinking individual. His humble appearance always leaves his audience in a shock during his conscious and thought-provoking performances.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/28/2006
Band Website: xeromotionmusic.com
Influences: The Quran and Sunnah
Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Life Experiences
Political Activists
and all those that strive to better themselves and other
Layout Design By - HYPEmyspace.com
Sounds Like: none other
Record Label: inde
Type of Label: None