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You Love Everything I Say And Do!!!!!!!!!

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator Personal Conversations The ideas that I am capturing on canvas have stemmed from conversations that I have been having about a number of different things. In private discussion, people tend to not fear how they are viewed and will actually speak their mind on anything; I use the idea of personal discussion as a vehicle to express ideas. Private exchange can go on for a while, even if neither person is knowledgeable on a topic.Also in private talk, an argument or topic is not always portrayed accurately. Instead, a person generally clings to the closest knowledge of a subject, even if that knowledge is not correct. Generally a persons knowledge, for a conversation our understanding of symbols given to us during their life. I will be basing the ideas portrayed on dialogue I have had with various persons on the phone, email, and face to face. I create metaphors from the chat in the form of symbols or references to these symbols. The symbols are taken directly from the exchange, and the references used thus far depict Elvis marrying an alien and a shark, a person watching TV , Immigration (immigrant the alien) , smallpox infected Indians , and group mind ideals .I will be communicating this through blended brush strokes, incorporating the edges of the painting, and various other sculptural elements. In this series, I will also be using more of an object orientated approach with painting, essentially sculpting instead of just painting, so as to make a sculpture out of painting materials. I also depict these conversations through charcoal on paper, mono print in which I handle these elements on a two dimensional flat plane.The historical art reference I am associating a more object orientated view with is Elizabeth Murray's extension on an object orientated painting with content. However, she did not really underline her content, it was more general to the pop art scene. My series will deal with an object orientated view and also underline my content. Hence, I will have a narrative where as the other historical references using this approach took on more of a formal approach.Where is the knowledge or importance to this theme of conversation for culture? My metaphors are based on ideals that I found to come up in circles of people. Through most of the issues I have addressed have a controversial spin on them. The other point being that most people do not research the ideas, they just take the media's word for it. I believe it is a valid point that people do not even think about once in there life span, which is why I address it.

My Interests

politics, creative acts

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Posted by carney on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 12:14:00 PST

Summer of Carney (& wu)

oil painterCurrently in Progress:Earlier Work:3'x4' Oil Painting5'x4' Photo Reference:Can You Find Jesus3'x4' Oil Paintingmore of my work is here:
Posted by carney on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:30:00 PST

Phallic U.S. regime/smallpox blankents infected indians/ referencing oil painting materials

Phallic U.S. regime/smallpox blankents infected indians/ referencing oil painting materials.Thats the whole name let me debut this sculpture I made the other night for you peeps.just a comment on smal...
Posted by carney on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 11:45:00 PST