Survilvel traning, Martial arts and Magic, Other peaple,
Tony Ja / Chuck Noris / Guru Dan /the Sayocs / Vu / Chuck Lidale/ David Copperfild/ and a lot of other M.A.. Out side of that peaple that are in to Martial Arts, Magic, Spiritulality, and peaple that are into working out
Heavy Meatel, some Rap, some Country but if good I'll listen
Action and comady / Ong Bak if you havent seen this you should.
Simpsons, Famly Guy, News, Cartoon Network, Comdy Centril South Paw Kitty
Art of War, Wheels of Life Celistine Profice, Don Whan and Carlos Castanda
Mom, Littel Sis, Sifu, Mike Brewer And those That have allways had my back