BD7 PUNX puts on bands at the 1in12 club in Bradford.
We've been doing it since April 2003. We also have the means to do live demos for bands and small-medium venue pa hire (i.e. everything from vocal rigs to 6k of hornloaded bass). BD7 PUNX gigs are non profit and there is an emphasis on getting bands to Bradford who a) are fucking awesome and b) wouldn't get a chance to play here otherwise. People who travel for shows are always welcome.
We put on some very special bands in 2007.
There were a few that didn't make it out alive.
The Deed Poll. It's Broken. Aspirin. Kanashibara.
For Old Times Sake. APB. Goddamn Minivan.
RIP - good luck in whatever you all go on to do!
BD7 PUNX uses the 1IN12 Club (click) in Bradford.
It has a lovely in house pa system aswell as the bars being
Sam Smiths of Tadcaster (North Yorkshire) (click) .
There is also a cafe which opens every saturday 12pm - 4pm on the top floor.
We have a book/zine distro of crimethinc/microcosm sorta stuff. it doesn't
make it out as often as we'd like but we can always bring you stuff if you ask.
food. positive people. zines. distros. photographers. reviewers. big
speakers. diy. skillshares. free parties. cooking for people.
anyone who wants to help out in whatever way they can.
message this profile for contact details/an address to post demos to.
There are photos of BD7 Gigs on our photobucket here (click)
and here at Gracebandpics (click)