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AUDIVERSITY.COM: After spending the majority of the week reviewing records from pretty substantial names, probably the most obscure band of the bunch easily takes my vote for "Best Album I’ve Heard in a While" (a coveted prize). German composer, musician and sound artist, Daniel Vujanic, and his loose collective known as Baja conjure an amazing array of subtly moving music with their two-part debut on Stilll Records. The first 40 minutes of the record consists of the cut-and-paste experimental prog-folk of Maps, a striking combination of minimalist pioneer Terry Riley, the style-bending finger-picking of John Fahey and the genre-mashing collages of Four Tet stripped away of the electronic beats. The music moves smoothly but it’s clearly the product of a sound artist, a musician that pieces varying samples in an unconventional manner. Through one song you’ll hear quiet piano melodies, fusion-leaning electronics, flourishes of clarinet, outbursts of free-jazz saxophone, sprays of white noise and jazzy, Szabo-like guitar riffs. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, ‘Droma Waves’ kicks off the second half of the album, Systemalheur. It begins in the same manner as Maps, but before long your ears are being captivated by lush Tortoise-like compositions of jazzy post-rock (brought up in a world of European electroacoustica rather than Chicago house) that get increasingly catchier as the disc continues on. The latter theme-based 30 minutes even drift toward inventive indie acts like The Books and Psapp on frequent occasions. This genius piece of music is hard to describe with words and impossible to categorize, so if you are a big fan of any of the aforementioned artists, blended genres that especially included folktronica, electroacoustica or jazz-anything, and/or challenging yet laid-back music please, please, please do yourself a favor and pick up this disc; because you know as well as I do, you deserve it. ____________________________________________________________ ____ COKEMACHINEGLOW.COM: German composer and found-sound artist Daniel Vujanic, toting a vague collective of one-time contributors/bandmates, has garnered numerous comparisons to the Books. That’s apt -- and, where style is concerned, reasonable enough given Maps/Systemalheur’s gentle acoustic and vocal snippets -- though the deconstruction at work here on Baja’s debut is taken (or perhaps regressed) exponentially further. Instead of the Books’ subtle and playful (and, I should add, fast growing old) subversions of language that contrast words’ referents with the context in which language appears, Baja captures what sounds like thought on the edge of speech intentionally precluded and restricted to its infant stages. This leaves us with emotion unimpeded by the tyranny of language’s imposition of strict meaning. Depeche Mode said on their “Enjoy the Silence” (from 1990’s Violator) that “words” were “like violence” that “break the silence.” Baja assumes as much without the hypocrisy of stating that that’s the case: “Words are very unnecessary / They can only do harm.”The album is divided into the two sides suggested by the title: though the latter tends to more cohesive -- or at least mellifluous and pleasant -- arrangements, both subscribe to the same overarching anti-linear deviations despite how rarely there is even a core to deviate from. For example, “Droma Waves (For History’s Aroma)” (and what a thing to write a song for) officially kicks off the second half; while its last three minutes come closest to proving stylistic comparisons with the Books carry water the song is as cut-and-paste as anything from the album’s first half. It’s all a part of the album’s tendency to make of its unnecessary separations and borders a defining aesthetic. Throughout, one track can run in excess of twelve minutes while the next can be only fifteen or thirty seconds, arbitrary brackets given how each song can then be further and further subdivided almost at random without a consistency of mood or tempo or a reoccurrence of sounds.Vujanic also, cheekily, plays on expectations with regards to the album’s outermost borders, a move probably obvious given that he takes any and every opportunity to subvert traditional song structure everywhere else. Opening track “Maps (Fake Starts and Fake Alarms)” is eleven and-a-half minutes of maddening silences, clicking, buzzes and then sporadic outbursts of musicality. The album ends with “A-one, two, a-one-two-three-four” count-in to nothing, one of its few (and thankfully fleeting) instances where it resorts to pure novelty and doesn’t focus instead on locating intrinsic musicality in the spaces between dominant songwriting forms.Which isn’t to say that belligerence is the album’s principal feature; Vujanic is no dickish Criss Angel tricking his mother into thinking the bloody deconstruction taking place before her is actually his body in a wood chipper only to smugly appear at the end, messiah-like, to revel in a superiority which only exists on his own terms. The deconstruction taking place meets us in the middle: “Anatomy and Variation” is gorgeous, guitar-based chill-out, and the stunning “Realphabetizations” and “Nona’s Theme” are more traditional (read: easier) rewards, hidden in the album’s last third for those with the attention span to treat the album like the complex and wordless discussion it evokes. Still, Maps/Systemalheur doesn’t rely on groove-based electronic production; it resembles free-jazz interspersed in minimalist pastiche and insistent polyphony. Even its track titles, many of which stubbornly refuse to remain static, append bracketed subtexts or are strangely absent of content where one might expect the solidity of statement to qualify Baja’s nebulous experiments. The album itself is dichotomized and split, its title (the first “statement” anyone will read after the band’s name) announcing the multidirectional music therein; this is unlike, say, Matmos, who subscribe to the same methodological bricolage as their underlying songwriting tool but also attached a thesis to The Rose Has Teeth in the Mouth of the Beast (2006), which limited the album to a predetermined political direction while simultaneously transforming music that was otherwise located in the gut and the hips into a semi-exclusive intellectual exercise.It’s not that Maps/Systemalheur resists being brainy. It’s just that the intellectualism at work in Baja’s music is located in the listening, detected in the way it emotes intelligently rather than intelligently references emotion. By making process and reward one in the same, mirroring the obstinacy and arbitrary nature of human emotions, Vujanic is using electronic music in a way that makes it less a statement about media or a contemporary discussion about subverting conventional songwriting than a tool of matter-of-factness; Vujanic is a Apollonian fully aware of the necessity of his Dionesian counterpart, returning us to a more fundamental discussion about how words may never encapsulate what it is we want to say, or how music makes us feel.Conrad Amenta April 10, 2007 ____________________________________________________________ ____ DROWNEDINSOUND.COM: Late last year I discovered the Stilll label via its co-founder Jérôme Deuson (also of aMute), and in almost no time it superseded Transgressive as my favourite label of the year . Maps / Systemalheur is the seventh release from the Belgian label, and the first from Baja – the creative outlet for electronic/free-jazz composer Daniel Vujanic.Maps / Systemalheur is a double album comprising 14 compositions. In parts you could cite Tortoise as a major influence; others, the experimental electronics of The Books. Within the first minute of ‘Fake Starts And False Alarms’ Baja encompasses both of the genres in a kind of free-form, stop-start style which permeates a large proportion of the record. Vujanic himself plays the biggest part in the proceedings, though a set of outside musicians loosely base their guitars, marimbas, vibes aside his haunting electronics. Many of the tracks on Maps build themselves around quiet cut-up samples of acoustic guitars and laid-back grooves, rarely deviating from their path. At times it could be compared to Kieran Hebden and Steve Reid’s Exchange Sessions' quieter moments, but the rhythms are far less focused and the electronics are much more advertent to the songs in hand.A major problem with free-jazz records is that an over-saturation of ideas can render an album almost impenetrable to the listener. Vujanic is constantly opening doors to new scenarios within the record, but because of its relaxed, amiable mood, it never really becomes obtrusive and uncomfortable. One thing which will polarize opinion is the fact that you never know what’s around the corner – some will deign its incoherency as a nullification of the album’s brilliant musicianship, while others will see it as a strength.With the second half of the record (Systemalheur) , Baja ups the tempo, which serves as an arresting wake-up call to those caught within Maps' relaxed mood. Vujanic begins to bring in a new collection of sounds with his diverse palette of instruments, most notably vocals and the increased prominence of the electric guitar. The drums rise from a dulcet haze to notability too, swapping sparse, intermittent appearances for a driving force within the music.Maps / Systemalheur is a record which will appeal to both free-jazz enthusiasts and fans of minimalist electronics. The production is great, and the musicianship manages to work well in the cut-and-paste way that Baja works. ____________________________________________________________ ____ JAZZINBELGIUM: Premier album de Daniel Vujanic,multi-instrumentiste et compositeur basé à Stuttgart, « Maps /Systemalheur» est une découverte qui croise les influences et les genres avec talent et fluidité. Maps constitue la première partie de cet opus double. Chacune de ses huit pièces est une suite avec plusieurs dévelop- pements où guitares, traitements électroniques, sons d’ambianceet autres instruments sont subtilement agencés. Daniel Vujanic fait aussi office de chef d’un orchestre amical captivant, à la fois séduisant et étonnant. Il est également mélodiste et arrangeur mature,ayant parfaitement intégré l’héritage post-rock, électronique, mais aussi jazz et contemporain. Systemalheur, l’autre partie – composée de six étapes – de ce diptyque à la fois varié et cohérent (les sections s’enchaînent avec souplesse, comme autant de séquences d’une déambulation « cinémusicale »), est plus rythmique (downtempo façon Tortoise) et s’ouvre sur une pièce elle-aussi composée de sections, dont une enchantée par l’apparition vocale hypnotique de Mariana Vujanic. Mais, nous voici à peine sous le charme que Baja nous projette dans un autre court-métrage sonore avec de délicats entrelacs de guitares électriques et acoustiques. Une révélation et un doux plaisir pour les âmes voyageuses. Et si ce monde était beau...? Philippe Franck ____________________________________________________________ _ THETRIPWIRE: Incredible genre-melting album that deconstructs rock norms ... ___________________________________________________________ GUTSOFDARKNESS.COM:...."Maps/Systemalheur" s'écoute d'une traîte ou ne s'écoute pas. Mieux ; "Maps/Systemalheur" se vit ! Même si le système d'écriture employé par Baja transpire trop le dictat du laptop, l'album n'en est pas pour autant dépourvu d'âme. Les couleurs pastels apportées par les percussions (vibraphone, marimba), la guitare électro-acoustique et les rares cuivres (clarinette, soprano ?) donnent toute sa profondeur à un disque éminemment poétique, cristallisant une rencontre jusque là encore inédite entre Kieren Hebden (Four Tet) et Mark Hollis (Talk Talk). ____________________________________________________________ ___ TINYMIXTAPES.COM:... (maps/systemalheur) is a work that’s somehow entirely friendly and sincerely detached all at once. It’s pretty, twisting, and curiously impalpable, like a ball of feathers. (And, pssst, it’s only a debut). If the indie rock just isn’t getting it done for you anymore, Baja’s enveloping, intangible compositions may be just the guide you need to more engaging musical territory.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/16/2006
Band Website: (...)
Band Members: daniel vujanic (instruments, electronics, digging holes, toothpick & bones, production, vocals and "...") with heiner stilz (baritone & tenorsax/bass clarinet & clarinet/flute/keys), mariana vujanic (vocals), niko lazarakopoulos (drumkit, mastering), daniel kartmann (vibes, drumkit, marimba), kerstin grießhaber (vocal bitparts)... other "one-time" participants/contributors: xxxx xxxxxx (acoustic guitar), marcel singer (violin), goran palavestric (found sounds), tim kinsella (voice)...


chain reactions

cor, aorta, trachea,...


ink letters written on pages that you actually read, biochemistry, passion, intuition, memory, nervus vagus, disinformation, die fibonacchi reihe, strom, das grosse kilometerfressen (ZEIT?) und das mindestmaß an melancholie (love is o.k., but it´s only o.k. without you)

good music/bands we like: ..,.................,.........,.........,.... ......,...,.......,.............,............,.......,...... .....,...,...,............,and of course.....,...,........,.....,......,...........,......,... .,........,......,...,.........,... ......,...........,.........,.......,........,.......,....., .....,.....,...............,...... etc


"...clever und von schlichter schönheit." INTRO 05/2007

"...herrlich schrulliges ding zwischen postrock, notebookindie, jazzigen versatzstücken, gelegentlichen gitarrenausbrüchen und - ja - hier und da ein bisschen pop. man denkt an tortoise, joan of arc, späte talk talk doch vor allem an diese herrlichen grenzüberschreitungen der belgischen musikszene um deus und zita swoon. ein beherztes aufbrechen gewohnter strukturen ohne unangemessen anstrengend zu sein. denn diese hunderte kleiner sprengsel, ideen und dynamischen einfälle fügen sich zu einem kurios stimmigen bild zusammen. echte zuhörmusik die so schnell niemandem langweilig werden dürfte." VISIONS magazine/sascha krüger 07/2007 - 10 punkte.

" gut und gnadenlos wie in "the true friends of the great northern heartbreak" hat noch keiner ein Post-Noise-Stück in eine schimmernde Folk-Perle verwandelt." Robert Heldner/

"Daniel Vujanic ist Multi-Instrumentalist, Songwriter und Produzent in Personalunion, da wundert es nicht, dass der Zweitling von BAJA namens "Aloha Ahab" nur so vor Ideen strotzt und extrem facettenreich ist. Von elektronischen Elementen, über die Klarinette bis hin zu Rocksongs mit jazziger Note findet man so ziemlich alles auf diesem Album, ohne dass die jeweiligen Elemente sich behindern würden...." OX Fanzine No.72

"...trotz aller Easy-Listening Ruhe große Variabilität..."

"...Anhänger solcher Künstler wie Pedro The Lion oder auch Tortoise hingegenkönnen sich schon mal einen Abend freinehmen, sich über die unzähligen Haken und Stil-Sprünge freuen - und nach ein paar Hördurchgängen Schritt für Schritt tiefer in dieses eigenwillige Werk eintauchen..."

"Zarte Klänge, verspielte Melodien und akustische Akzente inmitten sphärischer Wogen ... erfrischend unprätentiös... ein entspannender Hörgenuss."

"Da ist die Komplexität des Jazz, die Direktheit des Rocks und die Leichtigkeit des Pops. Und noch so vieles mehr... Einigen wir uns auf die Plattitüde: Die Platte wächst..."

"Immer wieder schön, so komplexe Songstrukturen. Baja, das lose Kollektiv um Laptop-Fachmann Daniel Vujanic, zum Beispiel, bearbeitet auf "Aloha Ahab" nicht nur Popsongs, es arbeiten sich auch am Popsong im Allgemeinen ab. Die Herren entdecken Strukturen, legen sie behutsam frei, lassen sie für sich alleine sprechen, um sie anschließend wieder in die große Rumpelkammer des Postrock zurückzuschleudern...oft sind die Stuttgarter nah dran an diesem immer etwas kühlen Frickelsound des Mittleren Westens der USA... Der Unterschied: Sie beziehen eine gute Kante Jazz mit ein, erlauben auch Marimba und Saxofon ihre 15 Minuten Ruhm. Der Opener "Circa Now" zeigt gut auf, dass das zusammenpasst, der Titeltrack, dass auch diese Mittel so etwas wie Eingängigkeit transportieren können. Eine Eingängigkeit, die freilich immer dann aufgebrochen wird, wenn sie zur Einfältigkeit zu werden droht. Das ist eine Herangehensweise, die dem Hörer manchmal so etwas wie Konzentration abverlangt. Wenn man da nicht hinhört, verpasst man vielleicht den Break, und der ist hier so wichtig wie die Leiche im "Tatort".......spannend."

"...Elektronik-Jazz-Projekt rund um den Stuttgarter Daniel Vujanic. Aloha Ahab heißt seine neue bunte Raschelkiste. Herrlich zerwürfelt klingen die liebevoll zusammengeleimten Tracks. Mal süß und verspielt dann wieder traurig und ernst. Immer angenehm verpeilt, bleibt keine Zeit für Langeweile, zwei Häppchen Jazz dazu, ohne die nervigen Soli versteht sich, fertig. Diese Platte passt vor allem zum mal wieder schön auf der Wiese fletzen, Grashalme zählen, Leute gucken. Baja muss in diesen Tagen mit. Wer Adam Pierce mag und bei Mice Parade, Iglo oder Fat Cat nicht an Käse, Fischmus und Schlagsahne denken muss, für den ist Aloha Ahab ein echter Leckerbissen. Die herumsausenden Elektronik-Frickeleien klimpern und knattern sich so lebendig und gutmütig, direkt in den Kopf. Manchmal schrammelts überraschend rockig los, wie bei "the jigsaw people", doch nie großkotzig und plump, sondern kleinlaut und bescheiden. Alles dreht sich wieder und wieder. Vorn ist hinten, oder oben ist draußen, oder doch ganz woanders? Vorsicht da, eine Noise-Wand, ah schon wieder weg. Wohin soll ich? Egal, ich muß nicht, jetzt nicht. Wunderschön, oh Schluß, nochmal hören, wann gehts los?, gleich, endlich, jetzt, ahh, Baja." Mario Kreuzer/

"psychedelische indie sounds im flaming lips stil"

"...Das Resultat dieser Arbeit lässt sich nur schwer mit irgendeinem klar definierten Stil beschreiben. Alleine die aufgezählte Instrumentierung in ein einheitliches Klangbild zu bekommen klingt schwierig genug. Aber was Bands wie Múm und Broken Social Scene schaffen, dass gelingt Baja mit „Aloha Ahab“ auch. Sie weisen mit diesen Bands die Gemeinsamkeit auf, aus den vielen verschiedenen Instrumenten einen eigenen einheitlichen Postrockstil mit Indierock- oder Indietronic-Einflüssen zu synthetisieren, der in der Lage ist, über ein ganzes Album hinweg zu begeistern und zu faszinieren... Monotonie ist für Baja anscheinend ein Fremdwort. Die einzige vorliegende Monotonie dürfte wenn überhaupt die konsequente Umsetzung eines einheitlichen Gusses sein. Die Songs gehen alle Nahtlos ineinander über und so hat man das Gefühl, das Ergebnis einer ununterbrochenen Aufnahmesession zu hören. Weitere Highlights auf „Aloha Ahab“ sind „European Pillow“, „Kind Ends Talker“ und das Ohrwurm erzeugende „The Jigsaw People“, dessen Refrain Vergleiche zu den Strokes durchaus zulässt...... „Aloha Ahab“ könnte eine der Platten schlechthin für den Frühling werden. Sie hat von der bitteren Süße bis hin zum leicht schwelgend Schmachtenden alles, was es dazu braucht... Michael Weber/

"...One-Man-Show des Multiinstrumentalisten Daniel Vujanic, der auf "Aloha Ahab" ein gediegenes Stück Indie-Gefrickel im Stile von The Notwist oder Motorpsycho abliefert..."

"...scheint als hätten Kieran Hebden, Tortoise, The Beta Band und The Earlies gemeinsam eine geheime Session aufgenommen."
Record Label: stilll


Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

evo i jos vise musike za vas...

blitzen trapper: wild mountain nation (wonderful new 4track darlings. olivia tremor control, the byrds of the  top 10 albums for 2007?)oliver messiaen: quatuor pour la fin du temps (excel...
Posted by Baja on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:53:00 PST

RADIO BAJA! october/november 2007 playlist

ungdomskulen: cry baby (fuck stonerrock. bassheavy noiserocktrio from norway)the fashion: s/t (beautiful, danish the cure rip-off. 3 great popsongs. d-d-dance!)orthrelm: ov (AVANTGARDE is a dead horse...
Posted by Baja on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 11:37:00 PST


wolfhour is coming your way this winter via other electricities. it contains 9 compositions (46:46 min) and  is - according to friends - more accesible than the previous material (whatever the fu...
Posted by Baja on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:15:00 PST


harmonia: de luxe (1975 - as nice as their first album, strange grooves, "real" drums)eroc: III (drummer from "grobschnitt" with his solo-project. vivid, humourous, like zeitgeist electronica made wit...
Posted by Baja on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:48:00 PST


ktl (kindertotenlieder): ktl II (powerdrone/ambient - s. o´malley & pita rehberg)caribou: andorra (nice, organic sounding hippieshit. some great songs!)the dragons: bfi (interesting surf-psych fro...
Posted by Baja on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 05:37:00 PST


so what does anyone listen to during the summertime?65daysofstatic: the destruction of small ideas (epic instr.-rock-electronica outfit from england. great tension. beautiful breaks. strange drumsound...
Posted by Baja on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:26:00 PST


some more nice music:the bird & the bee: s/t (very nice komeda meets stereolab on space-cookies mixture)clinic: funf (rough, magickal, hypnotic garage rock. i like ´em!)the detroit cobras: tied &a...
Posted by Baja on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 03:58:00 PST


hi folks & musiclovers, "the jigsaw people" is a little guitardriven uptempo song from the recent baja "aloha ahab" cd/lp. well, it´s not really a rock´ n´ roll tune but it ´s still...
Posted by Baja on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:27:00 PST


hey,finally, you can check out the djilas video on this myspace site. thanks again to contentismissing/nadim! there will be more audio/video material to come from the "aloha ahab" release!cheers,danie...
Posted by Baja on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:18:00 PST

ALOHA AHAB cd/lp out now!

ALOHA AHAB is out now via arctic rodeo recordings (distro: alive! for germany/austria/switzerland  and our distribution for the rest of the world.)  
Posted by Baja on Sat, 05 May 2007 07:32:00 PST