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About Me

Spawn is a young (ages 19-21) vigorous up-tempo ska band from Aalten, a small town in the east of Holland. Paul Heijnen, Roel Wensink and Rikkert Willemsen started of as a punk band in 2001 with just guitar, bass and drums. Later on trumpet player Erik Rhebergen was added, so they could play ska-punk. In May 2004 they decided to ask saxophone player Derk Wikkerink to join them. They were now going to play 100% ska.From that moment on it all went really fast. Their lively performance and pounding ska melodies restored the popularity of ska music in their region, which turned out in many gigs and lots of media attention.For more

In August 2005 the boys recorded their debut-album Spawntaneous at the Silvox Studios. Their record-release party at Café Schiller turned out to be a big success. The place was loaded and everybody was enjoying the performance of the band that night. In the spring of 2006 the band added an organ player as newest member of the band. The organ was needed to give Spawn more ska-power and completed the sound of Spawn with a six strong membersquad.

The media was very positive about the first album of Spawn, which resulted in some of the following quotes:National pop institute: Nice melodies, fun songs and a really fresh With their first album they show that they are really familiar with different styles of ska. By listening to their album we think this is a band we might hear more from in the future.By using their album as promo material they got to play with big names in the Ska scene as Mark Foggos skasters, The Rotterdam Ska Jazz foundation and the J-stars.

Spawn's Live Your Life


My Interests


Member Since: 8/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

    Derrel: Saxophone Errel: Trumpet Ro: Vocals/Guitar Rikkertup: Bass Polle: Drums Bulletje: Keys

Sounds Like: Ska!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Spawn en haar uitdagingen in 2008!

UPDATE! Onder het motto beter laat dan nooit wenst Spawn haar fans en potentiële fans een happy skankin' 2008 toe! 2008 gaat voor Spawn een druk jaar worden vol met nieuwe uitdagingen. Het jaar staat ...
Posted by Spawn on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 12:37:00 PST


De clip gaat uitgezonden worden op TMF NL.TMF NL is een digitale televisiezender van MTV Networks Benelux. Op TMF NL wordt non-stop muziek van Nederlandse bodem uitgezonden.Elke woensdag van 21:20 uur...
Posted by Spawn on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:21:00 PST

Brand new song added: Hurry up!

Listen to our brand new song Hurry up, which is recorded in our practice pub!  
Posted by Spawn on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:36:00 PST

Video posted of 'Life your life'!

If you scroll down at the main page you'll see that we've added a video of the song 'life your life'. 192 producties shoot this video for us about a year ago and the video also appeared as bonus on ou...
Posted by Spawn on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 05:06:00 PST