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Ummah Films

Reminding you just in case you forgot..

About Me

************************************************************ **I check my facebook account (search "Baba Ali" on far more than I do my myspace account so if you want to get in touch with me, please do so via facebook (instead of myspace) ****
Last year, I started a video blog series called The Reminder on (search Ummah Films). Alhamdulillah the videos have been watched by over 2 million people on youtube alone. I write, edit, film, and produce the Reminder videos myself so as much as I would like to come out with videos more often, it isn't easy because I have a normal life with other daily responsibilities like everyone else. These videos are something I try to do with my free time and sometimes life takes its toll and keeps me busy so I don't have time to do them as often as I would like.
When the idea of Ummah Films as a film company was first brought up, a group of brothers and myself wanted to start making films for the Ummah. For one reason or another, we couldn't get everyone to work on a film together. After a while, I noticed that we all did not share the same views with one another so I decided to start working on my own personal project (The Reminder videos) on the side. No only did it allow me to practice editing but it gave me a chance to complete simple videos from beginning to end.
I do not necessarily agree nor disagree with all those involved with Ummah Films but it is clear that our opinions are very different. This why the Reminder video series appealed to me because I didn't want to be represented by another person's actions or opinion.
My ultimate goal is to work on an actual film with a group of sincere people who share similar views and who will be willing to work on the film until its completed, but I have yet to find that group of people. So for the time being, I'm limited to making the Reminder videos by myself.
My inspiration behind the Reminder videos is that I think we all need reminders from time to time to keep ourselves on track (that includes me too). I'm more interested in covering topics that are often ignored or not brought up because it is politically incorrect. I am not scholar nor will pretend to be one but rather I just use the videos as a means to voice my opinion on various subjects based on my understanding and what I have learned thus far.
All the success of the Reminder videos are only because of Allah (swt) and only the mistakes are from me. As Muslims, we must put in effort and strive to be good examples for all those who we interact with (Muslims and non-Muslims). I hope the videos not only make the viewers smile but more importantly impacts them in such a way that it makes them think.
I often get asked on myspace and facebook if this is the real Ali. Yeah it is. There are a lot of myspace pages which look like the official Ummah Films site so I can understand the confusion. Alhamdulillah many viewers promote the videos by posting them on their pages which is great.
If you want to know my opinion on a particular subject, feel free to ask directly via email InshAllah. I don't discriminate between Muslim or non-Muslim. At the end of the day, we are all human beings.
I am not affiliated with any particular movement, sect, group, etc. I absolutely condemn in the strongest terms terrorism and any extremism done in the name of Islam and refuse to associate myself with those who practice and condone such behavior and thoughts.
I also have a facebook account. Just search for "Baba Ali" on facebook.

My Interests

I like working on anything creative. I wrote two books of poetry, started a basketball organization, invented a board game (Mecca to Medina -, and I'm currently in the process of trying to produce my next board game (haven't been able to find a company that a less than 5000 games - minimum)The most recent project I'm working on the "The Reminder" series on Ummah Films (


The greatest man to walk on this earth, Prophet Muhammad (saw). The way he made dawah really inspired me. He understood who he was making dawah to and was both creative and strategic in the way he dealt with people. For example, he was patient with the old lady that use to drop her trash in front of his house while his dawah with the wrestler he beat 3 times to prove he was the Prophet (saw) was a completely different method. With each project, I try to analyze what the people are into and what is the best way to connect with them. For example, my games are made to connect to a specific audience while the Reminder series is made to connect to another type of audience

My Blog

Wanna help Ummah Films?

Assalammu' Alaikum,I have entered an Ummah Films video in a contest and I need your vote InshAllah.  Please goto: you like Ummah Films' Reminder vid...
Posted by Ummah Films on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:35:00 PST