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The origin of the language:
Hungarian is a Finno-Ugric language, unrelated to the other languages of Central Europe. As one of the small number of modern European languages which do not belong to the Indo-European language family it has always been of great interest to linguists. It is spoken in Hungary and by the Hungarian minorities in seven neighbouring countries. (The Finno-Ugric languages form a subfamily of the Uralic languages. Ex.: Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian)
There are about 15 million speakers, of whom 10,1 million live in modern-day Hungary. Some two million speakers live in areas that were part of the Kingdom of Hungary before World War I. Of these, the largest group live in Romania, where there are approximately 1.5 million Hungarians. Hungarian-speaking people are also to be found in Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Austria, and Slovenia, as well as about a million people scattered in other parts of the world (see Geographic distribution).
The first Hungarian tribes were arrived to Hungary in the late 9th century. The following years the strength aim was for them to legitimate their counrty by the church, but not everybody was enthusiastic to get the Christianity so inner fights started between them. By the way the aim of Szent István(Saint Stephen)was successful, and II. Pope Sylvester sent the crown to him, and Hungary became a patrimonial kingdom where the majority of the land was the private property of the ruler.
The next centuries gave the safety for the nation, organizing the every-day life. In the year of 1335 the Polish, the Czech, and the Hungarian king found out a new way avoid those West-European cities what saved taxes from the commerce. Since we can speak about the „Visegrad-group”.Due to a deal, the next king Lajos I. became the king of Poland, too, on the way, so the first personal union was born with Poland(the next one was with Bathory)
The middle age was the hardest period for the Kingdom of Hungary, because the Ottoman Empire wanted to take a part from Europe trough this country. They were fighting with the Ottoman soldiers for 150 years, but the result that the Ottoman Emprie was not able to take bigger part from Europe is due to the Hungarian castle-system, and the Polish, Austrian, Italian, Serbian support. Unfortunately the freedom was the “Austrian absolutism” here, in Hungary, however the geography strength was remade for the country, the state was controlled by Austria. The biggest resistant was Ferenc II. Rákóczi organised a huge army against the Austrian soldiers, but this trial ended by a peace, not with totally independence from Austria. The year 1848 brought the biggest revolution against Austria, during one year the Civil Rights were accepted, and the first government was accepted by Austria, however they didn’t give up their strength at all. Revolution was not able to avoid the intervention of Russia(was asked by Austria). The Austrian king to push the revolution into the blood.(one of our biggest poet, Petofi died in the fights, when the Russian army destroy one of our groups).The ‘silent-resistance’ were followed. The ‘real Hungarian’ was not took care about the public business, the ‘ real-Hungarian’ didn’t go events of connected to Austria, and didn’t pay taxes. This situation was ended with a peace, beside that Autira had so many wars with the neighbour countries.
The Austro-Hungarian Monarch was born after this, and during the peaceful years Hungary started a strong development.
The World War I. came and by the end Austro-Hungarian Monarch cam to bits. The World War II .was fighted in the theory, so called “irredentism”, as so many country here, too, Hungary became a part of the Soviet Union .The Hungarian revolution of 1956 what was influenced by a polish resistance (earlier in the same year), was against the power of Soviet Union, but the simple people, the revolutionists were not able to fight against the tanks, so they pushed this to blood.
In the year 1990 the soviet soldiers left the country, and the democracy was fixed as a form of the state. We can say finally. Hungary joined NATO in 1999 and the European Union on May 1, 2004.
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Hungary is the country where 85% of the habintants voted against the occupation of Iraq, and of this result Hungary sent home its army from that country.Since 2002 every year people make a peace-sign, to protest against the war of Iraq, and against the nuclear-development.This idea started from Hungary.Nowadays people make peace-sign for example in New York, London,Prague,Helsinki,Rome,Moscow,Paris...and so on.
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My Interests

Useful expressions: "Polak - wegier dwa bratanki i do szabli i do szklanki"-"

Wegry i Polska to dwa wiekuste deby, kazdy z nich wystrelil pniem osobnym i odrebnym ale ich korzenie szeroko rozlozone pod powerchina ziemi, i splataly sie, i zrastaly niewiodcznie.Stad byt i czerstwosc jednego jest drugiemu warunkiem zycia i zdrowia"-

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History books
Internet, myspace
I love Hungary, but what is it?
I have, cuz i was born here.

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EUROVISION 2007!!!Ruzsa Magdolna represents Hungary:

A little suprise from Mongolia: the most beautiful videoclip about Budapest:


Almoust a brand new Hungarian movies.Hasutasok.Kis komédia.

'Honfogalalás' a movie about the arrive of the first Hungarian tribes to the Carpatian basin.


In memorian the Hungarian Revolution against the Soviet Union. 23rd of october in 1956.

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