(Caroline Labreche, Steeve Leonard, Eric Bertrand, Eric St-Jacques)
Dead Cat Films roule sa bosse depuis 10 ans maintenant, et chaque annee nos courts-metrages hilarants sont projetes partout a travers le monde. Au Quebec, vous nous avez vus au festival Comedia: Juste Pour Rire, au festival FanTasia, aux soirees Prend ca Court! et aussi a Silence On Court. De plus, notre faux documentaire IMAGIER EN ACTION est diffusee aleatoirement sur la chaine ArTv.
Dead Cat Films was born in 1997 when two teenagers, armed with a video camera, blocked a passing street to photograph the stunning image of a squished cat ! Since then Dead Cat Films has been steadily growing, and the group produces it's own low budget films each year. Their most popular efforts where shown to critical acclaim in such festivals as Comedia :Just For Laughs and the prestigious Fantasia Film Festival. Above and beyond, Dead Cat Films has but one motto: We don't have the money, but we'll shoot it anyway !
info, liste d'envoi, commentaire, programmation, menace de mort:
[email protected]
info, mailing list, comment, booking, death threat:
[email protected]