.................................................Rio Sany Pitbull is a baile funk maestro with nearly 20 years experience in Rio's favela funk scene under his rather hefty belt as a DJ and a well-deserved reputation for being more then proficient on the Akai MPC, Sany is a unique rarity within Brazil's most infamous speaker-bustin', bone-breaking music scene. Even the most casual baile funk fan could pick out his jackhammer electronic productions from a music genre that's often criticised for being rather one-dimensional in format. Now that's ragga-pocalyptic. // ............................................................
.............................// “FUNK CARIOCA DE BERLIN : Um tiroteio sonoro como o funk carioca nunca ouviu. É mesmo algo totalmente novo no gênero, que amadureceu esse tempo todo na cabeça e no sampler do DJ Sany Pitbull. É a prova mais contundente que o funk carioca está na vanguarda da eletrônica mundial, não precisando baixar a cabeça para ninguém. Tudo perfeito e avassalador...â€
------------------------------------------ HERMANO VIANNA / 3 abril 2007 ------
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“WHO LET THE DOG OUT? (Interview with) Sany Pitbull (a.k.a. Maestro Pitbull) ist seit 20 Jahren einer der wichtigsten und innovativsten Funk-Djs und Producer von Rio.“
- FM4 radio, Austria, 15 february 2007 http://fm4.orf.at/lunaluce/217024/main
. . . “ PITBULL sound is one of the premier funk carioca dj crews in Rio. Sany played a party I put together in Prazeres ....... . . . YOU never hear carioca Djs put it down like this ……. thanks SANY and PITTI “ - DIPLO . /
MAD DECENT worldwide radio 8 . ...... . USA, 27 september 2006 -- http://web.mac.com/diplo1978/iWeb/mad%20decent%20radio%20wor
160E.html............................./ for Sany Pitbull booking please contact: *** [email protected] *** //.... CARIOCA_FUNK_CLUBE ............................................................
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