MentalCut started spinning records in late 90s. Competitor of ITF battles and other turntablist competitions on regional and national level. Former host of weekly show in public radio station "Merkury". In 2007, he teamed up with J-Bounce and formed ROTÖR CRÜE.
Ultimate party rocking, mixing baltimore club music, fidget house, electro, 80s pop, hiphop, baile funk and random stuff. Done it with Kid Fresh, Scottie B, J-Bounce, Troubl', DJ Assault, Bill Youngman (Audible), Rafik and Tigerstyle, just to name a few. Played gigs all over Poland, Austria and Germany showing unique dancefloor filling mixing skills.
BOOKING INFO: [email protected]
W latach 2002-2005 jeden z najlepszych battle djow w Polsce. Obecnie party-dj, dziennikarz i organizator imprez. W swoich setach laczy baltimore club music, electro, baile funk, hiphop, fidget house, crunk i wszystko co swieze w nowej muzyce tanecznej. W ciagu ostatniego roku zagral miedzy innymi we Frankfurcie nad Menem z legenda bmore - Scottie B na imprezie organizowanej przez tworcow kultowych Pink Pony Parties oraz dwukrotnie w Wiedniu. Wczesniej supportowal w Polsce pioniera ghetto-tech - DJ Assault. Rezydent krakowskiego Qushi. Wraz z J-Bounce'm (Lordz of Fitness) tworzy polsko-niemiecki duet djski ROTÖR CRÜE. W latach 2003-2006 pracownik poznanskiego Radia Merkury. Wspoltworca serwisu 8 pazdziernika ukazal sie jego kolejny mix-cd "Boom Bye Yeah".
Battle Career:
1st place - ITF Regionals, advancement class
2nd place - TurnTable Contest, Torun, Poland
1st place - ITF Regionals, advancement class
1st place - ITF Regionals, beat juggling category
2nd place - ITF Poland Finals, beat juggling category
5th place - ITF Poland Finals, advancement class
7th place - ITF Poland Finals, advancement class
8th place - Vestax Extravaganza Eastern European Finals
"Full Mental Breakdown"(2004)
"Hard 2 Find" (2005)
"Footprints vol.1: Jazz" (2005)
"Attention! Miztape (Live)" (2006)
"Please Listen To My Demo" (2007)
"Boom Bye Yeah" (2007)
Boom Bye Yeah Buy here
1. 1984 Intro
2. Bonde Do Role - Office Boy (Shir Khan Mix)
3. Edu K - Hot Mama + Three Six Mafia
4. Bobmo - To The Bobmobile
5. Justice - D.A.N.C.E. (Eli and Diplo Mix)
6. Kerry Chandler vs. Spank Rock - Planet Sonic Bump
7. Deekline feat. Dj Assault - One In The Front
8. Sebastien Tellier, Mr.Oizo, Sebastian - Chivers as a Female
9. Gods Of Blitz - Greetings From Flashbackville (Turntablerocker Remix)
10. Uffie - Hot Chick (Detboi's Hot Glitch re-edit)
11. Mark B Fresh - Everybody Whoomp Now (Club Mash)
12. M.I.A. - Boyz
13. Pharaohe Monch - Body Baby (Count Of Monte Cristal and Sinden Remix)
14. Junior Senior - Shake Your Coconuts (DFA Mix)
15. Roctakon - Peace Frog (Blood In The Streets)
16. Van Halen - Jump
17. Pase Rock - Lindsay Lohan
18. Calvin Harris - Acceptable In The 80s
19. Armand Van Helden - NYC Beat
20. M.I.A. - URAQT (Luvtek Remix)
21. Klever - Kryptobounce
22. MentalCut - Gasolina Haterz
TT: 29:45
Buy here
Please Listen To My Demo Download