jasonrudolphpena profile picture


Living life as a painter feels like being in love with someone who stopped loving you. That's what e

About Me

Click the video to watch me paint something.
Watching paint dry has never been this watchable.
For info on purchasing original artwork,
please email me at:
[email protected]
July 12th Hellboy Art Show (Group Show) Uberbot, Orlando, FL
July 11th - July 26th Me Haces Falta (SOLO EXHIBITION) Kollectiv Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
July Identity Theft: Reinventing the Comic Hero (Group Show) Mill Gallery, Guilford, CT
July 12th ARTillery (Group Show) Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
October Painted bust auction for www.keep-a-breast.org Produce gallery, Phoenix, AZ ..

Ciao l'Italia !!
Hallo Deutschland !!
Bonjour La France !!
Hola España !!
こんにちは日本 !!
You can get to know someone by the dumb things they say. DUMB QUOTES BY ME!! ©
"I'm just a nobody trying to be a somebody."
"Painting portraits of women destroys loving relationships. Mostly mine."
"Living life as an artist is like being in love with someone who stopped loving you."
"For those of you who think I'm so interesting, my life consists of watching paint dry. That's how exciting it gets."
"I'm Greek and Mexican. So I'm a Greecie-Mexican."
"I grew up surrounded by Greek and Mexican women. That's my culture, that's what I paint, that's what you see."
"Imagine all my artwork you haven't seen."
"You don't need me to paint a portrait of your significant other to prove that you love them. Slip a love letter into their pocket without them knowing."
"You don't need me to paint your portrait to prove that you're beautiful. Some paint on a canvas won't change how you should see yourself."
"Chefs are the beatniks of the new millennium."
"I wish the entire world could appreciate the beauty and wonderment of The Garbage Pail Kids Movie."
"Oprah is not Jesus, so let's all just calm the fuck down."
"'Thanks for the add' comments are more played out than a Sideshow Bob storyline."
"I'm broken but I'm happy to be alive, as long as I can paint."
-Frida Kahlo
"I've never needed the use of drugs to enhance or intensify my consciousness."
"You're a sonofabitch.... yup, a real sonofabitch."
-Sterling Bartlett (artist)
"I have three of his paintings hanging in the room where I write and create music...need I say more?"
-Adam 12 (She Wants Revenge)
"your style is iconic but never a caricature."
-Oren Lavie (singer/songwriter)
"Jasonrudolphpena is the PHX's kick-back Gustav Klimt."
-Stephen Lemons (Phoenix New Times)
"You're such a doofus!"
-Luster Kaboom (artist)
"Jason Pena paints like Tina Turner got beat up..fast and frequently."
-Jules Demetrius (artist)
"Jason Pena's portraits unlock my inner lesbian."
-Glen Allen (artist)
"Thanks for being a fan."
-Chip Pope (comedian)
"How dare you paint Natasha before me!!!"
-DLysh (Comedienne)
"I love my painting!"
-Natasha Leggero (Comedienne)
Hi everyone. I'm sorry for not being able to reply to your messages right away. I like to take the time out and reply to as many as possible. So please have patience with me, I type with 2 fingers, I have OCD so I have to proof-read 48 times before replying, and I've been really busy with my paintings and such. I want to be able to answer all your questions and post your comments.
Thank you for all the positive messages to help inspire me so I can bring you more eye candy to look at.

Check out my store....and stuff.

Check this out, it's a cool map of everyone who visits this profile:

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

art collectors

If you'd like to leave a comment. Feel free to leave a comment in a photo album or a blog.

The comments are disabled due to spammers.


Music inspires ALMOST ALL of my artwork.


Movies inspire a lot of my artwork.




My Blog

5 states.....6 cities.....6 Art Shows in July.......

.....I'm already exhausted.For more inforation,check out my photo album entitled "6 ART SHOWS IN JULY".Thank you.  :]~jrp ...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 05:38:00 PST

ATTN PHOENIX: Artist studios for rent @ Kollectiv

I'll be your neighbor so you're in good company.working artist studio's for rentdowntown phoenix arts districtprivate studiosprices range from $275-$500 included:gallery/sales representatio...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:36:00 PST

Incredible Hulk painting video. (kinda sorta funny)

Yes. I'm a Hulk fan. I loved the comics (especially Hulk VS. Wolverine, 80's), and the Ang Lee film was super rad even though everyone else hated it. Can't wait to see part deux.... ...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 08:17:00 PST

Let Them Eat Pancakes! HellBoy Art Show @ Überbot

http://www.uberbotonline.com/index.php?act=viewDoc&docId=4 ...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:56:00 PST

Yosie hangin out in the Kollectiv gallery.

Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 04:28:00 PST

ALL ARTISTS Please OPPOSE the Orphan works bill

ONE SHOUT IS LOUDER THAN A THOUSAND WHISPERS.Check this link: Oppose the 2008 Orphan works bill profile ...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 08:11:00 PST

Vote for the Patton Oswalt painting video. please. :]

My painting video is a semi-finalist in the TubeArts contest on YouTube.  I would love a vote from you.To vote....visit the page below and type "Patton Oswalt is Staring At The Sun" in the comme...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:46:00 PST

Limited Edition "AWOA" Prints ORDER NOW

NOW AVALABLE"A WOMAN OF AFFAIRS" print.50 USD + 5 USD shippingLIMITED EDITION OF 20.13 X 19 inches, signed and numbered.EMAIL ME FOR ORDERING INFO:[email protected]"GOD'S GIRL" PRINT COMING THIS...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Thu, 15 May 2008 08:48:00 PST

Artists Take Action: Write Congress

FROM THE ILLUSTRATORS' PARTNERSHIPTake Action: Don't Let Congress Orphan Our Work We've set up an online site for visual artists to e-mail their Senators and Representatives with one click. ...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Thu, 08 May 2008 08:48:00 PST

BOF reconstructacon 08

My website is undergoing reconstruction to look more like a representation of my Grecie-Mexican heritage.  And it will also be a lot easier to navigate through.  Take a visit and sign the G...
Posted by jasonrudolphpena on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 12:13:00 PST