Cake Or Death profile picture

Cake Or Death

I'll only call you a harpie if you poop on my food.

About Me

Ok, so here's my chance to rant. Better yet, I'm going to string together a massive list of self-glorifying adjectives so you'll all want to be my friend and there will be rainbows and clowns (not the evil kind) and puppies and everyone will be happy!Um, or maybe I'll just continue my quest for the quirky and quick witted sarcastic fucks who are out there. Nothing like a good bit o' banter. Sadly, intellect seems to lack far more often than not.I'm an L.A. native (born in the hospital that became the Scientology building in Los Feliz... just kill me). Spent a few years in Italy doing the school thing and now labor and toil back here in home sweet home Los Angeles. It's a hoot though.I tend to be the anomaly in my circle of friends. Don't do drugs, don't smoke, only drink wine... but still have a fucking great time regardless. Once played charades in Spanish with Dick from the SubHumans 'till 4 in the morning. After 3 hours he offered me a beer. My friend turns to him and says, "Dude, he's straight edge." He got this look in his eye and said, "No fucking way! You've been playing this SOBER???" Fun times.Sadly I had to kill them all.Don't look in my cellar.So now I slave away at an entertainment job. The kind that makes you say "Hey, I didn't know that was a job." Excitement, Scott is your name.As for my Friends List, well the last several lines are for artists whose work I really admire (and possibly collect). Check out their pages and gaze in wonder at their art. Life without art isn't worth living.....
Made with the MyTheme myspace editor

My Interests

ZOMBIES!!! Ok, that and baby harp seals... the other white meat!I find suspension body piercing quite interesting. Never done it but dated a professional piercer who did shows & events & such. I still want to make a documentary on it.I enjoy being the "normal guy" who is actually the formerly orange mohawked punker now looking normal for the sake of employment. Always throws people for a loop. Then again, the normal ones rarely are.

I'd like to meet:

Clever and funny people. Those who'd be fun to sit on a corner making fun of people with. The kind of people who you spend 6 hours with and it feels like it's been 5 minutes. People who know the answer to the question of our age... "Cake or Death?"Shawn BarberShaunna PetersonJosh ClayStella Im HultbergBen TourGenevive ZacconiMike MitchellLori Earley


I just had to point out that the Pixies are the single best band to EVER come out of Boston.Beyond that, you have to love the Circle Jerks, Neubauten, X, Distillers, POE, Iggy Pop, Descendents, PIL, Pogues... hell, my iTunes has about 4,000 songs at the moment and that doesn't include the 1,600 records (yes, vinyl) I don't have saved digitally.


Boondock Saints, American Psycho, Salton Sea, Girl on the Bridge, Bill & Ted's, Office Space, Remo Williams, Dark City, Evil Dead 1-3 and the list goes on and on and on. I'm a huge film fan & often recall dialogue verbatim after one viewing 8 years ago.... it's kinda creepy.


Rots yr brain faster than a Bush speech....


NAMBLA Guide to Los Angeles...... The Complete Idiot's Guide to Self EsteemNeil Gaiman, Kurt Vonnegut, Ariosto, Maupassant, Palahniuk....


Ed Gein... the original Atkins diet!

My Blog


Oy! Just got back from Seattle a few days ago & boy is it gorgeous up there. No matter how much I love my beaches and So. Cal. life (and I most surely do!), there's something to be said for clean ai...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:40:00 PST

Bad Person?

Ok, I have a bit of a quandry here. You see, my grandmother died the other day. While this in itself is nothing new, old people die every day after all, the part that puzzles me and leaves me a tad ...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:36:00 PST

Enormous genitals

Ok, so apparently an ex must have leaked the monumentally tiny nature of my Johnson. (what a dichotomy, that statement... monumental...tiny...oh nevermind) I mean why else would I be bombarded with ...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST

Mellow (not yellow)

Ya know, I just noticed that I only tend to blog when riled up about something. A rant. A rave. You know, venting.Well this is a kinder, gentler blog today. Life is good, I'm happy & relaxed (even...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:44:00 PST

...and a dollop of whoopass

Yeah, that last one was a tad harsh. Stupid friends doing stupid things just rubs me the wrong way.
Posted by Cake Or Death on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:41:00 PST

When friends act like retards

Ok, I know we've all experienced this at one time or another, but why do my friends seem to do it more often than others?What I speak of is the choice of a "significant other" who is a fuckup, a loser...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 04:16:00 PST

Teh Roxxorz

You know we're going to have an entire generation who can't spell thanks to text message abbreviations. It's almost as bad as ebonics.Man I'm a bitter old coot!"You kids turn down that dang rock and ...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:17:00 PST

The Anti-Mensa

Ok, so here's a question posed to the masses... there's matter and anti-matter, depressants and anti-depressants, social and anti-social.... but is it possible that there's an "Anti-Mensa"??? You kn...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 10:48:00 PST

Hipsters and Shitty Tattoos

Ok, I kept saying I wouldn't post a rant about bad tattoos... hell, several of my dear friends have 'em, but tonight I was forced to look at such a plethora of horrible body art that I had to post thi...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:14:00 PST

Noise and Irony

Here's a story. It's not of a lovely lady who was bringing up three very lovely girls either. Youngest one in curls? Nope. It's the story of my past 24 hours.Saturday night. Venice. Ghost Town. ...
Posted by Cake Or Death on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:42:00 PST