In the name of the MOST HIGH.
I am a native of southern California, but have also lived in Texas, Alaska, and Michigan. Of mixed Filipino and Pakistani heritage, I grew up in a family that always valued the visual and performing arts. At a young age I became involved in singing and theater. In high school I became an avid snowboarder. Went to university and studied Arabic and Psychology. After finishing my undergraduate studies, I traveled abroad and was honored with the opportunity to sit at the feet of some of the greatest scholars of Sacred Knowledge. I returned to the States and am currently completing a doctorate in clinical psychology. I also have a passion for film making.
My first film, Muslim Boarders , is a short documentary that had a successful run of film festivals. (See the preview below).
To find out more about my filmmaking efforts, please visit:
Stranger in the Shade productions.
This is a performance I filmed of Stevie Harris (The Revert) doing one of his soulful pieces entitled "Disappeared in the USA." The song touches upon how life is for some people in the post-9/11 world. I shot this at the Refinery 4.0 show sponsored by Remarkable Current. Stevie is one of my favorite artists... Muslim soul music!
I don't know exactly why,... but I really like this song and video. Have a happy and blessed Ramadan!