Yanick profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born in Montreal, Canada in 1977. Self-taught painter, initiated into drawing at an early age, he very rapidly develops his interest and especially his aptitude for graphic arts.During high school, he participates in several exhibits (1993-1995), during which he presents, among others, pencil, oil and ink works, his favourite mediums of the time. Later on, he specializes in graphic design.Only after finishing his studies (1996) does he start painting more conscientiously, working especially with oil paint and pencil. Since then, he has participated in many group and solo exhibits.In 2005, The need to create more spontaneously becomes overbearing. So much to say, so little time. From there emerges more spontaneous and energetic paintings and a desire to explore medias and mediums.In addition to his numerous solo and group exhibits, his services are sought for the realization of advertising projects in the field of performing arts and he participates in musical comedy and movie projects.Recipient of many prizes and awards, the â€..Vermeil” medal during the â€..Salon dâ€,,Automne International des Beaux Arts de Montréal” in 2001.Many of his works can be found in private and corporative collections in Canada, United-States and Europe. Represented the Arthoteque de Montreal, Montreal,Canada; Blume, Montreal,Canada; Zero Celsius Gallery, Ste-Adèle, Canada; and Katharina Wöllner, Dresden, Germany.

My Interests

My main interest is in visual arts; although I'm interested in music, literature, movie, and pretty much anything that can entertain my inner child :) oh ye! And Cycling, my masochist side!

I'd like to meet:

musiciens, visual artists, poets... people with a sense of humor!


Amon Tobin
Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra
Bran Van 3000
Buddy Rich
Cinematic Orchestra
The Cure
Duke Ellington
Field Music
Genesis (w/Pete)
Martha Wainwright
Medeski, Martin & Wood
Missing Person
The Police
Smashing Pumpkins
Sun Ra
Terry Bozzio
TV on the radio
Yes (Pre 80's)
Lot of Jazz | Fusion
Funk (old school)


Dead cat Films Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To come... (section deleted?!)


The three Stooges, Monty Python' Flying Cirkus, Samurai Champloo


1984— George Orwell
Adventures of Hukleberry Finn—Mark Twain
Adventures of Tom Sawyer—Mark Twain
All Hat—Brad Smith
Brave New World—Aldous Huxley
Confession of a master forger— Eric Hebborn
Dear Theo—Vingent–Van Gogh
Desert Solitaire— Edward Abbey
Ghost Rider, Travels on the healing road—Neil Peart
Monkey wrench gang— Edward Abbey
To come... (section deleted?!)


Curly !! Nyuk, Nyuk Nyuk!——
I admire a lot of visual artists: Tapies
Van gogh
Marc Lincourt
Edvard Munch
Jean-Michel Basquiat

My Blog

Cycling+Ornithology+Painting=big smile in ma face

The sun is upI’m so happy I could scream!And there’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be.Robert Smith sang that a decade ago, and today that song played over and over in my menta...
Posted by Yanick on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:52:00 PST

Entries from my journal sept 23-28

sept 23 song of the day: Fly by night   Looking into th eyes of the beast   Yep! Finaly kicked in! The feeling of going on a journey... I hear the call. After leaving my girlfriend at gate B...
Posted by Yanick on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 01:53:00 PST

¡Solo ablo un poco espaniol!

ah! Barcelona! So much to say!!! will be back soon with entries from my journal... and pic Adios song of the day : Live wire
Posted by Yanick on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 01:09:00 PST


2hAM et impossible de fermer l'oeil. Des paupières lourdes mais une tête pleine; celle-là même qui est si souvent vide, lorsque sollicité. Une autoroute idées semble défilée plus vite sur mon oreiller...
Posted by Yanick on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 11:14:00 PST

Même les artistes ont besoin de répis

Et oui les vacances arrivent! Le moral est à plat et l'inspiration n'est pas au rendez-vous.Enfin une semaine complète en dehors de mon atelier.Première étape, vendredi, direction Mt-tremblant. 146kmP...
Posted by Yanick on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:00:00 PST

Asylum Solo exhibition | Asylum Exposition Solo

ASYLUMSolo exhibition at the Maison de Pays art Center, TerrebonneJune 9 to July 8Opening Sunday June 10 from 2PM to 5PM866 rue St-Francois Xavier, Vieux-Terrebonne, Qc, J6W 1E5(20 min. from Montreal)...
Posted by Yanick on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 06:06:00 PST

Exhibitions to come

ASYLUMSolo exhibition at the Maison de Pays art Center, TerrebonneJune 9 to July 8Opening Sunday June 10 from 2PM to 5PM866 rue St-Pierre, Vieux-Terrebonne, Qc, J6W 1E5(20 min. from Montreal)SECRET PL...
Posted by Yanick on Thu, 17 May 2007 08:54:00 PST

Guide de Roussan 2008

INSCRIPTIONGuide de RoussanÉdition 2008Les Éditions de la Roche publient, pour une quinzième année, son guide Marché de l'art au Québec - Peintres et sculpteurs. Cette édition annuelle donne aux amat...
Posted by Yanick on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:01:00 PST

Barcelona Here I Come! (23 sept-14 oct)

English belowEt oui Je partirai peindre à Barcelone pour 3 semaines en septembre pour mettre la touche finale à une exposition duo avec l'artiste Francine Metthé a la galerie Tête à Tête de Barcelone....
Posted by Yanick on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:04:00 PST

lettre ouverte à m. Gora

Voici une lettre que j'ai envoyée à un galeriste de Montréal interessé à mon travail. Suite à une rencontre je me suis rendu compte qu'il était pas intéressé à me représenter mais bien à me faire dépe...
Posted by Yanick on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 03:08:00 PST