DUTTY WEEKEND profile picture


Nike Airs, check, Mean Bucket, uh huh...

About Me

Filosofie skryta za „Dutty Weekend“ je katapultovat Prazsky nocni zivot do 21.stoleti. Tahle zbrusu nova mesicni klubova noc vam prinese ty nejnovejsi zvuky club music at uz ze slumu Ria, ulic Baltimoru nebo predmesti Londyna a pujde predevsim o skvelou zabavu.Nejdrive bychom chteli slozit velky kolektivni dik vsem, kteri se ukazali na nasi party minuly mesic a ucinili z ni opravdu nezapomenutelnou noc. Nasi hoste nam rekli, ze Praha byla jednou z nejoblibenejsich zastavek jejich turne a to zvlaste diky pritomnemu publiku. Pote, co jsme si uzili poslednich par zabavnych mesicu, si Dutty Weekend vezme zaslouzeny odpocinek a vrati se v zari, prinasejic dalsi party heat. Pred timto odpocinkem se uskutecni nase zaverecna party, jez udela ze 14.cervna opravdu specialni den.Neni tajemstvim, ze Francouzi to v klubove scene posledni dobou pekne rozjizdi a Dutty Weekend je velmi hrdy na to, ze vam predstavuje chlapka jmenem Kazey primo z Parize! Krom toho, ze je rezidentnim DJem v mnoha parizskych klubech a hraje po cele Evrope, za poslednich 12 mesicu se vse, na co tento mlady Parizan sahne, promeni ve zlato. At uz jde o jeho excelentni Baltimore Club mix Play Me Sexy ci vysoce uznavane Kazey & Bulldog EP Dirty Wheels s fantastickymi remixy rave klasiky od Liquid „Sweet Harmony“, silenou hype predleavkou „Snap Yo Fingaz“ od Lil’Jona a „Give It Up“ od Twisty a Pharella. Toto EP je mohutne ohravano takovymi jako Sinden, Scottie B, Tittsworth a celou zakladnou spolecnosti Ed Banger, jez si vybrala track „Give It Up“ pro jejich nedavno vydane CD Menage A Trois, které pro prosluly britsky casopis Mixmag dali dohromady DJ Mehdi, Feadz a Busy P. Djsky fenomen DJ Craze si také vybral Kazeyho brilantni kousek „Big Tuck“, prepracovani klasicke hip-hopove pecky od Pharoahe Monche „Simon Says“, jez pouzil na jeho mixu pro legendarni FabricLive series. Sety Kazeyho jako Dje jsou prepadenim vaseho sluchoveho ustroji zvukovymi zvrhlostmi, garantujici rozpraskani parketu a temer klubovou ujmu na zdravi.Ke Kazeymu se pripoji jeden z prazskych nejzhavejsich Dju/ producentu/ remixovacu, The Voracious, jez je regulerni postavou kluboveho obvodu v Praze, stejne tak jako v cele Evrope. Nas zaverecny host d.MITRY neni v Bordo zadnym novackem, jelikoz je promoterem tamni dobre zname a velmi uspesne klubove noci Heartbeats.Rezidenti Tuco a Quime zde budou od toho, aby to rozjizdeli az do ranniho rozbresku a udelali z Dutty Weekend pred letnim odpocinkem dalsi noc plnou syrovych, nefalsovanych a kvadry-boricich beatu.Catapulting Prague's nightlife bang into the 21st Century is the philosophy behind "Dutty Weekend". This brand new monthly club night will bring you the latest sounds in club music, whether it’s from the slums of Rio’s favelas the streets of Baltimore or the suburbs of London the emphasis will be on partying.First of all we'd like to issue a collective a big thanks from us to everyone who showed up to our party last month making it a truly unforgettable night. Our guests said that Prague is one of their favorite tour stops and the crowds present have proven why. As enjoyable as the last few months have been Dutty Weekend will take a well-earned rest before bringing the heat back in September, making our final party before the break, June 14, all the more special.It’s no secret that the French have been running things in the club scene recently and Dutty Weekend is extremely proud to present Kazey, straight out of Paris, France. In addition to holding down a number of residencies in Paris and DJing all over Europe, the last 12 months has seen everything this young Parisian touches turning into gold, from his excellent Baltimore Club mix Play Me Sexy to the highly acclaimed Kazey & Bulldog EP Dirty Wheels, featuring banging remixes that include Liquid’s rave classic “Sweet Harmony,” “Give It Up” by Twista & Pharrell and a hype refreak of Lil’ Jon’s “Snap Yo Fingaz.” The EP has been getting played out heavily by the likes of Sinden, Sctottie B, Tittsworth, and the entire Ed Banger camp, who hand picked "Give It Up" for their recent Menage A Trois CD put together by DJ Mehdi, Feadz and Busy P for the illustrious UK magazine Mixmag. DJ phenomenon DJ Craze also chose Kazey's brilliant "Big Truck", a re-working of the Pharoahe Monch classic hip-hop banger “Simon Says,” to appear on his mix for the legendary FabricLive series. As a DJ, Kazey’s sets are aural onslaughts of vicious slabs of dancefloor crack guaranteeing nothing short of club mayhem.Joining Kazey is one of Prague’s hottest DJ/producer/remixers The Voracious, a regular on the Czech club circuit as well as gigs all over Europe. Our final guest, d.MITRY, is no stranger to Bordo having already promoted the well-known and very successful club night Heartbeats. Residents Tuco and Quime are there to keep things rocking into the morning with Dutty Weekend providing another night of raw, unadulterated block-rocking beats before the summer break.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/21/2008
Band Website: meanbucket.net
Band Members: PREVIOUS GUESTS: Daniel Haaksman (Man Recording, DE), DJ Rasgunyado (Lordz Of Fitness, DE) , DJ Rideon (Ghetto 808, FIN), DJ Edgar (Rio De Janeiro, BR)

Influences:Brand New Dick Ride, Too $hort, Baile Funk, Miami Bass, Crunk, Dancehall, Electro, Garage, Bassline, E Rick "Slick" Renaldi
Sounds Like:

come to Bordo and find out!!!
Record Label: Meanbucket
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Check out this event: DUTTY WEEKEND - KAZEY

Hosted By: DUTTY WEEKEND When: 14 Jun 2008, 21:00Where: BordoVinohradska 40Praha, Czech RepublicDescription:DUTTY WEEKEND Click Here To View Event...
Posted by DUTTY WEEKEND on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 04:31:00 PST

Check out this event: DUTTY WEEKEND

Hosted By: DUTTY WEEKEND When: 09 May 2008, 21:00Where: BordoVinohradska 40, Praha 3Praha, Czech RepublicDescription:DUTTY WEEKEND Click Here To View Event...
Posted by DUTTY WEEKEND on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:50:00 PST


Posted by DUTTY WEEKEND on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 03:40:00 PST


Hosted By: MeanbucketWhen: 12 Apr 2008, 21:00Where: BordoVinohradska 40Praha, Czech RepublicDescription:Meanbucket Click Here To View Event...
Posted by DUTTY WEEKEND on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:16:00 PST


Ahoj. Mame nekolik volnych vstupu na nasi prvni Dutty Weekend party v klubu Bordo jiz tuto sobotu. Prvnich 5 lidi, kteri nam poslou zpravu, dostanou volny vstup pro sebe a 1 kamarada. Vsichni ostatni ...
Posted by DUTTY WEEKEND on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:45:00 PST