Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Society (Ready) profile picture

Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Society (Ready)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome all serious martial artists, warriors and Freedom Fighters. Koga Ryu Wada Ha vanished with the death of Fujita Seiko on January 4th, 1966. This is not entirely true. There are still Ryu that practice aspects of the Art.
We, however, are more interested in philosophical and spiritual aspect than a collection of antiquated arts. For this reason, we welcome all serious martial artists, warriors, Freedom Fighters and truth seekers.
The Ninja were spies much more than martial artists. Their philosophy was Yin and more Daoist than much of the Confucian Doctrine that dominated Japan.
There are troubles in our world today. As throughout history some groups of power hungry tyrants are seeking One World Governent. They are creating false flag operations to start wars with countires like Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Iran and Syria. They are known as Neo-cons and have various groups dedicated to their cause like PNAC and AIPAC. Their way is force against entire populations. Force will always defeat itself so it is partly a matter of letting their hubris be their own downfall. We, however, want to hasten this process.
Stealth, Secrecy, Adaptability, Resiliance. The soft grass bends and survives through the violent storm while the strong, rigid oak tree cracks and dies. The neo-cons are like the strong oak tree. Puffed up with ego, all they know is forcefull attack. They do not even know how to change strategy when they are losing. Their soldiers are numerous but their leaders are foolish. We cannot openly fight them on the battlefield. We must use wits and adaptability.
There is a huge difference between a soldier and a warrior. A soldier blindly follows orders even if he knows in his heart that they are wrong. We are warriors. We adopt the Samurai Mind Set of "Keep Your Mind on Death". If given a choice, "Choose Death". Internalized, this abolishes fear of death. We do not however, adopt their silly "Warrior Code" (Bushido). Any man-made code of morality or honor will get you killed on the battlefield. We have no silly slogans like "honor" and "goodness". Ours is the Doctrine of Expediency...Which Makes for Survival.