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About Me

Popsicle Girl. NEON NEON NEON.......pulsatron whitey version
One, Two, Three

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My Interests

I like Glamour,Glitter, Sparkly Neon Things, Vodka, Eyeliner, Eyeshadow, Hats, Ties, Lipstick, Vodka, Likeminded Uncritical, Appreciative People, Vodka, The Alternative/Electro Scene, Alternative Things & Interesting People who make me think. I like Butterflies. A lot. Oh and Vodka, did I mention that?????


Popsicle likes......TeMposhaRk, SoHo DoLLs, BaNaNaRaMa, RaCine, DaNNII, WhiTey. SiObhan FaHey, Imogen Heap, NeRina Pallot, HK119, T.H.E.M, LoRRaine, Tiga, PeacHes, Ping Pong BitcheS, P!ink, InFaDels, Hot Chip, IAMX, drinkme, Mechanical Cabaret, LadytRon, CLient, NeiMo, Nemo, GoldfraPP, HusKi, Kook & Roxxy, Leigh De VrieS, Kylie, SciSSor SisteRs, NoBleSse Oblige, SoulWax, BloNdelle, WOB, DeMeTeR, PicTurehOuse, BriAn KenneDy, The Most, Princess JuliA, ImbEciles, BilliE Ray MaRtin, The BiSons, She Wants ReVenge, IcHinchilla, MorrisSey, Pet Shop Boys, EurYthmiCs, Garbage, Natalie ImbrugliA, The Killers, Boy George, Hadar, The CoRRs, No Doubt, Gwen StefanI, DuRan DuRan, New Order, Terry RoNald, Trouser EnthuSiasts, Riviera F, RoXanne Wilde, Kim Wilde, WaRRen SuiCide, the Droyds, PlacEbo, Pulp. Wob, TMTCH, RelaXed MusCle, AbBa, T-Rex, Matinee Club, Yr mum Ya dad, Mama Shamone, Gene Serene, And all that stuff you're about to tell me i've missed out........