bluemoondragonfly profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


CURRENT MOON moon info

February 21, 2008

Pardon my dust... currently, well always actually, under reconstruction and revitalization! Oh... and the same goes for this site too! LOL!

Being on MySpace - embraced by dear friends and fabulous music - I am in Nirvana. I am marveled by the famous and the unknown; so many incredible people, stories, talents, and MUSIC here in my little corner of this incredible place in cyberland. I am truly blessed and inspired by so many of you. Music IS a Healing Art! Blessings to all! -bluemoondragonfly- 

January 09, 2007For Yvonne... Farewell Sweet Angel. Your work is done here. We will never forget you. Spread your wings and fly! We Will Always Love You!

December 28, 2006 through January 01, 2007: All music in memory of Sophia Harbin Rawlins, Late Matriarch of Newton Surmaville, the last of the Harbin family inhabitants of 396 continuous years! Rest in Peace kind Cousin & Friend.

November 16, 2006

I am so glad we are now a part of each other’s circle of incredible friends! This site is for ALL to enjoy.

In my view, music is a healing art. Music brings people together instead of tearing them apart. As more people share their music together, listen together, sway back and forth together, sing and dance together; I believe our world will become a happier and more loving place; a safer and more peaceful and loving place...

October 17, 2006 - A work in progress...

One purpose of my site is to bring together musical composers & performers from all backgrounds, styles and from all over the world: the famous and the unknown; the unsigned, independent, and major label recording professionals, and those who enjoy them to one place: This Place. In doing this, I have found an incredible wellspring of musical diversity that I would have never been exposed to otherwise.

I'm provided with a wonderful source of energy and inspiration each time I check in.

Perhaps you will find inspiration here too!

Wishing you all the best – and much more!


(Please respect the humanity and dignity of each other - if you are into spreading hatred, prejudice, or just wanting to make trouble for me or my friends, this space is not for you - kindly move on).

11-02-2006All web cam invites will be deleted - I don't have one and too many of them are scams to steal your ID or space info anyway.

Here is a little more about me, aka bluemoondragonfly

I'm sentimental, nerdy, empathic and empathetic. Cheesy sometimes. My humor is unpredictable, usually quick witted, quite obscure, even paradoxical at times - I like it that way. Think outside the box? What box? Hmm... Think about it.

I am a very fortunate man. I have been with the love of my life - my life partner Jeffrey - for nearly twenty one  years now. We are monogamous by choice - it's what works for us. Aside from the facts that: Many people and co-workers (20 years ago)thought we look a lot alike - even to the point of starting a conversation with one of us and finishing it with the other; we are both Aries; we are very different; sometimes absolute opposites; in so many ways. We also have some of the most interesting connections. One example is in our genealogy. My maternal ancestral lineage connects me to Yeovil, Somerset, England. Jeffrey's paternal ancestral lineage leads him to Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England - 

Why I chose my name "bluemoondragonfly"Blue Moons are rare and easily overlooked curiosities. The Blue Moon is the second Full Moon occurring in the same calendar month. Or it is the third full moon of a quarter where there are four full moons in three consecutive months.

The only merit badge I got in the Boy Scouts was for Astronomy. I also earned the Mt. Whitney Trek Award for hiking from "Roads End" in King's Canyon National Park, CA, to the Mount Whitney Summit - at age 12, a 78 mile trek in 7 days. We hiked the western trail to the summit then backtracked a bit and hiked down the eastern trail - descending 14,000+ feet in six miles of bone jarring switchbacks to the base at El Portal. Totally Awesome! Certainly among the top 10 greatest experiences and achievements of my life. For this I hold the deepest gratitude and respect form my Scout Master, John Fitzgerald. He was a tremendous teacher and totally cool - he didn’t make us wear those dorky looking green pants (no offence to any Scouts out there) - Instead we were able to wear Levi's and the "Official Shirt". He also did something extraordinary. My sister had survived a life threatening illness and surgery at age two years. She was healthy yet there was uncertainty about the need for future surgeries. The summer before we climbed Mt. Whitney, (my sister was age 6, and I was 11), she asked him if she could go camping with us. This was absolutely forbidden for a girl to go camping with a boy scout troop. Mr. Fitzgerald was a brave and wise man. With my parents consent; a Physicians release; and the Honor and Agreement of every Scout in our troop. My sister was elected our Mascot and was treated like a Princess for a weekend camping trip at Lodgepole in the Sequoia National Park in California. We all had a blast! And he made a little girls wish come true. My sister did require an additional surgery at age 12. Now, at age 45,she is healthy and has two delightful daughters. 

I also let my thoughts wander when I write - did you notice? I just love that. I write like I think - thank God keyboards have backspace and delete buttons!

For me, dragonflies represent a story much like that of the "ugly duckling". Humble uncertain beginnings transforming into a great wondrous beauty. They are rarities: only found in certain areas - with patience. Seemingly fragile: they are graceful; versatile - symbols of great strength, protection and beauty. A great symbol for me that there is HOPE. (During the summer between 7th & 8th grades I was able to take one of my favorite classes ever in entomology - that is where I developed my love of Dragonflies, and Swallowtail Butterflies as well).

If you would like to hear some of my original piano music from my past, Click Here

 Your comments and friend requests are welcome and greatly appreciated on my music site also.   

My Interests

Human Rights; Humanity; Beyond Tolerance - to Embracing Diversity, GLBT Needs, Community Awareness and Rights. Mental and Emotional Health Needs, Community Awareness and Rights. ART: Digital Photo Graphics; Piano. Horticulture, Gardenscapes; Environmental Design; The Healing Arts: Music/Tonal/Color Therapy; Needleless Accupuncture with Bach Flower Essences; Accupressure; Genealogy; Art Glass of the 19th & 20th Century - Research & Evaluation; Foreign Languages; Adventurous Cooking; Responsible Environmentalism

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Just making seemingly small personal changes in our everyday life habits can make a huge impact when it comes to healing and responsibly caring for our local and global environment. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we are willing to work together, expand our views and thinking (or actually set them aside) so that new ideas, solutions, and even paradigm shifts in our thinking and approaches can occur – making progress possible.

I'd like to meet:

I value meeting all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds and from all walks of life.

I value honesty, compassion, empathy and independent thinking. I admire and respect those who have the courage to tell their truth and not judge others for telling theirs. I experience Spiritual insight and awareness. I Pray for Peace, Healing, Harmony, Grace and Wisdom.

I SET HEALTHY BOUNDRIES: I have no time for those who are hate-mongers; those who seek to hurt or oppress others; those who spread hate-speech or engage in malicious acts against those who are different for any reason. If this fits you - get the hell out of here, grab the first mirror you find and start taking a good look.

The First Amendment Protects Free Speech (at least it used to); NOT Hate-Speech.

Specific Individuals I would like to meet. This is a list in the making...)

Queen Elizabeth II - after all, King Edward I is my 33rd great (say great 33 times) grand father - but will Her Royal Highness return my calls or letters? NO! Go figure! LOL - Interestingly enough, HRH also booted everyone off her MySpace page because it is now for "Royals Only"! Ouch. I think there is just something inherently funny about that. Oh well... all the best to the Royals.

(Yes my genealogy is accurate - however I mean absolutely no disrespect to HRH Queen Elizabeth II - I am an American citizen with absolute respect for Her Royal Highness, the Royal Family, and all of Great Britain. I love my country, but a really big part of my heart belongs to my ancestral homeland).

Danny and Deryn = EntropiK = Striking Media Music =  Striking Poses!

Samantha Brown; Al Gore; Elton John; Clay Aiken; Arvo Part; Chahuly; Jeff Johnston; Aaron Neville; Stephen Halpern; Pat Metheny(sp?); Thich Nhat Hanh - my beloved Thay; Anderson Cooper; Thomas Roberts - sending you & your loved ones prayers and kind thoughts; Carol Burnett; Lou Dobbs; Cherokee Cher; Jaime Oliver; and many more I just can't bring up right now. To be continued...


June 5, 2008


Yvonne De Carlo

The You Tube Video above shows Yvonne performing “I’m Still Here” at the Hollywood Bowl. This piece was written exclusively for Yvonne, by Steven Sondheim, and performed by Yvonne and others in the Broadway hit, “Follies. Enjoy.

Many remember Yvonne as Lily Munster from the TV sit-com – “The Munsters”. Her role as Lily Munster was brilliant and endearing – still broadcast in numerous countries and languages all over the world. Yvonne's career spanned six plus decades! There is so much more to be celebrated about this remarkable Iconoclast - most certainly 'a legend in her own time' and still here now.

Cheers to you, Dear Yvonne! We celebrate you and the indelible and unforgettable legacy you have left with us. And we, celebrate you, the person – ever the prankster, true and dear friend, one hell of a feisty broad! We love you, we miss you, Shine On!

-For Yvonne-

-Remembering you always-

-September First-
"Those of us who will be looking skyward on the night of September First will most certainly notice a very special star in the heavens. She's been there for some time now - watching over us all. You will know it when you see her because she just cannot help but stand out. She has never lost that glimmer, that sparkle, and just can't help but shine brighter than the rest!" © 2007 Robert Harbin-McGee

All Our Love, Dear Onebluemoondragonfly

-Robert & Jeffrey-

Striking Media - EntropiK - Striking Poses - Danny & Deryn... AMAZING!!!

Liquid Vision!

Bei Bei!

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Powerstring a la carte!

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Jessica Amaro!
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"Dusty in London" by Dusty Springfield, "What are you doing the rest of your life?"

EntripoK! - Cellofiend! - Deryn & Danny!; Drew Tretick; Dave Brady; John Rangel; War Stories; Arvo Part; Liquid Vision; Loren Radis; Melissa Etheridge - "The Awakening"; Joshua Bell; Cesar Cui; Michael Jones; Liz Storey; Madredeus; Elliott Smith (RIP Sweet Elliott); Adagio for strings by Barber; Clair de Lune; Faure; Satie; The 5 Browns; IZ; Ravel; Brad Mehldau; Aaron Neville; Diana Krall; Elton John; Folk Scat; David Nevue!; Moya Brennan; Elijah Bossenbroek; Jeff Johnston!; Sweet Honey From The Rock; Stephen Halpern; Pat Metheney; Roger Kellerway; Edith Piaf; Jane Oliver; Babatunde Olatunji; My Top 40; and the incredible music I find on MySpace!!!

href=" 9tL2RlbGF1cmVudGlwaG90b2dyYXBoeQ=="

Delaurenti Photography


Anything with Yvonne De Carlo, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Matthew Broderick; Waiting; Hotel New Hampshire; James Bond; Indiana Jones; Little Miss Sunshine; Happyness; Perfect Stranger; Sicko; Transformers! (I saw it twice); Evening; Rear Window; La Vie En Rose!!!; Little Voise; Night Mother; Documentary: Fierce Goodbye at; Smallville; There's Something About Mary!;Juno; Memoirs of a Geisha; Horton Hears a Who; Stand by Me; Ferris Buellers Day Off; Young Frankenstein; Shrek!; Super Bad; Hairspray; Pecker; Wallis & Gromit q;-)~; Shall We Dance; Walk The Line; Derailed; Notebook; Evening; Uncle Buck; Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; The Great Outdoors;


Color Bars

The Munsters; The Carol Burnett Show; I Love Lucy; Felix the Cat; Road Runner; Mighty Mouse; Tom and Jerry; Chip and Dale; Johnny Quest!; The Jetsons; Dr. Keith Ablow; Anything with Anderson Cooper(you asked); 


Breathing On Your Own; Double Luck; The Four Agreements; Living Buddha - Living Christ; Peace is Every Step; Anything by the Authors: Amy Tan; Patterson; Dean Koontz; Alexander McCall Smith (only "The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series); Mary Higgins Clark; Patricia Cromwell; Darkness Visible by Styron; The Sweet Potato Queen's Big Ass Cook Book; Mama makes up her mind; The Men Who Wore The Pink Triangles; The Hobbit; Of Mice & Men; The Stand; Ella, Minnow, Pea; Eats Shoots and Leaves; The Secret Lives of Bees; Family Dancing; Great Expectations; Man's Search For Meaning by Frankyl; The Red Tent; The Gnostic Gospels (but for sanity's sake - please write an abridged version!); The Dangerous Book for Boys; 


Jeffrey - My Life Partner of 20+ years; George A Fox; Lu, Chi Fa (aka Gordon Lu, author of "Double Luck"); Thich Nhat Hanh; Ilche Lee; William Styron; Yvonne De Carlo; Bruce Morgan; Mahatma Ghandi; Harvey Milk; My best friend Janice; Stephen Hawkings; Matthew Shepherd - God bless you sweet soul; Rosa Parks; Ravel; Princess Dianna; Elton John; Martin Luther King; Coretta Scott King; HRC; PFLAG; Babatunde Olatunje; The men who wore the Pink Triangles; Steve Irwin - "The Crocodile Hunter" - RIP Brother; Jessica Tandy; Congressman Barney Frank; Kassandra; Al Gore; Michael Moore; Leonardo DeCaprio; Richard Gere; Brad Pitt;

Home Health Nurses and Aides, Caregivers - You are the easily forgotten and underestimated Heroes; Nurses, Aides, and Orderlys who provide Hands on Bedside Care - You make an Incredible difference! All "First Responders"; Fire Fighters; Search and Rescue; Police Officers; Highway Patrol Officers; Registered Nurses; EMT's and Paramedics; Emergency Room MD's and Nurses; Those who advocate for Patient rights; affordable health care and medications for all; Our brave soldiers and their families - who honor us in so many ways every single day. I do not support the liars who put them in harms way unnecessarily - this is not a political view - it is my passionate humanitarian statement - yes we can agree to disagree if we must; All the annonymous ones who show unconditional kindness to a stranger, friend, or family in need, with no strings attached - you are the Angels among us! appears to be a very worthy cause.

My Blog

Depression: The invisible Spirit Thief!

We make great strides with every breath we take. Depression is an illness / condition that no one asks for... and very few even remotely understand unless they have felt the grips of this spirit crush...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 01:16:00 PST

Quotations - Thoughts

That so-called Music... That rhythmic rhetoric that spews forth Words of Hatred, Prejudice, and Violence Does not fit Any definition of Music! It is merely A Symptom of A manifestation of S...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 10:25:00 PST

Correction - My Mistake

Oops! My "Happy First Day of Spring" Bulletin was incorrect: Persia is Iran, not Iraq - My Apologies. Here is the corrected Bulletin and Blog: To all my friends& Happy First Day of Spring, aka The Ver...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 04:05:00 PST

I'll never forget the first time I met Yvonne De Carlo

I'll never forget the first time I met Yvonne, when she asked me how to get to Los Osos. As I was giving her the directions she stopped me quite abruptly stating, "Oh forget it, that's out of the ques...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 02:57:00 PST

Song by Gayla Peevey -

Song by Gayla Peevey - "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas"      Click Here for Gayla PeeveyThis is one of the most adorable songs I have ever heard. Thank You to "Little Red", ...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 10:34:00 PST

The end of a family legacy.

Wednesday, December 28, 2006(Edited for clarity Saturday, December 30, 2006) This evening I have learned of the passing of my distant cousin Sophia Harbin Bates Rawlins, the last of the Harbin's t...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:56:00 PST

Introducing Lily Munster, aka Yvonne De Carlo

December 22, 2006 I am really excited to announce that one of my cherished celebrities, and dear friend, The Incredible Yvonne De Carlo has just started her very own MySpace page!   As a kid ...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 01:35:00 PST

Let us all celebrate the life and times of this great man, William Styron!

Author of, "Darkness Visible... a memoir of madness"; and many other fine literary works. William Styron is one of the first brave souls that I have encountered that experiences and so visce...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:57:00 PST


Diversity I believe that diversity is a part of the natural order of things - as natural as the trillion shapes and shades of the flowers of spring or the leaves of autumn. I believe that diversity b...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 01:30:00 PST

Caution: Not everyone plays nice.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006   Dear MySpace Friends:   I am a person who loves many things: Peace; Friendship; MUSIC; Nature; Spiritual Discovery; Cultural Diversity; Giving. I also struggle wi...
Posted by bluemoondragonfly on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 11:18:00 PST