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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a Rescuer at heart. Meaning that I spend a lot of time working with rescues at this time. I try to help in as many ways as I can. If I do come across an Animal in my area that needs help I do everything that I can to help them. Being surrounded by "No-Kill Shelters" means that I do not have any Urgents in my area.
Vermont is a very Wolfdog friendly state,Wolfdogs are regulated as Domestic Dogs, but they do not recognize any Rabies Vaccine for them and it is illegal to import wolfdogs from other areas into the state without first aquiring a permit.
I am looking to establish a Wolfdog/Animal Sanctuary in my area, at which time I will apply for 501c Status and for a broader import permit that will allow the import and export of rescue animals. I considered taking shortcuts to speed up the process, but I have decided to pursue all "Legal Avenues" so that I have no problems with suddenly having to surrender several Animals to the State. Better to wait awhile and insure the safety of those I wish to help, rather then finding myself putting animals that have already had rough lives back into "Harms Way".
So in the meanwhile I will continue to assist rescues by providing information to people about Wolfdogs in need of help and educational info and videos to those seeking it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Following Poem Was Posted On One Of My Wolfdog Groups...Author Unknown


I will never know the loneliness I hear in the barks of the other dogs "outthere".

I can sleep soundly, assured that when I wake my world will not have changed.

I will never know hunger, or the fear of not knowing if I'll eat.

I will not shiver in the cold, or grow weary from the heat.

I will feel the sun's heat, and the rain's coolness, and be allowed to smell all that can reach my nose.

My fur will shine, and never be dirty or matted.

Here in this house...

There will be an effort to communicate with me on my level.

I will be talked to and, even if I don't understand, I can enjoy the warmth of the words.

I will be given a name so that I may know who I am among many.

My name will be used in joy, and I will love the sound of it!

Here in this house...

I will never be a substitute for anything I am not.

I will never be used to improve peoples' images of themselves.

I will be loved because I am who I am, not someone's idea of who I should be.

I will never suffer for someone's anger, impatience, or stupidity.

I will be taught all the things I need to know to be loved by all.

If I do not learn my lessons well, they will look to my teacher for blame.

Here in this house...

I can trust arms that hold, hands that touch...knowing that, no matter what they do, they do it for the good of me.

If I am ill, I will be doctored.

If scared, I will be calmed.

If sad, I will be cheered.

No matter what I look like, I will be considered beautiful and thought to be of value.

I will never be cast out because I am too old, too ill, too unruly, or not cute enough.

My life is a responsibility, and not an afterthought.

I will learn that humans can almost, sometimes, be as kind and as fair as dogs.

Here in this house...

I will belong.
I will be home.

My Blog

Idaho Momma and Pups Headed to Foster Home

A happy ending seems in store for a wolf hybrid and her six puppies that were removed last month from under a porch in the Weyyakin area of Sun Valley. Sometime later this week, mom and pups will be ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 07:56:00 GMT

Spay and Neuter Your Pets

This letter was posted on Craiglist in Raleigh NC. It is very emotional and if you cry easily then you may want to grab some tissues before continuing. Please pass it around and repost it.Lets Spay an...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:55:00 GMT

Guide to Wolfdog Adoption

If you have ever considered adopting a Wolfdog into your family, then here are some simple guidelines for you. The first thing that any person thinking of adopting should do is to check with their loc...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:03:00 GMT

Legal in Some, Illegal in Others

Legal in Some States not in Others Recently I was asked by several people,"Why are Wolfdogs Illegal in Some States but legal in others?". The answers you receive will largely depend on who you ask.&n...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 07:19:00 GMT

Adoption, Fostering, Reposting

CAN YOU HELP? MAYBE YOUR FRIENDS COULD HELP?Are you interested in Wolfdogs? Do you have a place to foster Wolfdogs? Do you wish to have a Wolfdog share their life with you? Maybe you just want to help...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:03:00 GMT

Oshota...A Happy Ending Story

OSHOTAThis was Oshota in October 2007. She was badly Malnutritioned and Dehydrated. She weighed in at 22lbs.After Rehydrating Oshota managed to stand with the help of her friends. But soon she did not...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 04:31:00 GMT

Wolfdog Rescue Resources Adoption Application

Send Application To Larry at:[email protected]   Instructions:  Please complete all questions on a separate sheet of paper and provide as much detail as possible.  You should be app...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 22:33:00 GMT

Life in My House

Recent events in my house have really been crazy!  While I spend most of my time trying to help out Wolfdogs that need help, my wife decided to look closer to home and help out some other furry a...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 22:49:00 GMT

Ranks Within The Pack

Alpha,Beta and Omega There are three basic ranks found within the pack. They are Alpha,Beta and Omega. Each rank plays an important role in the pack. My knowledge of the actual workings of the ranks i...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:30:00 GMT


I do not encourage people to look for wolfdogs from breeders, too many breeders are on the shady side, and there are too many Wolfdogs in shelters and rescues. However there are some good breeder...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 04:44:00 GMT