Alain Lefebvre (aka Alinovsky) used to play drums with a big variety of bands in the late 70ties/beginning of the 80ties, among others:Marine, The Durutti Column, Tuxedomoon, Anne Clark, Alan Rankine, Anna Domino, Isabelle Antena, Digital Dance, Snowy Red, Polyphonic Size, Kid Montana... and Benjamin Lew with whom he continues to play actually. In 2005 he started with his friend Jérôme Deuson (aka Amute) the Stilll label. In 2007 he started the Off label with his friend Kiekebiche. He is finishing an album with Benjamin Lew for end 2008, works also on a new Rob(u)rang album for beginning 2008 and hopes to finish the solo album he's got in mind since the last ten years.
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