I'm a DJ / producer / club promoter from Helsinki (Finland) working also as a free-lance journalist and photographer, doing some remixes and beats, and getting all exited of the Rio Baile Funk scene and favela parties, and trying to bring some of that vibe also to Finland.
For bookings, please contact:
Timo Santala
DJ Rideon European tour dates now available for May 2008!
DJ Rideon - This My Shit
Free download 320kps MP3
DJ Rideon - Fuck Me Baby
"Fuck Me Baby" is featured on the Tales From Top Billin 12" EP. The vinyl has been sold out already, but you can buy a digital copy (WAV or 320kps mp3) from The Top Billin Shop , Turntablelab , Juno Download or Gigacrate .
Party time!