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About Me

" ... a blend of east and west reborn into the world as sheer brilliance. A must have ! "
" ... for anyone looking for a new artist who can really inspire the mind, this is the perfect one for you. "
2008 / 02 :: LOUNGE DU SOLEIL vol. 2 RADIO PAMIR
Sansura - MP3 Album (March 18th 2008) :: A world music project in every extent, “Sansura” the project and its self-titled first album European debut, blends urban and spiritual sound landscapes. Quite fascinatingly, this vision is not only aimed at the mind and soul but also moves the body. Imagine Thievery Corporation and Fatboy Slim on a psychedelic trip and you have some idea of where “Sansura” may take you. Creative mastermind Kira, world artist recently moved from London to Japan, provided the track concept, basic music themes and ethnics. His London based partner, Lerner has been in charge of most the electronic side including the overall sound engineering and production. Kira recorded with many guest musicians and also played a lot of traditional instruments himself. A special credit must be given to Gab sitar player, for his invaluable and unique contribution, sound and writing wise, providing also flute, oud and percussion. Although the track list suggests mainly Indian influences, the actual inspiration is somewhat different. As project creator Kira points out: “The reason why the Indian sound is there, is not because of Indian music itself, which I love anyway, but because of what happened in the late 1960s. Back then, Indian music has been the first ever major “world music” import, a worldwide new concept, and was naturally integrated into psychedelic music. Therefore the music on “Sansura” is rather psychedelic-influenced where sitar appears as solo instrument” To put it right, on “Sansura” electronic and vintage beats meet sound and atmosphere of India, Japan, Middle East and China. Included in the production process are instruments like Sitar, Biwa, Tablas, Ehru, Tonkori, Oud, Charango, Quena and many other traditional instruments from almost all over the world. The fascinating aspect is how well these multifarious sources blend with each other and all the electronic elements. The radio friendly and multicultural anthem “This is India” features the collaboration and production by recording artist Gaudi. Cool beats, sound snippets, sitar solo, voices add to a compelling mixture which is as unique as danceable. “Radio Pamir” may remind listeners to Thievery Corporation and classic progressive but this imaginary journey takes advantage by its natural feel and authentic instrumentation. To explore the whole range of “Sansura” you best tune in to the opening track “Takebayashi” also “Auratrance” and “Shiv Shiv Beat” as those tracks exert some wicked hypnotizing power but come as diverse and therefore entertaining as you may hope for. Another prestigious collaboration includes Tu Shan Xiang, acclaimed as one of the best Pipa (Chinese traditional instrument) who provides themes, flute and narration to the slowly building “Shimalaya” players worldwide. Possibly one of the rare contaminations of this kind, North-Japanese Ainu culture influence dominates “Musicainu” by incorporating also authorized vocal samples of the late Ainu singer Umeko Ando. The concluding track “New Chant Underground” (vocal by a Tokyo street chanting monk) demonstrates once more on how wonderful a journey this blend of traditional sounds and electronic engineering can take you. A truly versatile, deep and powerful offering :: Please note that Kira supports and various non-profit charities and organizations such as, (Peter Gabriel’s), (among others). Please DO keep talking and get involved!
All tracks by Sansura. Recorded in London UK and Japan. Mixed and Mastered at Firefly Studios London UK. Release date: March 18th 2008 Genre: Electronic â„— 2008 Lemongrassmusic LGM 010-4
You can download Sansura exclusively on iTunes and from May 18th on other download portals as well.
①竹林 (Takebayashi) ②ディス・イズ・インディア (This is India) ③ニュー・チャント・アンダーグラ㠂¦ãƒ³ãƒ‰ (New Chant Underground) ④ラジオ・パミール (Radio Pamir) ⑤シヴ・シヴ・ビート ( Shiv Shiv Beat) â‘¥ ジングル・ルート (Jingle Root) ⑦ 長安エンジェル (Xiangel) ⑧ アイヌ(Musicainu) ⑨ シマラヤ(Shimalaya)⑩ オーラ・トランス(Auratrance)
  彼らの名のまま、ずばり「サンスラ」と 名付けられたこのアルバム。心だけでなく、 体も間違いなく揺さ振ってくれる魅力的な一 枚だ。ロンドンから日本に移って活動を続け るクリエイティヴ・マスターでありプレイヤ ーであるKiraと、ロンドン待望の、若手エン゠¸ãƒ‹ã‚¢Lernerが繰りなす異空間。伝統とエレトム­ãƒ‹ãƒƒã‚¯é©æ–°ã®ã€ä¸–界の宝箱のようだ。アルムãƒ ã«ã¯æµ·å¤–のDJ界で時の人として活躍す゠‹Gaudi や指折りのPipa プレイヤーTu Shan Xiang をはじめとするアーティストも参加している 。アルバム全体を通してシタール,琵琶、タ ブラ、二胡、トンコリ、チャランゴ、クエナ 他、楽器という楽器を独自にブレンドし、D J御用にしてしまった彼ら。そこには、この 幅広いワールドを、新種のマルチカルチャー 都市としてまとめあげてしまったような統一 感さえある。 DJは無論、音楽好きのマス トハブはディス・イズ・インディア(This is India)。 この気分爽快なビート、サウンド㠀å…¨ã¦ã«å¤ªé¼“判だ。インド訛りの英語での「T his is not America. This is INDIA !!!」は皮肉のユーモアだろう。体を動かさず にはいられない一曲だ。ビートで負けない、 シヴ・シヴ・ビート(Shiv Shiv Beat) &ジングル・ルート(Jingle Root)。長いナイトライフを満喫できる。ユニ㠃¼ã‚¯ãªã®ã¯ãƒ‹ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ãƒ»ãƒãƒ£ãƒ³ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ³ãƒ€ãƒ¼ã‚°ãƒ©ã ‚¦ãƒ³ãƒ‰(New Chant Underground)。なんと駅でお経をあげていたお坊 さんのお経を曲にしてしまったとKira 本人が語っている。そして竹林(Takebayashi) 〠‚深い。この曲は深い。記憶、感受性、哀愁〠ãã†ã„った普段自分の中で眠っていた感覚だ«ã€ãã†ã£ã¨è§¦ã‚Œã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¾ãŸç¹Šç´ °ãªã®ãŒãƒ©ã‚¸ã‚ªãƒ»ãƒ‘ミール(Radio Pamir) で、フルートとシタールが絡み合うクライマ ックスには脱帽だ。シタールプレイヤーで、 このソロを捧げたGab の存在も高く評価したい。
恒例の NY、ロンドン、ミラノ、パリ発 FASHION WEEK のミュージックを集めたゴージャスなセレブ 御用達コンピレーション。 PRADA、DOLCE&GABBANA、ヴィヴィアン・ウエスムˆã‚¦ãƒƒãƒ‰ã‚’始めとする一流ブランドの集まる FASHION WEEK で、ベスト・パーティー・ナンバーとして世 界のDJに選ばれた豪華・多彩な曲が並ぶ。 Sansura の THIS IS INDIA もセレクトされている。

My Interests


Member Since: 6/30/2007
Band Members: Kira: track concept, guitar, bass, ethnic.
Lerner: electronic, engineering, production

Gaudi: co-composer and production on This is India
Gab: sitar, percussions, flute on This is India, Radio Pamir, Auratrance, Xiangel,
Tu Shan Xiang: Pipa player and various Chinese instruments on Shimalaya
Late Ainu singer Umeko Ando: vocals on Musicainu (authorised samples)

Release Date: Mar 18, 2008 Genre: Electronic â„— 2008 Lemongrassmusic
iTunes コード

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Lemongrassmusic :: digital release
Type of Label: Indie