WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now profile picture

WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now

Don't mess with this fake rock'n'roll!!!

About Me

it's fantastic.
Winterbeachdisco was born during a cold winter,
in a desert discoteque by the sea.
there we decided not to save the world, not to become local heroes, not to play what we were used to, but to sell our souls to grimy rock and roll.
and we accomplished.
then the cosmonaut arrived, and brought us the sound.
people usually says:
"i think WBD are really funny, but they play fake rock and roll."
we say:
" yes, we do."

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2005
Band Website: Isn't myspace enough nowadays?
Band Members: Paolo - Guit & Elements
Stefano - Guit & Bass
Fabrizio - Bass & Guit
Alfonso - Drums
Antonio - Sing-a-long & Key
Influences: La bella musica di una volta.

Sounds Like: "Refused meets Talking Heads" (cit. Enrubio)
Record Label: -
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Hotel a 4 stelle

Continua la saga delle recensioni.Questa viene dalla rivista JAM.Un buon "4 stelle" di voto con accanto i cari Subsonica che si fermano a 3 stelle. "Who cares?", giustamente, aggiungerete voi cari let...
Posted by WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:24:00 PST

Nuove recensioni per una nuova autostima

Come da titolo nuove recensioni in casa WBD. Tutto molto bello. Tutto molto arrapante. WEBZINE: Rockit Audiodrome Kronic RIVISTE:Il Mucchio (dicembre 2007) Rumore (dicembre 2007) ...
Posted by WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:45:00 PST

Matrimonio con la Black Candy

Sabato scorso ci siamo innamorati e uniti in matrimonio con la Black Candy.http://www.blackcandy.itTale legame darà vita al nostro nuovo cd per settembre/ottobre 2007.Siamo tutti contenti.Siamo tutti ...
Posted by WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 03:20:00 PST

New Record is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hei hei! if you are interested in getting the new WINTERBEACHDISCO record, just drop a mail here: [email protected] it costs 10 ¬ postpaid!!!!!! rock and roll as Satan likes! ci...
Posted by WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Il nome del gruppo nasce molto prima della band. Tony Bavetta e Ste-phen Brotherjacci sulla spiaggia di Montalto in una grigia giornata in-vernale coniano il nome per una band che sar. Il corpo costit...
Posted by WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Quando un ripetitivo scroscio di onde è interrotto solo da sporadiche grida di gabbiani e granelli di sabbia pilotati dal vento scalfiscono le parti scoperte di viso, quando il cielo grigio plumbeo de...
Posted by WinterBeachDisco 3 songs from NEW ALBUM right now on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST