Frontal Lobe Films profile picture

Frontal Lobe Films


About Me

Frontal Lobe Films is a film distribution company whose main purpose is to actively distribute and market intelligent and entertaining micro-budgeted independent films to filmgoers everywhere. We just opened our doors in December of 2006.
We look to the independent film festival circuit and Internet to obtain heralded, but undistributed films that may not be picked up by mainstream film companies. We are passionate about making these films available for all to enjoy and to make sure that the moviegoing public knows that these great films exist!
Our website is up and live! Please visit WWW.FRONTALLOBEFILMS.COM
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Independent films and filmmaking.
We are passionate about independent films and filmmakers. If you are interested in discussing distribution of your film with us please contact us at:
[email protected]
We want to hear from you!

I'd like to meet:

We would like to meet anyone and everyone interested in the success of great independent films - from filmmakers to movie lovers!
Contact us at: [email protected]


We are working on deals with flmmakers now. These great films will be listed here very soon!


Anyone with the courage to follow their dreams.

My Blog

Steal This Film Footage!!!

"In the March 23rd issue of Entertainment Weekly (Um, I was taking a break from Homer's 'The Iliad'?) brought up the fact that the unrated '300' footage that leaked last year online may have helped ge...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 11:15:00 PST


I didn't have much time to see many movies while at the SXSW festival this past week*, but I did have a great time watching the films I managed to make it to. A festival crowd (especially SXSW, it se...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:52:00 PST

Frontal Lobe Films Will Be At SXSW Next Week

The South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Austin begins this weekend. Hundreds of films will be showing, and hundreds of bands will be playing there as well. I'll be in attendance from Saturday ...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 01:35:00 PST

Hey, Scorsese Is Finally A Great Director!

Congratulations must go out to Martin Scorsese, who was voted 'Best Director' this past weekend at the 79th annual Academy Awards. Scorsese will now be able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with such dir...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:43:00 PST

Late Nominations For The Oscars!

"Getting the Academy Award nominations "right" is an impossible task, but I think that many of the acting nominations this year are solid. There are a lot of deserving performances and great actors be...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:17:00 PST


Today our website, is live and online.  When you visit the site you will find new blogs, video and written interviews with film insiders, polls, independent film news and...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:54:00 PST

Call For Film Submissions!

The Frontal Lobe staff are perusing screener DVDs to help select a portion of our first release schedule which is slated for the second quarter of 2007. If you are an independent filmmaker who is cu...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 12:06:00 PST

Meet Frontal Lobe Films

Frontal Lobe Films is a film distribution company whose sole purpose is to market and distribute great independent films.We are currently screening films and speaking with filmmakers to determine the ...
Posted by Frontal Lobe Films on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:20:00 PST