Zena profile picture


Why hello there, friend!

About Me

I am your standard everyday actor and writer. I work some and get paid for it, which is very nice and fulfilling.
"Secret Gift" from Instant Films:
Here are some fun pics from Marie & Erik Stone's wedding @ The Sky Room in Long Beach. We had such a great time. And, best idea ever - a photo booth at the wedding.
I recently did INSTANT FILMS - a film festival where scripts are written, shot and edited over the course of a weekend. This film had me all dressed up sexy and playing with guns. Pretty much every actor's fantasy.
The film is "The Lady & The Tiger & The Wolf" by John Sylvain. Directed by John Ennis and starring me, Henry Dittman and Pat Towne.
I like funny things. They make me laugh. I like to make other people laugh. It lights up their faces and gives them warm feelings inside.
Sometimes I like to be alone and sometimes I like to be with other people. I like to do things and sometimes I like to do nothing. In short, I'm a person, much like any other. Except that I'm me and that makes me unique among people who are not me. Like you, you are not me. Unless I'm reading this and then I am me.
I have amazing friends, family, and a wonderful man whom I love, my partner in crime. His name is Conor.
I am living where I want to be & doing what I want to be doing, which is a nice place to be. I'm a lucky person and I know it.
I tend to drive really really fast.
I love chocolate, it makes me happy.
Anything else is none of your business. :)
Here I am doing stand up comedy:
This is the music video that answers the age old question, "What would Jesus rap about in the style of Eminem?"
A Foe Pa video: "Department of Homeland Security"
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
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My Interests

Acting, writing, music, movies

Pictures from Foe Pa: Episode 7 - "Loving Yourself (Through Others)"

The movie trailer for the 2007 movie about Abraham Lincoln (Foe Pa Episode 5: Choose Your Own Adventure"

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

In Episode 1: "Fear" of Foe Pa we did a series of commercials for Metamucil. Here is my commercial, the "real person" testimonial.

Get this video and more at foepa.com

I wrote this "Suck It with Chef Yummy Yum" sketch for Foe Pa show 3 - The Film Noir episode

The "Corey Goes to the Gym" sketch

Get this video and more at foepa.com

I'd like to meet:

Friendly people with creative interests


The Logan, Tool, A Perfect Circle, National Product, Green Day, Descendents, The Days In Between, The Royal Fever, NOFX, Agent Orange, Nada Surf, Cake, Tiger Army, Soul Coughing, Nirvana, Otis Redding, mewithoutyou, Social Distortion, The Offspring, Nirvana, Jimmy Eat World, Near Miss, Mike Ness, The Foo Fighters, Mary J. Blige, Jay Z, Eminem, Johnny Cash, The Toadies, Fugazi, The Dead Milkmen, Common Rider, Pink, Faith No More, The Bloodhound Gang, Pearl Jam, AFI, etc.



"Office Space", "Napoleon Dynamite", "Grosse Pointe Blank", "Maria Full of Grace", "All Babes Want to Kill Me", "The Last Bad Neighborhood", "Secretary", "Donnie Darko", "Save Virgil", "In Good Company", any movie I'm in. I'll think of more and keep adding to the list. I love a lot of movies.


Chuck, Ugly Betty, The Office, 30 Rock, Heroes, Bones, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy ('specially the ones by me), Entourage, Family Guy. Like that.


I'm always reading. There are lots of good writers out there keeping me entertained.


Conor, my mom, indie filmmakers, anyone who's ever overcome something in their lives, and dreamers.

My Blog

The times they are achangin

The last year has brought about a shift in perspective for me. Perhaps a growing up, if you will (and you will). I've had the hardest job I ever had in my life and I never quit, even though I thought ...
Posted by Zena on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 03:09:00 PST


Well, I been busy! As of today, 4/4/08, 9 of 13 episodes of Apartment 3 have been shot. Our first season is turning out great. I can’t wait for it’s premiere on Sunday, June 1. Apartment 3...
Posted by Zena on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:29:00 PST

Thank you for 2 great shows!

Several months ago when Cindy suggested we participate in the Eclectic Theater's Festival of 1000 Laughs fundraiser it seemed like it would be a quick little gig that we could throw together for a goo...
Posted by Zena on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 02:44:00 PST

Protect Yourself

I have gotten a bunch of emails from friends, especially on the Foe Pa page, that are actually ads posing as comments, like: "Get a free ringtone", "check out who's checking you out on myspace" and "y...
Posted by Zena on Wed, 23 May 2007 06:25:00 PST

Something New!

My husband, Conor Logan, has his own amazing band - The Logan - and they have a brand new myspace page. Add them myspace.com/theloganrocks because they would love to have you as a friend and they coul...
Posted by Zena on Thu, 17 May 2007 11:27:00 PST

What is up

There is a lot going on this year so far. We are working so hard to make this the year we reach a level of success that we have set for ourselves. And by we I mean Conor and me. I have been copiously ...
Posted by Zena on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 09:29:00 PST

Bravo! Well said...

Kudos to Keith Olbermann on this commentary. I wholeheartedly agree and I am so happy to see someone with a public forum looking beneath the surface gloss of bull shit. Whether you agree or not, it'll...
Posted by Zena on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:40:00 PST

A refreshing break from a summer of reality TV

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price is an amazing documentary that tells you exactly how and why Wal-Mart is raping and pillaging America, covering it up with propaganda and screwing the poor out of ...
Posted by Zena on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 10:17:00 PST

Jerks R Us

Remember in WWII when we, America, held Japanese-American people in internment camps for the duration of the war? And how, in history class we learned about it but it wasn't commented on, just mention...
Posted by Zena on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 07:49:00 PST

My Government Didn't Even Buy Me a Drink First

I saw this on cnn.com this morning. How long are we going to let our government fuck us over while we look the other way? I think it's disgusting, I think they have no shame in the face of their overw...
Posted by Zena on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 09:15:00 PST