WRITING, Travel, reading, music, dancing, shopping, movies, designing jewelry and clothes, anything techy.
Madonna, Janet Jackson, Bill Clinton (again), President David Palmer (lol), Keiffer Sutherland, any of the guys from Prison Break, Mya Angelou, and any of my loved ones who have moved on from their earthly tethers...
Anything as long as it sounds good.
Too many to name, but let's throw up Heat, Shawshank Redemption, The Departed, The Lost Boys, Titanic, Godfather I and II, Scarface, Carlito's Way, basically anything Al Pacino has been in, Kill Bill, The Matrix, The Evil Dead...
Dexter, 24, Heroes, Lost, Prison Break, The Sopranos, Veronica Mars, America's Next Top Model, all the Law and Orders, Desperate Housewives, Big Love, Sex and The City (RIP).
Everything by Dean R. Koontz, Patricia Cornwell, Mary Higgins Clark, Tess Gerristen, Steven King.
My grandparents.