ZOMBIES!!! Ok, that and baby harp seals... the other white meat!I find suspension body piercing quite interesting. Never done it but dated a professional piercer who did shows & events & such. I still want to make a documentary on it.I enjoy being the "normal guy" who is actually the formerly orange mohawked punker now looking normal for the sake of employment. Always throws people for a loop. Then again, the normal ones rarely are.
Clever and funny people. Those who'd be fun to sit on a corner making fun of people with. The kind of people who you spend 6 hours with and it feels like it's been 5 minutes. People who know the answer to the question of our age... "Cake or Death?"Shawn BarberShaunna PetersonJosh ClayStella Im HultbergBen TourGenevive ZacconiMike MitchellLori Earley
I just had to point out that the Pixies are the single best band to EVER come out of Boston.Beyond that, you have to love the Circle Jerks, Neubauten, X, Distillers, POE, Iggy Pop, Descendents, PIL, Pogues... hell, my iTunes has about 4,000 songs at the moment and that doesn't include the 1,600 records (yes, vinyl) I don't have saved digitally.
Boondock Saints, American Psycho, Salton Sea, Girl on the Bridge, Bill & Ted's, Office Space, Remo Williams, Dark City, Evil Dead 1-3 and the list goes on and on and on. I'm a huge film fan & often recall dialogue verbatim after one viewing 8 years ago.... it's kinda creepy.
Rots yr brain faster than a Bush speech....
NAMBLA Guide to Los Angeles...... The Complete Idiot's Guide to Self EsteemNeil Gaiman, Kurt Vonnegut, Ariosto, Maupassant, Palahniuk....
Ed Gein... the original Atkins diet!