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New Humanity

We live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and private: and therefore starved for m

About Me

New Humanity (Formally known as The Soul Haven)
What is love?Without first assuming our spiritual definitions.What is it to you?Love is painted in so many different ways, for so many different people.Love for some is. Non Existent. There are those who claim to found "true love"In another person, or the one they call god.There are those who stand and walk with envious hearts.Because they long to find or touch something that resembles true and un- changing.In other words, unconditional.Maybe its not the mere idea that love exsists, but rather what can love do for me?With the trail of colors so many leave behind, these colors are a story of fear and lost hope.Can love redeem?And paint a canvas of the way it was suppost to be be from the start.I believe it can. But it will be difficult, painful and make you want to hide your eyes.Love requires all of us. All of us. To love means to endure the most pain with those we love.It begs and screams to be made known. All we need is love they say. Those famous muscians we love to quote.A life without love, is a life not seeing the sun rise to greet your eyes.Don't hide your eyes. Because love brings to light, our desires and fears.The longer we wait, the longer it haunts. It longs to speak captivating words into your being. To heal those long stretched wounds , what can we do without love?If all we need is, it. Its self?I say that we look to the clouds, as they turn differnt colors.It speaks of different changes in times and seasons.It may rain, but the son conquers the dark. And in this. We find love.To say that all we need is love. Is to say, it defines our very ability to live.The tree needs the rain, and we who roam the earth need love. The more we fight the love that longs to heal and mend. It begans to scream in the silent nights.They say, all we need to love. I must say that I agree, because it never leaves us where it finds us.
What is the purpose of New Humanity?
- Knowing that there is something wrong in the world, and that you and I have the power to do something about it.
- Speaking for those who can not speak for themselves.
- The understanding that everyone has a fresh start each and every day.
- Clarity.
- Forgiveness.
- Comfort.
- Saying "I know what it's like to hurt." Or "Me to."
- The ability to let the past, be the past.
- A reason for living.
- The ability to dream bigger.
You don't have to clean up your act, in order to be loved and accepted. Its okay to not have the answers to all of lifes questions... What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? To be able to always come home, you can walk away a thousand miles and you will always be recieved with open arms. Its has nothing to do with doing this or that, or being "Christian" enough. I believe its simply knowing that Jesus has the ability to change your life, a be more real to you than anything else in this world. New Humanity is simply about Jesus and the life he lived, he is not the problem. This page is not existent on trying to convert or prove how right one belief is compared to the next. Its simply about reporting what Jesus Christ wants to give you, and that is a new life. Not a easy one, with easy to follow steps to get through this life, but a life of freedom from things that wrap us up, various addictions. And a God that is more than willing to meet you in the very place you find yourself in today.
*New Humanity is founded upon the belief that Jesus is alive in a powerful, real way. That he wants to teach us that there is always another. Way. To do things. New Humanity is here for everyone, if you would like to learn more about it or have questions please feel free to send me a email. I answer all emails and comments and whatever else comes my way.*
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My Interests

Loving people and showing people the love of Christ.

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Breaking the Silence "Stand" Music Video
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I love all books written by Donald Miller: Blue Like Jazz, To Own A Dragon, Searching For God Knows What etc. I am also inspired by books written by Rob Bell: Velit Elvis and Sex God (a book that communicates the connection between sex and spirituality, not to be taken in a perverted context.) Also anything by Anne Lamott: Traveling Mercies and Blue Shoes. I believe that everyone should read a good book, because books are powerful. I believe that believe they can take us into a perspective of another to teach us, allow us to question are perceptions on life and to ultimatley remind that we are not alone in how we feel.


My Heros..oldAnne Lamott Anyone who serves in the Armed Forces C.S. Lewis Garret Potter My mom and dad Donald Miller Rob Bell Stephen Christian Martin Luther King (more to come)

My Blog

Update 04/23/08

Hey friends,Its been forever since I've updated. I hope that you all are doing well, and that you are enjoying good weather. I haven't had much to say over the past few months. Most of my time is spen...
Posted by New Humanity on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:12:00 PST

The Amazing Thing About Hope.

Hey friends.Though I am very tired and want nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep. I wanted to share with something that I was very happy to be apart of, yesterday at 3:00 I got a phone call f...
Posted by New Humanity on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:34:00 PST

Your Okay.

Its late, but It felt write something of comfort for you all, and myself.Two words have really stuck out me tonight. And those words are: Your okay.I know depression is hard for those who suffer from ...
Posted by New Humanity on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:01:00 PST

The Story Of Lisa

(Below is a story about a friend, who has gone through hell and back. She is been on a journey to find these things we call hope and love. Lisa has been a friend of mine for 3 years. She has been thro...
Posted by New Humanity on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:02:00 PST

Send It Away...

Before I get into this blog. I wanted to let you all know that, there is a audio blog in the works. I'm just trying to figure out how to work PodCast software and what not. Also, I am working on filmi...
Posted by New Humanity on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:38:00 PST

A Blog From Kristen.

(I asked my friend Kristen, to write some thoughts on how this ministry has affected her. She is a talented writer. And it is my hope that this short, but sweet blog will find a place within you.) Enj...
Posted by New Humanity on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 06:44:00 PST

The place I Find Myself.

I am back again to write. I've been sleeping most the day, but as I woke up, it was if a wave of different thoughts and emotions. I have a lot of days like these, and their not really fun at all.I fee...
Posted by New Humanity on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:58:00 PST

Then and There. My Story.

What does pain look like?Is there really hope?If so, what do we put put our hope in?Can we learn to tust, and forgive?Can true healing over take our lives?And can we be the persom we were destined to ...
Posted by New Humanity on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:48:00 PST

Love Wins.

Today is a day where I experienced mixed emotions. Poems, lyrics, questions and quotes feel my heart and mind. There is so much that I want to express but the words seem to be lost in another time.Lat...
Posted by New Humanity on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:03:00 PST

The Emotional Struggle (my up and coming book)

Hey Everyone, before I go any further with this bulliten I would like you all to check out some new friends of mine: ( They also can found on the top friends sectio...
Posted by New Humanity on Wed, 23 May 2007 11:24:00 PST