RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!) profile picture

RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!)

Highspeed-Russian Style Sound!!!!!

About Me


Crouch on the floor! Fold your arms in front of your chest and alternately throw the left and the right leg into the air. Eyes front! Great! Now practice one hour each day until that tense expression leaves your face. Then you are a Cossack dancing Kasatchok. Very good... however nothing new!

If you take Russkaja..s debut album instead, play it on full volume and dance how you want to! Then you are a "KASATCHOK SUPERSTAR!"!

A "KASATCHOK SUPERSTAR" has "Russ" in the blood - Russian nights, Russian soul, Russian Vodka. His heart beats to the rhythm that forces the leg to dance Polka - the Ska! And a "KASATCHOK SUPERSTAR" is always ready to say "Ja!" - a sound that sets you free. A "No" won..t be accepted.

Welcome to RUSSKAJA, welcome to "KASATCHOK SUPERSTAR"!


My Interests


Member Since: 8/18/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:


Die ultimative Casting-Show aus dem Osten jetzt exklusiv auf MySpace und auf FM4!

Diese brandneue Casting-Show stellt alles Dagewesene in den Schatten. Härter als jedes Dschungelcamp, bewegender als alle Dancing-Stars und viel mehr super als DSDS.


Russkaja sucht den besten Kasatchok-Tänzer oder die beste Kasatchok-Tänzerin überhaupt. Ihr braucht dazu nicht aus Russland zu kommen. Ihr braucht kein jahrelanges Training und kein beinhartes Management. Kasatchok steckt in jedem. Für den Kasatchok braucht man nur die Seele und das Herz.


???????????? KASATCHOK ??? Russkaja

kasla shock

Diese Finalisten nehmen am 26. April in Wien beim Video-Dreh von Russkaja an der Endrunde von RUSSKAJA SUCHT DEN KASATCHOK SUPERSTAR teil. Die Premiere dieses Video-Clips zur neuen Single „More“ findet exklusiv auf MySpace statt. Keep Kasatchoking,


------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------


Georgij Makazaria-Lead Vocals

Saxy M.F.-Saxophon , Vocals

H.G. Gutternigg-Posaune , Vocals

Antonia Georgiew - Violin , Choir

Titus Vadon-Drums,vocals

Dimitri Miller - Bass , Vocals

Zebo Adam-Guitar,Vocals

Photos by Kollektivpseudonym !

Click here to zoom-in & make your own!

Influences: Gogol Bordello, Fishbone, Leningrad, Spitfire, Haydamaky, Ska-P, Tokio Ska Paradise Orchestra , Reel Big Fish, New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, Skatalites, Loyko, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Sandy Lopicic, Russendisko, Aquarium, Mashina Vrameni, Zvuki Moo, Kino, Lube, Alexander Rosenbaum, Distemper, Soviet film music, Russian and Gypsy folk music…
Sounds Like: A Blast Trough your head & heart!!!!!
Record Label: CHATCHAPEAU/
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Russkaja at iTunes

Buy our EP now at iTunes !!! Just follow the link below!! id=151612467&s=143445...
Posted by RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!) on Sat, 27 May 2006 03:04:00 PST

Web Shop

its done!!!! our web shop is online  , you can find it under and order the finest Russkaja stuff!!!!...
Posted by RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!) on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:28:00 PST

New Songs Online!!!!

Finnaly here are three tracks of our debut EP "Dawai , Dawai". on this EP you will find 4 songs 1)Dobrij Abend ( you can hear it here in a shorter version , for the full version listen to the cd ;-) 2...
Posted by RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!) on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:33:00 PST

it will come - Our debut EP

privet! we just finishing the mastering of our debut cd!!!it contains 4 original highspeed russian style songs from russkaja and will be available at the end of can get it then at our web-...
Posted by RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!) on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 04:00:00 PST

Video Online

Privet!!!!! check out our webpage to see some very cool live-video. there will be much more when the whole DVD is finnished!! so keep in touch.
Posted by RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!) on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 02:50:00 PST

new song online!

as you can hear and see theres is a new song online. GOP-STOP , a classic hit aof famous russian composer alexander rosenbaum , is our firts stuido track and will be a part of an Jewish-Mafia-Sampler ...
Posted by RUSSKAJA (CD out now!!!!!!!!) on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 07:34:00 PST