Oppose the 2008 Orphan Works Act profile picture

Oppose the 2008 Orphan Works Act

About Me

***Here is the link mentioned in the video***

Do not rely on these videos for your only source of information. For more in depth perspective on the Orphan Works Bill please check out the links below.
The Purpose of this page it to inform people about the grave danger presented by the Orphan Works Act of 2008 currently working it’s way through both the Congress and the Senate.
While I will do my best to post information here as it becomes available, I urge you to take it upon yourself to learn the truth about the bill and what it means not just for artists, but for every American. I will make updates whenever I can, but I cannot do this alone. Spread the word, defend your work!
The Illustrators Partnership of America has be instrumental to increasing public awareness of the Orphan Works Bill and has the most up to date info concerning this issue.
***Click Here To Go To The Illustrators Partnership OW page***
***Click Here To Sign Up For The IP Mailing List***
Here are some direct links to audio interviews with industry professionals about the Orphan Works Bill.
**Brad Holland of the Illustrator's Partnership**
**Alex Saviuk, Veteran Mainstream Comic Book Illustrator**
For my Photog friends, check out nikondigital.org for a bit more in-depth look on how the Orphan Works bill will effect Photography.
***Photograpy & The Orphan Works Bill***

Here is the actual "Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008" if you wish to read it for yourself.
***Click Here To Read***

Take Action!! You can urge Congress to oppose these bills by linking here to a special letter. Tell Your Senators and Representatives to Oppose the Orphan Works Act
***Click Here To Write Your Representatives***

Listed Below are several internet petitions opposing the Orphan Works Bill of 2008
***Visual artists of deviantART.com petition***
***Orphan Works Bill (HR 5439) petition***

Organizations who openly oppose the Orphan Works Bill.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If there is any new information that is not here or if this page is in anyway lacking, please let me know & I will try to fix it ASAP, thanks.


My Blog

Orphan Works: A Public Knowledge Postmortem

 FROM THE ILLUSTRATORS' PARTNERSHIP Orphan Works: A Public Knowledge Postmortem10.9.08  "Orphan works relief was vigorously opposed by visual artists... And while we h...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 09:39:00 GMT

Orphan Works: The Big Internet Factor

Orphan Works: The Big Internet Factor10.7.08      On October 2, several professional organizations sent a letter to every member of Congress, calling attention to the role of big i...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 10:37:00 GMT

Orphan Works: "We Are Our Work"

Orphan Works: "We Are Our Work"Voices from the SBA Roundtable10.3.08  Tell Congress that corporation lobbyists don't speak for us.Here's where they can go to hear the real voices of artists."I fo...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 13:41:00 GMT


THE HOUSE WILL TRY TO PASS THE ORPHAN WORKS BILL TODAY10.3.08  If this Bill is only meant to help libraries and museums, why did they draft it behind closed doors?Why have the doors been opened w...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:46:00 GMT

Tell Congress that corporation lobbyists don’t speak for us.

Orphan Works: "We Are Our Work"Voices from the SBA Roundtable10.3.08  Tell Congress that corporation lobbyists don't speak for us.Here's where they can go to hear the real voices of artists."I fo...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:45:00 GMT

Orphan Works’ Copyright Law Dies Quiet Death

10.1.08   Wired Magazine has posted an article: "'Orphan Works' Copyright Law Dies Quiet Death" http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/09/orphan-works-co.htm lWell, we can hope. But we're dealing w...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:26:00 GMT

8000 people have written Congress since Friday. Please keep calling and writing.......

Orphan Works: The Bill's Not Law Till it's Law     9.30.08         ;           ;  &n...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 09:21:00 GMT

Orphan Works: The Devils Own Day

As lawmakers struggled Friday to clean up the mess on Wall Street, sponsors of the Orphan Works Act passed more special interest legislation. Their bill would force copyright holders to subsidize gian...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 17:41:00 GMT

URGENT: The Senate has just passed the Orphan Works Bill!!

 FROM THE ILLUSTRATORS' PARTNERSHIP Orphan Works: Risking Our Nation's Copyright WealthURGENT:  The Senate has just passed the Orphan Works Bill!!Now we must try to stop the Hou...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:02:00 GMT

Orphan Works Opposition: Plan B

Orphan Works Opposition: Plan BSEPT 27  Yesterday, in a cynical move, the sponsors of the Senate Orphan Works Act passed their controversial bill by a controversial practice known as hotlining.Wi...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:51:00 GMT