....yhm just the people I really know from MS I guess....
ok so last morning before I went out I had the notification that somehow my account had been phished. I always submit comments after they pass through the approving form, and always type www.myspace.com at every log in and get back to a previous page when the pages I am seeing have something suspect
if you have had some weird message from me in the past week, especially from april 1th on, you can figure out I would never send invitations to check some strange pics on a weird website, or advertise for free crappy bags [I am not a woman anyway and you can figure out I don't even care for trademarks], ringtones and so on. In a word, I am not a spammer and if you have seen something weird please tell me.butYou know, those who have been knowing me for a certain time now, that I yearly change my personal account, and it bothers me since I have to re-add anyone again, but it's the most secure things to do, IMO so you can expect to be readded in another new account. I will keep this for a time of a few months or until I don't readd again the most part of the friends list, I fortunately have some on other accounts too.
I was thinking to remake the whole layout but I guess i will work on the next one instead...
see you soon on http://www.myspace.com/istenem
oh.... c'est moi, mesdames et messieurs.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4