VLERN profile picture



About Me

Dork. I Like To Rock. Freaktastic. Lifer. I Like To Play The Electric Bass Guitar. Hey, You can too! Click here to play Virtual Jazz Bass. I Make Aaaaaart, Arty custom Theremins, Rock Music, Posters, and other stuff.
These are Some of My Bands, past, present, future, solo, randomness, etc. whatever, click and take a listen;
Crapulence ,
-(((~VORP~)))- .
Saturn's Flea Collar ,
Assnipple , ,
Drabnar ,
The Plankton

My Interests

Alicia. Art. Rock.

I'd like to meet:

a magical dwarf with a box full of money.


Have You Heard This Record?

take a look at my 'electronic friends' to find more than a thousand bands I Love......in addition to this
ridiculous list of the bands I have been in; blah blah blah...
The UnCool, Squat Thrust, Queer, Cake, Queen Penis, Heather Lockjaw, the Bad Vibe Squad, Maufrais, Black Bean Smoothie, Koolaid Mustache, the Caserol, Thighmaster, Saturn's Flea Collar , Assnipple , Zero Skills, Inc. , Fuckemos , Thronobulax, Blandar, Drabnar , Gorb , The Plankton , Band4, the Personal Space Invaders, Griffon, ULK, the Rear Admirals, DePaysh Load AKA Blasphemous Rumours ( all black metal Depeche Mode tribute), Unitard, Solid Goat, These Things Make Us Louder, and right now; Crapulence , SEIZURES! , and -(((~VORP~)))- , there's probably more I can't remember....


I miss Wade, and Biscuit. (r.i.p.)
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss
"I hope the exit is beautiful, and I hope never to return...I promise not to drink at My funeral." ~Frida Kahlo
"Space is the Place" - Sun Ra

My Blog

notice the extraterrestrial news blitz in 2007?

information or disinformation?This strange Wave of UFO stuff in the news and films this year is 100 times what's it been in the last 20 years. Gearing up for a fake alien invasion, or just simple disc...
Posted by VLERN on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 05:23:00 PST


Posted by VLERN on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:20:00 PST