hello FELLOW MUSICIANS/music fans/
The PHEROMOANS formed in the winter of 2005 I think,at a mans house called MOTHER GOOSE. He played a variety of instruments to a degree that he thought of as satisfactory. sure enough, JANSON SANSOBITE appeared at the living room window claiming to have recieved a text message from michael EAVIS .thoCAUTIOUS DAREDEVIL meanwhile,charmed by the student humour he saw wafting out of the PHEROMOANS drinking den.in some ways the PHEROMOANS never recovered from the introduction of J.R. HARTLEY, who was soon spotted in a harvester restaurant, re-writing his autobiography to include a small footnote on his involvement in the PHEROMOANS.the first public performance was on the south coast, playing to a few retired draymen,,,then a period of silence followed which gave time for MAD HEADED OCTOGRAM, a self-styled "1970's beat poet", to respond to a sign in a newsagent, in order to prescribe some hints from his own troubled career. They were laughed out of record company offices for not wearing enough aftershave, and ostracised from the underground music community for watching LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////The word on the streets:
"boys up on stage in ramshackle shirts making like ramshackle versions of The Cramps " - The Village Voice,new york
"Pheromoans have a cavalier approach to their intruments. Everyone seems to get a go at eveything, with an admirable disregard for whether they can play it very well or not. Somehow this approach translates into stomping garage'n'rock..." - Plan B Magazine